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Workshop 1Identification of project information needs Key areas of project interest Who can provide the information? How is this information captured?

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 1Identification of project information needs Key areas of project interest Who can provide the information? How is this information captured?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 1Identification of project information needs Key areas of project interest Who can provide the information? How is this information captured? What tools are used? Community planning Level of participationCommunity consultations, NGOs and agencies involved Random survey, FGD, terminal reports representation of all sectors in the community planning

2 Workshop 1Identification of project information needs Key areas of project interestWho can provide the information? How is this information captured? What tools are used? Watershed development and natural resource management  Current state of community watersheds Community consultations, NGOs and agencies involved Community consultations, FGD, research  Ownership and tenurial rights  Cultural practices/IKS  Land use  Threats

3 Workshop 1Identification of project information needs Key areas of project interestWho can provide the information? How is this information captured? What tools are used? Agribusiness and rural enterprise development  Present situation of agribusiness and rural enterprise in the Cordillera highlands LGU, concerned agencies, existing local enterprises Surveys, research, FGD  Problems: quality standards and production; access to markets  Potentials ICT

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