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HB 277 Regional Transportation Sales Tax Preliminary Project List Presentation Mayor and City Council Work Session March 1, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "HB 277 Regional Transportation Sales Tax Preliminary Project List Presentation Mayor and City Council Work Session March 1, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 HB 277 Regional Transportation Sales Tax Preliminary Project List Presentation Mayor and City Council Work Session March 1, 2011

2 HB 277 Key Dates  June 2010: House Bill Passes  January – April 2011: Solicit projects from local jurisdictions and regional plans  February – May 2011: Evaluation of projects  May 2011: Unconstrained list of projects for region  June – August 2011: Executive Committee meetings  August 15, 2011: Constrained project list for region complete  November 2012: Vote on Regional Sales Tax 1

3 Atlanta Regional Roundtable Executive Committee Members  5 roundtable members Mayor of Norcross – Bucky Johnson (non-voting member), Chair Henry County Commission – B.J. Mathis Douglas County Commission – Tom Worthan Mayor of Atlanta – Kasim Reed Mayor of Decatur – Bill Floyd Mayor of Kennesaw – Mark Mathews  3 non-voting legislators selected by Chairs of House and Senate Transportation Committees 2

4 How projects will be measured  Extensive public feedback  Projects must be deliverable within the timeframe of the sales tax  Projects must be regional in nature  Projects must be contained within an approved transportation or regional plan 3

5 Projected revenues from regional sales tax  Annual Regional Sales Tax Forecasts for the Atlanta Region range from $680M to $1B over the ten years  City’s annual direct portion of local allocation $1.8M (not subject to criteria) 4

6 Eligible Project Funding Categories  Roadway Capital  Roadway and Bridge Maintenance  Safety and Traffic Operations  Freight and Logistics  Aviation  Bicycle and Pedestrian  Transit Capital  Transit Operations and Maintenance 5

7 Roadway Capital Preliminary Projects  Hammond Drive – widening to a uniform four lane section from Roswell Road to Half-diamond at I-285 (Sources – City’s Local Master Transportation Plan (MTP), North Fulton CTP (NFCTP))  Collector/Distributor Lanes on GA 400 – additional lanes between Spalding and I-285 (Sources – Regional Transportation Plan (RTP))  Sandy Springs Circle Extension – an overpass over I-285 to extend Sandy Springs Circle down to Northwood Drive (Sources – Revive I-285, Local MTP, Downtown LCI, RTP) 6

8 Roadway Capital Preliminary Projects (Continued)  Peachtree Dunwoody Road – uniform four lane section from Abernathy to Spalding (Source – Local MTP)  Boylston Extension – would extend Boylston from Hammond Drive to Carpenter Drive (Source – Local MTP)  Glenridge Drive Widening – would widen Glenridge for one block only from High Point Road to Royervista Drive (Source – Local MTP) 7

9 Safety and Traffic Operations  Safety Glenridge at Roswell Road/SR 9 Intersection Improvement – improve the skew at this location (Source – Local MTP) Improvements to Spalding Drive – project would add one northbound lane right-turn lane along Winters Chapel Road and add one westbound travel lane (becoming a left-turn only lane) along Spalding Drive. Includes a wider/rehabilitated bridge over Crooked Creek (Source – NFCTP)  Traffic Operations Cliftwood and Carpenter Intersection Improvement – project would align Cliftwood and Carpenter (Source – Local MTP) 8

10 Safety and Traffic Operations (Continued)  Traffic Operations ATMS along Roswell Road/SR 9 – project would extend the current ATMS project from Abernathy Road south to City of Atlanta (Source – Local MTP) Extend Future Phase of Fiber Network to TMC – extend fiber to other areas of the City to encompass all of the signalized intersections (Source: Local MTP) 9

11 Bicycle and Pedestrian  Morgan Fall/Power Easement multi-use trail – project would build a multi-use trail from Cobb County crossing the Chattahoochee River and extend inside of the GPC easement through Sandy Springs into the City of Dunwoody. (Source: NFCTP)  T-0019 Roswell Road Streetscapes – project would extend sidewalks from city limits north to I-285 (Source: Local MTP, Roswell Road LCI) 10

12 Bicycle and Pedestrian (Continued)  Lake Forrest Drive bike lanes and sidewalks – project would construct sidewalks and bike lanes from I-285 to city limits (Source: Roswell Road LCI)  High Point Road bike lanes and sidewalks – project would construct sidewalks and bike lanes from Windsor Parkway to Glenridge Drive (Source: Roswell Road LCI) 11

13 Transit Capital  Bus Rapid Transit Infrastructure – project would fund infrastructure upgrades/right-of-way/design for bus rapid transit facilities along SR9/Roswell Road from I-285 to connect to transit stations in DeKalb County (Source: RTP, Revive I-285, Transit Planning Board’s Concept 3) 12

14 Questions? 13

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