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Driving Innovation Preventing fraud in mCommerce SBRI competition briefing and panel discussion #mcommerce Wifi: Richmixpublic Password: richmix247 December.

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Presentation on theme: "Driving Innovation Preventing fraud in mCommerce SBRI competition briefing and panel discussion #mcommerce Wifi: Richmixpublic Password: richmix247 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving Innovation Preventing fraud in mCommerce SBRI competition briefing and panel discussion #mcommerce Wifi: Richmixpublic Password: richmix247 December 2012

2 Driving Innovation So why are you here? hear about the background to the competition and why this challenge is important; understand the scope of the competition; Discuss the challenge with an expert panel; learn how to apply for funding; have the opportunity to ask questions; and network with other likeminded organisations

3 Driving Innovation Agenda 6.00 – Welcome 6.30 – Details on the competition from Andrew Tyrer, Lead Specialist- Digital, Technology Strategy Board 6.45 – Panel discussion led by Mat Hunter, Chief Design Officer, Design Council 7.20 – Drinks and networking

4 Driving Innovation Key Dates 19 th November 2012 Competition Opens 9 th January 2012 Registration deadline 16 th January 2013 Entry deadline 1 st March Contracts awarded

5 Driving Innovation Scope Consumer pull –Attractive and desirable to end users Security is important, but is it desirable? –DIY or do you do it for them? Design for consumer behaviour –Use human factors to your advantage Inclusive design –Design for All, no matter who you are

6 Driving Innovation Panel discussion Mat Hunter, @mat_hunter –Chief Design Officer, the Design Council Tim Green, @timgreen64 –Editor in Chief, Mobile Money Revolution Rama Gheerawo, @RamaGheerawo –Deputy Director, Helen Hamlyn Centre Ed Hodges, @edjhodges –Head of Mobile, Business & Commercial, Royal Bank of Scotland Raymond Lee, @rayleee –Business Development Manager- Mobile Operators and Mobile Payments, Consult Hyperion

7 Driving Innovation Things to bear in mind It’s a competition! Answer the exam question Don’t assume a detailed working knowledge Say what you mean, not what you think people want to hear Don’t use jargon and don’t waffle Be realistic in your planning and exploitation

8 Driving Innovation Assessment Criteria how you tackle the scope questions how the proposal demonstrates; –Innovation, enhanced user experience, enhanced technical performance, reduction in opportunity for fraud? –It can be exploited across more than one operating system and for new or existing clients? Value for money –What are you delivering for how much? –Why you may need more funding in phase 2

9 Driving Innovation e: m: +44 7824 599702 tw: tsb_andrewtyrer

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