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DEVELOPING MATHEMATICAL THINKERS Presented by Janny Kim (Janie Yoo) & Wen-Wen Cheng ESC East Service Center, Los Angeles Unified School District.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING MATHEMATICAL THINKERS Presented by Janny Kim (Janie Yoo) & Wen-Wen Cheng ESC East Service Center, Los Angeles Unified School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING MATHEMATICAL THINKERS Presented by Janny Kim (Janie Yoo) & Wen-Wen Cheng ESC East Service Center, Los Angeles Unified School District

2 Triple Track Agenda Track 1 Strategies to support your learning here in this room Track 2 Applications for these strategies with adult groups and tips for sharing them with others Track 3 Applications for these strategies in classrooms with students

3 Inclusion What? Continue to use & model one component of effective meetings (group development) Why? Focus our mental energy in the room, support “we”- ness, and balance participation How? A strategy called Round Robin

4 Making 12 1.Each person construct a combination for 12 using two or more ten frames. 2.Person 1 shares one combination and explain thinking. 2.Person 2 repeat. 3.Continue Round Robin 4.Last person paraphrases the strategies.

5 Making -2 1.Each person construct a combination for -2 using two or more ten frames. 2.Person 1 shares one combination and explain thinking. 2.Person 2 repeat. 3.Continue Round Robin 4.Last person paraphrases the strategies. +1



8 Today’s Objectives Participants will explore instructional strategies to support at-risk students by engaging in Number Talks around foundational skills and concepts. Participants will reflect on the instructional implications.

9 Universal Access CA Mathematics Framework RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TIER 2 & 3 Foundational skills, procedures, and concepts within the standards K-5 Whole Numbers 4-8 Rational Numbers

10 Differentiating Instruction Please annotate with: ✔ what’s clear ! what stands out ? what needs clarification Share one of your annotations with an elbow partner. “Leadership for Differentiating Schools & Classrooms” by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Susan Demirsky Allan

11 Differentiation by.. Making 12 Operations with Whole Numbers Visual Representation Open-Ended Varying Degrees of Difficulty Collaboration Number Sentences Oral Explanation Varied Strategies What do we want the students to learn? What activities will the students engage in? How will students demonstrate their learning?


13 Tier 1 ☐ Verbalization of thought processes ☐ Guided Practice ☐ Corrective feedback ☐ Grounded in real-world contexts ☐ Students seeing and using ☐ Visual Representations & Models ☐ Motivational strategies ☐ Conceptual Understanding ☐ Collaboration ☐ Communication

14 What is Number Talks? Daily Mental Math Short conversations centered around purposefully crafted computation problems To develop & discuss strategies to build computational fluency and number sense

15 Fish Bowl Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up Determine Partner A & Partner B A A A B B B

16 Differentiation by.. Making 12 Operations with Whole Numbers Visual Representation Open-Ended Varying Degrees of Difficulty Collaboration Number Sentences Oral Explanation Varied Strategies B

17 Nonverbal Signals I Agree I have an Answer I’m still Thinkin g I Disagree Fist over chest Surf sign Safe sign Thumbs up

18 I agree

19 I’m still thinking

20 I have an answer

21 I disagree

22 Quick Images Grandma Sue loves to bake cookies. Please help her figure out how many cookies are on her baking pans.

23 Quick Images




27 Fish Bowl Switch Roles B B B A A A

28 Differentiation by.. Making 12 Operations with Whole Numbers Visual Representation Open-Ended Varying Degrees of Difficulty Collaboration Number Sentences Oral Explanation Varied Strategies A

29 Number Strings Grandma Sue loves to run. Please help her figure out how much of an hour she runs each day.

30 Number Strings

31 1/2 + 1/3 1/3 + 1/4 3/4 + 1/3

32 Fractions Divided by Fractions 5/6 ÷ 1/6? How many 1/6s are in 5/6?

33 Fractions Divided by Fractions 4 ÷ 1 1/3? How many 1 1/3s are in 4?

34 Fractions Divided by Fractions 1/3 ÷ 2/3? How many 2/3s are in 1/3?

35 Timed Pair Share Find your Partner (A & B) Partner A shares 1 minute Partner B shares 1 minute What strategies did we use to differentiate instruction for at-risk students? Reference your processing chart.

36 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Partner A, Ready?

37 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Partner B, Ready?

38 Timed Pair Share Find your Partner (A & B) Partner A shares 1 minute Partner B shares 1 minute What are the instructional implications for today’s learning? What might be your next steps?

39 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Partner A, Ready?

40 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Partner B, Ready?

41 Thank you!

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