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STEM Innovation Grant (RFP) Adaptive Math Learning Pilots April 6, 2016.

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1 STEM Innovation Grant (RFP) Adaptive Math Learning Pilots April 6, 2016

2 Adaptive Math Learning Pilot RFP Important dates & contacts for this grant KEY DATES 4/1/16RFA posted to ODE website 4/6/16 Technical Assistance Webinar: Understanding the RFP 4/29/16Applications Due to ODE @ 5:00 PM 5/6/16Award notifications May 2016Grant work to begin June 2017Final Grant activities CONTACTS Mark Freed 503-947-5610 Dan Findley 503.947.5613

3 Background and Legislative Intent (p. 3) ◉ Oregon STEM Education Initiative (2011) ◉ Oregon Education Investment Board (2013) 40/40/20 goal STEM Investment Council STEM Hub grants ◉ HB 3072: Expand & sustain STEM networks (2015) STEM Innovation Grants (1) Applied Math: Math in Real Life Grants (2) Adaptive Math Learning Pilots (3) Computer Science & Digital Literacy (4) Expand Out of School Opportunities

4 Adaptive Math Learning Pilots: Grant Purpose The purpose of the Adaptive Math Learning Pilot project is to identify and evaluate interactive, computer-based programs to support blended learning environments.

5 “ Blended learning is defined as a range of possible instructional models that combine internet and/or digital media content with established classroom instruction that requires the physical co-presence of teachers and students.

6 Phase 1: Identifying Math Adaptive Learning Platforms (January 2016) ◉ Technologies used for this project were required to meet the following requirements: Provide opportunities for personalized student learning in mathematics. Organizes content into coherent sequences for students aligned with Common Core State Standards in mathematics for any combination of grades from Kindergarten to grade 8. Provide mathematics content to support math learning for remedial to advanced students in the grade levels targeted by the adaptive learning technology. Promote collaboration between home and school through 24 hour access to student reports and/or activities. Provide activities that promote both conceptual and procedural mathematics learning and, whenever possible, demonstrate application of mathematics. Provide accommodations for students with learning disabilities and/or students who are English language learners. Provide an intuitive user interface that requires minimal training for teachers to implement in the classroom. Provides reporting of student progress that can be used to support formative assessment practices.

7 Phase 2: District RFP (April 2016) ◉ District RFP, vendor list and video recording can be found on the ODE “STEM Education Grant” webpage.

8 Outcomes of the Adaptive Math Pilot project (p. 5-6) ◉ Student mathematics content knowledge ◉ Student attitudes and beliefs that are correlated to higher achievement ◉ Teacher instructional practices ◉ Teacher attitudes and beliefs about themselves and students

9 Grant Allocations (p. 8) ◉ This grant begins May 13, 2016 and ends on June 30, 2017. ◉ Under certain circumstances and with prior notification, ODE may approve use of grant funds between June 30, 2017 and September 30, 2017. ◉ The maximum funding for any single proposal serving a single regional project is: ◉ There is no minimum amount for a proposal. ODE anticipates funding 10-12 projects for an approximate total of $1.1 million. Number of grades piloted Example grade bands Maximum request per participating district Average cost per classroom 3K-2, 3-5, or 6-8$50,000 Average cost per classroom and/or cohort must not exceed $20,000 6K-5, or 3-8$100,000 9K-8$149,000

10 Grant Eligibility (p. 6) ◉ Eligible applicants include Oregon public school districts, Education Service Districts (ESD), public charter schools, or combination of such entities.

11 Grant Requirements (p. 6-7) ◉ Identify a business officer from the fiscal agent to manage grant funds (an ESD or school district may serve as the fiscal agent). Local fiscal agents will be responsible to ensure the identified vendor receives funds for their services. ◉ Identify two or three approved adaptive math learning programs posted on the ODE website they are willing to pilot ◉ Ensure teachers meet minimum training requirements identified by the vendor to implement the program with fidelity. ◉ Work with district information technology (IT) staff to ensure district has the required hardware, software, and infrastructure necessary to implement the adaptive learning technology. ◉ Identify project leadership to attend required meetings with the Oregon Department of Education.

12 Grant Requirements (p. 7) ◉ Ensure assessments are collected from both participating teachers and students to evaluate the adaptive learning platforms. ◉ These assessments will be given to students in participating classes during the grant, including possible pre-assessments, mid-grant assessments, and post- grant assessments. ◉ Non-identifiable student data shall be shared with ODE so that aggregate reports can be made for the project. Sources of achievement data may include: ◉ Local data for pre-, mid-, and post-grant achievement mathematics ◉ Achievement data obtained from the piloted programs ◉ The partner school districts must ensure the FERPA regulations are met. For additional information and to view the related laws visit

13 Grant Requirements (p. 7) ◉ Participating schools will be required to pilot the given program for an entire class of students for a given school year. A classroom of students is considered to be a “cohort” of students committed to using the program for the 2016-17 school year. ◉ A classroom (or cohort) may be an entire group of students assigned to a given teacher, but it may also include a subset of the district students that cross grade levels. Ideally, each classroom or cohort of students would include approximately 15-30 students. ◉ A regional collaborative involving multiple districts is allowable, as is a collaborative of students from separate buildings (as is a collaborative of students from separate buildings as would be the case when building a cohort in cases where typical class size is less than 15). ◉ District staff will determine the number of participating teachers, classes, and students.

14 Application Narrative (p. 13) Please submit the application documentation with the file types listed below. ◉ Cover Page (doc, docx, or pdf) – REQUIRED – Identify each school district that will participate in the grant activities. The cover page is available in Appendix A. ◉ Application Narrative (doc, or docx) – REQUIRED – This section may not exceed 5 pages, and can be found in Appendix B. ◉ Budget Worksheet and Narrative (doc, docx, or pdf) – REQUIRED – This section should include a narrative and budget worksheet from appendix C. There is no page limit. ◉ Statement of Assurances (doc, docx, or pdf) – REQUIRED – One assurance statement signed by a project director who is authorized by the fiscal agent. ◉ Format: 12-point, double spaced, 1” margins on 8.5”x11” paper, 10 page max for Application Narrative

15 Cover Page (p. 12) ◉ Part 1: Grant Contact Information ◉ Part 2: Participating Schools

16 Cover Page (p. 12-13) ◉ Part 3: Summative Achievement Data ◉ Part 4: Student Participation

17 Cover Page (p. 13) ◉ Part 5: Student outcomes in Math by subgroup ◉ Part 6: Vendor Selection

18 Application Narrative (p.14) 5 pages – double spaced 1. Describe experience your school or teachers have had in implementing blending learning environments in K-8 mathematics instruction 2. Describe how you perceive adaptive learning programs in K-8 math benefiting students in your school. 3. Identify standardized math achievement data that you would be able to use during the 2016-17 school year. This may either be a program that is already being used by the district, or one that would be used specifically for the participating students.

19 Budget Worksheet & Narrative (p.15-16) Eligible expenses include: Software expenses, including licensing fees to use in classrooms Hardware expenses, including student devices to achieve a 2-to-1 technology to student ratio in participating classrooms. Extra duty for participating teachers and/or administrators and related substitute costs. Expenses to purchase standardized assessment for participating students. Travel and lodging at state rates for required meetings. Grant-related supplies and materials that are not normally provided by the school district needed to implement the Adaptive learning program.

20 Grant Award and Selection (p.8) ◉ ODE staff will select participating districts based on the following needs of the project: ◉ Diversity in school and district size and geographical region. ◉ Diversity in participating students including historically- underserved students, which include students experiencing poverty, students with disabilities, students of color, and English language learners. ◉ Alignment of adaptive learning programs with the goals of the district. ◉ Maximize the number of vendors and classrooms participating in the pilot project.

21 Any questions ? You contact us at: ◉ ◉ Thanks!

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