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Muhammad and Islam. Early Islam 613- Muhammad began to preach Islam to other Meccans People must worship the one God All believers were equal The rich.

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Presentation on theme: "Muhammad and Islam. Early Islam 613- Muhammad began to preach Islam to other Meccans People must worship the one God All believers were equal The rich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muhammad and Islam

2 Early Islam 613- Muhammad began to preach Islam to other Meccans People must worship the one God All believers were equal The rich should share their wealth Take care of orphans, the poor, and improve the status of women Most Meccans rejected his teaching Wealthy didn’t want to share their wealth Arabs didn’t want to give up their many gods Feared he would seize political power Meccans boycotted Muhammad and the Hashim clan to deter their growth

3 Early Islam 619- Abu Talib (protected Muhammad) and Khadijah (his wife) both passed away The boycott took its toll The same year- The Night Journey A winged horse took Muhammad to Jerusalem He met and prayed with early prophets Went through seven layers of heaven and met God


5 Dome of the Rock

6 Western Wall and Dome of the Rock

7 Early Islam When Abu Talib died, Muhammad lost his protector and Muslims came under more and more attacks Muhammad sought a new home outside of Mecca Travelers from Yathrib asked Muhammad to bring peace between two feuding tribes In return, they would protect Muhammad and his followers Hijrah- Muslims moving from Mecca to Yathrib Yathrib was renamed Medina (“City of the Prophet”) Muhammad would develop Muslim community Emphasized brotherhood of faith over family ties Respected Christians and Jews

8 Medina Today

9 Early Islam 624- Meccans, still feeling threatened by Muslims, attacked Muslims won Meccans would lay siege on Medina but fail to capture the city These victories convinced other tribes that Islam was legit and began converting Islam began to spread throughout Arabia 630- Muhammad’s army marched on Mecca and took the city with no bloodshed They did destroy idol worship at the Ka’bah Muhammad forgave his former enemies

10 Muhammad’s Death 632- Muhammad led final pilgrimage to Mecca and delivered the Last Sermon Reminded Muslims to treat each other well and to be faithful to their community Muhammad returned to Medina and died Which leads to…

11 The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs

12 Sunni v. Shia

13 Syrian Civil War


15 But Don’t Forget: Isis is an extreme and (what most Islamic scholars would say) in accurate interpretation of Muhammad’s teaching Most Muslims are extremely peaceful, respectful, and wonderful people Please DO NOT let the 2% extremists ruin this religion The Islamic faith had many extremely important and greatly positive impacts on the world

16 Like the Renaissance

17 Advancements in Science and Technology

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