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Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Supplier presentation 1 st October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Supplier presentation 1 st October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

2 Supplier presentation 1 st October 2013

3 Introduction Sue Harriman Acting Chief Executive

4 Agenda Purpose of presentation Information about Southern Health and Strategic direction Our vision for IM&T Our Solution Our Current EPR Procurement timetable Deployment approach Questions from Suppliers

5 Purpose of session To enable potential Suppliers on the 2015 consortium framework contract to get a better understanding of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, its size, range of services, strategic direction, what we are looking to buy, procurement timetable and initial thoughts on deployment

6 Our Services

7 Our services Social Care Mental Health Learning Disabilities Child and Family Integrated Community Services

8 About us We serve an extensive population across Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, and we are one of the largest health and social care providers of this kind in the UK. We have over 9,000 staff who provide services from over 170 sites, including Community Hospitals, Health Centres, Inpatient Units as well as social care and support services. We work with other health organisations such as GP’s, commissioners who buy our services, other NHS trusts, local authorities and voluntary organisations to make the care we provide more ‘joined up’.

9 Our aim and goals Our overall aim is to improve the health, wellbeing and independence of the people we serve

10 Our values Person and Patient Centred Forging Relationships Delivering Value Driving Innovation Realising Ambition Valuing Achievement Our patients and service users are at the centre of our every thought and every action. By working innovatively yet meticulously we deliver care which is tailored around the unique requirements of individuals and constantly evolving around their changing expectations. The best care is integrated care. Through bringing together other care and support providers and ensuring that we help and enable each other we all look for ways to make care more joined up for our patients and service users. We are committed to providing the best possible value for money. Through working smartly, spending our time on the things that really count and eliminating wasteful activities everyone takes responsibility for delivering greater value. Innovation is part of everyone's job. By using our imagination, remaining open to new ideas and acting quickly and responsively we are able to transform the lives of our patients and service users. We are constantly striving to be the best we can be. As individuals and as an organisation we are committed to providing our patients, service users and each other with a dynamic and evolving service which leads the way. We value and encourage success and achievement. Those who improve the patient and service user experience and our performance are rewarded.

11 Spectrum of Care Our Spectrum of Care shows how traditionally, a lot of resources are put into 24 hour care and highly specialised work. We believe that by focussing on providing high quality community care, improving education, screening and prevention, we can give people the skills and support to improve their well-being and enable them to be independent in their own homes.

12 2013 / 2014 Francis, Keogh, Berwick New Commissioners Growing Demand for Services National push on integrated care Challenging Financial context Real opportunities to make a difference

13 Range of Services using EPR Mental Health Community Hospital at Home Inpatient Liaison Drug and alcohol Chronic fatigue service Winchester Prison Eating disorders Mother and Baby Learning Disability Older peoples mental health Forensic services Community Community Care Diabetes OT Health Visitors Podiatry Community Hospitals Respiratory Assessment Speech and Language Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Children’s Services Children’s Health Records School Nurses Children’s Therapies Physiotherapy

14 Our IM&T Vision Lisa Franklin Director of Information Mark Roberts Chief Clinical Information Officer

15 Our IM&T vision Seamless services - integration with partners Patient access to records High quality data - patients, clinicians, reporting High quality care Prepare for ‘digital NHS’

16 Our solution One solution across all our Services and one Patient Record A mobile solution Real interoperability Local configurability Flexibility Access to all of our data To exit from the National Programme safely To have listened to our commissioners and current users

17 Our current EPR 2 MH RiO databases + 1 community RiO database Adult Community, Children’s Services MH (1)MH (2) Size of database 73Gb112 Gb9Gb Users25943090489 No. of clients records611,724982675,411 Documents331,921248,13126,214

18 Our current EPR (activity / performance) 2 MH RiO databases + 1 community RiO database Community Adult and childrens MH (1)MH (2) Total number of attended contacts 1,516,2781,359,90273364 Average attended contacts each month 98,87236,5051907 Total Referrals204,73726,7227,058 Average new Referrals each month 156993251585


20 Complexity of information links 148 GP systems in Hampshire Links to other Acute PAS systems in Hampshire –Prescribing –Pathology results PACS consortium Hampshire County Council / Southampton City Council

21 Organisational commitment Clinical involvement CCIO + 5 Divisional Clinical Informatics Leads Project Procurement and deployment project team Exit manager

22 Procurement Fiona Maton Head of Procurement

23 Procurement Process Using ‘Camden’ framework for Lots 1 and 2 Clinical portal via separate tender All via BRAVO portal Lot 1 Method Evaluation Who’s Who Timetables

24 Procurement timetable Lot 1 ActivityDate Publish Requirements for Mini-Competition11 November 2013 Bid Responses from potential Suppliers13 December 2013 Trust Evaluation of Responses completed10 January 2014 Suppliers informed of Short Listing status10 January 2014 Short Listed Supplier Demonstrations13-30 January 2014 Site Visits3 February – 13 February 2014 Contract Clarification Meetings18 - 24 February 2014 Trust Board25 March 2014 Announcement of Preferred Supplier25 March 2014 Implementation CommencementApril 2014

25 Procurement timetable Lot 2 ActivityDate Publish Requirements for Mini-Competition10 March 2014 Bid Responses from potential Suppliers18 April 2014 Trust Evaluation of Responses completed2 May 2014 Suppliers informed of Short Listing status6 May 2014 Short Listed Supplier Demonstrations12-16 May 2014 Site Visits19-23 May 2014 Contract Clarification Meetings26-30 May 2014 Selection of Preferred Supplier17 June 2014 Implementation Commencement30 June 2014

26 Procurement timetable Clinical / Patient Portal Competitive dialogue Advert 1 st April 2014 Implementation start by end of November 2014

27 Procurement Next Steps 1:1 meetings today Slides sent out to all bidders 11 th Oct Lot 1 MOU –Outline of high level requirement –Mini-competition methodology including evaluation criteria –Timetable 18 th Oct Lot 1 and 2. Bidders Confirmation Lot 2 and Clinical Portal – as per timetables

28 Deployment Approach Hilary Painting - Programme Manager

29 Deployment Approach We are a large and complex organisation A lot of lessons learned through National Programme EPR to EPR Deployment approach agreed collaboratively Exit from National Contract July 2015 …… Start working with Supplier in February 2014

30 Questions Questions from Suppliers

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