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MSU CHAMP/ISHALL/LEAF Programs Information for Okemos Parents (Prepared by OHS Guidance Office, 2012)

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1 MSU CHAMP/ISHALL/LEAF Programs Information for Okemos Parents (Prepared by OHS Guidance Office, 2012)

2 Purpose of CHAMP Visit the MSU site: The CHAMP program was conceived primarily to offer accelerated math courses to students in districts who are not able to offer such courses. Okemos High School offers the following accelerated math courses: –Algebra II Honors –Geometry Honors –Pre-calculus Honors –AP Stats –AP Calculus AB –AP Calculus BC

3 CHAMP Eligibility A student must have an SAT math score equal to or greater than 530 and an SAT Total of 1010 or above. OR An ACT math score equal to or greater than 21 and a composite of 23.

4 ISHALL Intensive Studies in the Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature Visit the MSU site: A typical OHS English sequence for advanced students includes: –Literature and Composition 9 –American Literature –British Literature –Advanced Placement English Literature

5 ISHALL Eligibility A student must have an SAT Critical Reading score of 520 or an ACT English score of 21 and Reading score of 22 Score well on qualifying diagnostic essay (Students are required to have a Combined English/Writing ACT of 26 or a 600 or above average on the SAT Critical Reading and Writing to jump from Lit/comp 9 to American Literature at OHS.)

6 LEAF LEAF is an accelerated, intensive two-year course in the French language designed to meet the curricular goals and merit standards of four years of high school French

7 LEAF Eligibility LEAF is designed for students currently in grades 7th-11th who have achieved a minimum SAT Critical Reading score of 520 OR an ACT English score of 21 or higher AND an ACT Reading score of 22. Applicants should also have academically excelled in their full curriculum at their home school.

8 CHAMP Costs Each program costs approximately $1000 per year. Tuition is divided into five bi-monthly payments.

9 ISHALL Costs The parents pay tuition in the amount of approximately $1,000 per year. A $100 book deposit is due at the beginning of the semester and will be refunded once all books have been returned.

10 LEAF Costs The full cost of LEAF Year I instruction per student per year is $1,000. There will a $40 continuance fee for students participating in the second year of the program. Electronic billing will occur bi-monthly.

11 Transportation Parents are responsible for transportation to and from all programs. Many choose to car pool.

12 CHAMP Basic Structure 4 math courses in 2 years –Algebra 1/Algebra 2 –Geometry/Pre-calc Class one day a week (1:00-3:30 p.m. each Thursday) Most students also attend at least one 1 ½ hour study session on Tuesday or Sunday Online chat room

13 ISHALL Basic Structure 4 English courses in 2 years –Grade 9/Grade 10 Language Arts –Grade 11/Grade 12 Language Arts Class one day a week (8:00-10:10 a.m. each Wednesday) Most students also attend at least one 1 ½ hour study session on Tuesday or Sunday

14 LEAF Basic Structure LEAF classes meet from 4:00-7:00pm on Thursdays. In addition, students will be able to attend two office-hour sessions either on-line or face-to-face with the instructors. Voluntary workshop and consulting sessions are held every Sunday afternoon on campus.

15 Student Experience Some students enjoy the opportunity to meet students from other schools. The pace and schedule of the class requires students to develop organizational skills, time management skills, teach themselves, and use textbook as a resource. CHAMP & ISHALL are not reflected on OHS schedules, but are included on OHS transcripts.

16 OHS Schedule Implications In the following example, this sophomore was able to “open up” an hour in his OHS schedule during which he would otherwise be taking an OHS English course. This student was therefore able to take Journalism, which would otherwise not have fit into his schedule. Students miss both 1 st hour and 2 nd hour once a week to attend ISHALL. The two classes this student missed each Wednesday were world language and an elective.

17 Example OHS schedule for a sophomore in ISHALL

18 OHS Schedule Implications In the following example, this freshman was able to “open up” an hour in her OHS schedule during which he would otherwise be taking an OHS English course. This student was therefore able to take a Treble Ensemble, which would otherwise not have fit into her schedule. The two classes this student missed each Wednesday were math and her second elective.

19 Example OHS schedule for a freshman in ISHALL

20 Example attendance for a student in ISHALL

21 Transcripts Students receive 1.0 credit for each semester of CHAMP, ISHALL, or LEAF based on the completion of an entire class in one semester. This is recorded on the high school transcript and graded as a “G”, which has no impact on the overall grade point average.

22 Sequencing after CHAMP 2 nd year CHAMP students take a placement test in May through the OHS math department to determine placement in the next math course. Most students are placed in AP Calc AB as sophomores. After completion of AP Calc BC, students may seek “dual enrollment”.

23 Sequencing after ISHALL ISHALL students may request any upper level English elective course, such as Grammar, Expository Writing, Contemporary Literature, Creative Writing and Non-Fiction. ISHALL students may apply for AP English Literature. If accepted and space is available, they may enroll in AP English Literature. The standard practice of enrolling seniors still applies, which may affect the courses available for underclassmen, regardless of participation in ISHALL. Students who complete AP English Literature during the 11 th grade year would likely seek “dual enrollment” during the 12 th grade year.

24 Sequencing after LEAF Upon completion of LEAF, a student could enroll in French 5 or AP French at OHS.

25 Advanced Placement (AP) Visit the College Board site: Advanced Placement courses are intended to be a college-like experience for students. All students in AP courses are expected to take the AP test in May. AP scores are independent of OHS grades and are not included on the OHS transcript. AP scores (1-5, with 5 being the highest) can be submitted to colleges and may be used to waive prerequisites or receive course credit. Check the College Board website for individual AP policies:

26 Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment is when a student takes a college course at MSU or LCC while taking other classes at OHS. For “paid dual enrollment”, students reduce their OHS schedule and the district pays part of the cost of the class. See the OHS Student-Parent Handbook for the complete policy. Making dual enrollment courses work with an OHS schedule can be difficult, but it is another way to continue the “college” experience. As K-12 funding decreases and college tuition rises, the “savings” of dual enrollment are impacted in both directions.



29 Performance After CHAMP *Some students enrolled in OHS math classes concurrently with CHAMP classes. Data collected from the OHS Classes of 2007 and 2008. Student Began CHAMP Next OHS Class* Sem 1 Grade Sem 2 GradeAP ScoreClass Average Next OHS Class A9th AP Calc ABBB 5 NA None B8thAP Calc ABAA 5 NAAP Stats C8thAlg 3 HonorsCBNA D7thAP Calc BCAA 5 NA E8th AP Calc ABA-A 54.1 AP Calc BC F 8thAP Calc ABBB- 34.1 AP Stats G8thAP Calc BCB+B 54.7 MSU H8thAP Calc ABAA 54.1 AP Calc BC I8thAP Calc ABB+A 54.1 AP Calc BC J8thAP Calc ABB+B- 54.1 AP Calc BC K8thAP Calc ABAA- 54.1 AP Calc BC L 8thPreCalcB-C NA

30 Two Very Good Choices Participation in either CHAMP/ISHALL or the Okemos math and English programs offer significant opportunities for acceleration. Decide which is best for you. Please contact your middle or high school counselor, or Gifted & Talented Coordinator Deb Chamberlain for more information.

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