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Astroparticle, space physics and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclare ) F Ronga INFN LNF Frascati INFN was established for nuclear and particle.

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Presentation on theme: "Astroparticle, space physics and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclare ) F Ronga INFN LNF Frascati INFN was established for nuclear and particle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Astroparticle, space physics and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclare ) F Ronga INFN LNF Frascati INFN was established for nuclear and particle physics. Similar situation for other agencies around the world. Around 1980 supersimmetry ==> proton decay searches. In Italy NUSEX under the Mont Blanc. Beginning of a new interest for cosmic rays..also triggered by the CYGNUS X3 claim.. Then (1982) the Gran Sasso laboratory : main goals proton decay, monopole search, solar neutrinos... Increase of interest for cosmic rays and space (EAS-TOP first INFN experiment dedicated to cosmic rays) astroparticle physics in the years 1990 beginning of a “new field” : astroparticle physics

3 Astroparticle ApPEC: ApPEC: Several institutes In Europe (IN2P3, INFN…) joined together to form: ApPEC: ApPEC: AstroParticle Physics European Coordination An European “Road Map “ in progress Overlap eith other communities (astrophysics,particle physics..)

4 Frank Avignone Jose Bernabeu Thomas Berghoefer Leonid Bezrukov Pierre Binetruy Hans Bluemer Karsten Danzmann Franz v. Feilitzsch Enrique Fernandez Werner Hofmann John Iliopoulos Uli Katz Paolo Lipari Manel Martinez Antonio Masiero Benoit Mours Francesco Ronga Andre Rubbia Subir Sarkar Guenther Sigl Gerard Smadja Nigel Smith Christian Spiering Alan Watson

5 Don’t confuse this with the question “What belongs to Astroparticle Physics?” There is no unique answer to this question.

6 Charged Cosmic Rays GeV-TeV gamma (incl. DM indirect) HE neutrinos atm. neutrinos (incl. DM indirect) Solar axions underwater underice i.e. Hess, Auger CAST UG lab DM direct UG lab Solar Supernova WIMP satellite MeV/GeV  (Agile, Glast) MeV/GeV CR (Pamela, AMS) CR @ extreme energies (EUSO)

7 No particles from heaven but: - same infrastructure (  ) - closely related question (tritium decay)  UG lab Oscillations (accelerators)  NO proton decay Accelerator Laser axions m Reactor

8 Resonance Antennas Interferometers (Geo-600, VIRGO) Interferometer low frequency (LISA)

9 Nuclear astrophysics –Covered in nuclear physics programmes –In some countries listed under APP as well Dark Energy Missions –Necessary to set the stage for APP missions –Fully covered by astronomy community –Not our charge –In some countries under one roof with APP missions –We say what we support DE missions but do not specify Others –Varying fundamental constants –Equivalence principle –Gravity at short distances (may be included)

10 Astroparticle physics : INFN main searches in the scientific committee II neutrino physics (mass, oscillations..) cosmic ray origin and composition (ground and space) search for astrophysical sources of gamma rays and neutrinos search for gravitational waves on the ground and in space general physics (G measurement, equivalence principle, quantuum vacuum) Field in development : 2002 Nobel prizes for “astroparticle” (X astronomy, solar neutrinos, Supernova neutrinos)

11 Astroparticle physics : INFN number of researchers

12 AUGER EUSO CREAM (ballon) Past experiments: EASTOP, MACRO AMS (space station) PAMELA (satellite) Experiments to study charged primaries (with INFN partecipation)

13 INFN Space Experiments AGILE (+INAF ASI) Gamma ray astronomy GLAST (+INAF ASI) Gamma ray astronomy PAMELA (+ASI) Cosmic ray antimatter AMS (+ASI) Cosmic ray antimatter CREAM (balloon) Cosmic ray composition LISA (+ASI) Gravitational waves

14 Cosmic rays space -  astronomy

15 Scheduled launch: 2006 Launch (India) Calibration lines: BTF(Frascati ) Cosmic rays space -  astronomy Silicon trackers (INFN) Sensitivity : a bit better than EGRET X ray detectors INFN/INAF/ASI Scheduled launch: 2006 Launch (India) Calibration lines: BTF Frascati

16 TKR CAL ACD CAL TKR CAL Main detector in GLAST : Large Area Telescope GLAST uses modern technologies tested in particle physics : Silicon detectors and CsI crystals for electromagnetic calorimeters TKR (self-triggering) 16 towers 83m 2 total Si 11500 SSD, ~ 1M channels CAL (imaging) 96 CsI crystals / touer 8 layers of 12 crystals each each layer tilted 90º Calorimeter DAQ Electronics Tracker ACD Thermal blanket Grid Calorimeter (energy measurement) Particle tracking detectors Conversion foils Charged particle anticoincidence shield  e+e+ e- Cosmic rays space -  astronomy INFN 5.0 Meuro ASI 5.0 Total 183 MEURO (including personnel and excluding launch ) Launch 2007

17 PAMELA-WiZard group (first INFN group in space) Balloons NINA MASS-1 (1989) MASS-1 (1989) MASS-2 (1991) MASS-2 (1991) TrampSI (1993) TrampSI (1993) CAPRICE (1994) CAPRICE (1994) CAPRICE (1997) CAPRICE (1997) CAPRICE (1998) CAPRICE (1998) CAPRICE CAPRICE NINA-1 (1998) NINA-1 (1998) NINA-2 (2000) NINA-2 (2000) PAMELA Cosmic radiation in space - antimatter Successful Qualification tests Samara -Russia) Next step :yesterday march 20th Pamela sent to Bajkonour for launch

18 Cosmic radiation in space - AMS2- antimatter beginning integration

19 Cosmic rays ballon - composition CREAM Flight time ≈ several weeks First flight Dec 2004 Second flight Dec 2005 INFN : Tungsten calorimeter

20 Gravitational waves in space : LISA/RD ESA-NASA +.. INFN The Mission is planned after 2015, R/D launch (PATHFINDER) very good sensitivity at low frequencies 10 -4 10 -1 Hz Thousands of sources guaranteed: galactic binaries (enough information to measure masses, distances, orbits.. also: black hole fusions, stocastical noise

21 New space experiments GGG (Galileo Galilei on the Ground) Equivalence principle. New technicques with differential accellerometer using rotating cilinders 10 -13 ground 10 -17 in space. Mission approved in the ASI 3 years plan LARES :LAser RElativity experimentS passive satellite with mirrors for testing general relativity and studying the earth gravitational field EUSO Cosmic rays at very high energies Livio Scarsi…a pioneer in high energy cosmic rays and gamma astronomy

22 GGG lab 2005 (March)


24 EUSO EAS UV scintillation Cherenkov light Earth Surface Earth Atmosphere EHECR NOT to scale EUSO observation principle Cosmic rays space - astronomy and cosmic rays of very high energies R/D (phase A) end May 2004. Future? (Airwatch R/D)

25 New Ideas CMB polarimetry Xray polarimetry Collaboration with Japan for CR composition (CALET) NUCLEON collaboration with RUSSIA for CR composition GILDA gamma ray 10-100 MeV

26 Summary Space is an ideal laboratory for fundamental physics In the last few years a new generation of experiments using “particle physics” techniques. A new interdisciplinary field : “astroparticle physics” An old pioneer of this field? Estonia phone card


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