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1 Overview PhD project “Cooking with the sun- A comparative analysis of implementing solar cookers in the developing world Pia Otte ”Cooking with the sun”

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Presentation on theme: "1 Overview PhD project “Cooking with the sun- A comparative analysis of implementing solar cookers in the developing world Pia Otte ”Cooking with the sun”"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Overview PhD project “Cooking with the sun- A comparative analysis of implementing solar cookers in the developing world Pia Otte ”Cooking with the sun” Pia Otte ( Ole Jorgen Nydal ( NORGLOBAL dissemination seminar Oslo, 25.10.2011

2 2 Background High & unsustainable use of biomass in Sub- Saharan Africa to satisfy primary energy needs Solar Cooking has been widely viewed from a technological-centered approach Solar cookers have had limited acceptance Integrated research activities: –Focus on institutional level more than household level –NORGLOBAL project: Studies on the adoption of small scale solar energy systems –NUFU Network project: Development of prototype systems with integrated heat storage

3 3 Research Objectives I.Map the current status of institutional solar cooking systems around the world II.Identify the factors which lead to an adoption/rejection of solar cooking by public institutions in developing countries - Scheffler reflectors used as comparative technology in different settings III.Assess the possibilities of an institutional solar cooking system in the case of Mozambique - identify the energy use patterns & traditional cooking habits of public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools) in Mozambique

4 4 Integrated collaboration Interdisciplinary project between different universities: -NTNU Trondheim -Addis Ababa, Mekelle, Bahir Dar Universities (Ethiopia) -Eduardo Mondlane University Maputo (Mozambique), -Makarere University (Uganda) -UKZN Durban (South Africa) Financing partners: –NORGLOBAL –NUFU Network project –NRC (RENERGI program) –Quota Program –NTNU 10 PhD students & several master students -Technical side: ca. 8 PhD students (+ many MSc) -Social science: 3 students (2 PhD+ 1 Master)

5 5 Tasks Extensive fieldwork I. Energy use & cooking habits -Fieldwork between (16.-26.04 & 17.06-23.08.2011) -Area: Maputo & Sofala Province II. Comparative study of the Scheffler system -1 case in Botswana (Kanye) -1 case in South Africa (Calitzdorp) -More cases are planned to be visited in India & Burkina Faso by the end of 2011/2012 III. Field test of the NUFU prototype in form of a quasi experiment in Mozambique

6 6 Current status All PhD courses & part of the duty work is completed Fieldwork related to energy use & cooking habits in Mozambique is completed Writing up & analysis of fieldwork with regards to the applied theoretical approach (Innovation Decision Process by Rogers) November 2011 start of fieldwork in India (several succeeded & failed projects will be visited where the Scheffler system was implemented) June 2012 fieldwork Burkina Faso (visit of succeeded & failed projects where the Scheffler system was implemented)

7 7 7 Thank you

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