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Northern Arizona University Graduate College Creating Inclusiveness for LGBTQQIA Students Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Graduate College Student Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Arizona University Graduate College Creating Inclusiveness for LGBTQQIA Students Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Graduate College Student Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Arizona University Graduate College Creating Inclusiveness for LGBTQQIA Students Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Graduate College Student Orientation DuBois Center

2 Lesbian Gay Sex Gender Gender role Transgender Asexual Sexual Orientation LGBTQQ Sexual Identity Coming out Ally Homophobia Transphobia Heterosexism Queer Alphabet Soup Pansexual Aromantic Polyamory Intersex Monosexism

3 NAU LGBTQ Campus Climate Data Total 2014 NAU Participants: 1196 of which, 12.87% or 154 identify as LGBTQ Lesbian 5.9%, Gay 26%, Bisexual 33.1%, Transgender 3.2%, Queer 5.2%, Questioning 12.3%, Other 11.7%, Heterosexual 5.8% During the past 30 days, % who have experienced or engaged in the following due to other students’ alcohol use (at least once): Been pushed, hit or assaulted – 7.4% LGBTQ, 3.4% Non-LGBTQ Been taken advantage of sexually – 4.7% LGBTQ, 1.9 % Non-LGBTQ Have you experienced/been the victim of any of the following in the past 3 months? Bullying – 6.9% LGBTQ, 4.7% Non-LGBTQ Hate crimes/discrimination – 11.8% LGBTQ, 5.2% Non-LGBTQ Arizona Higher Education Network. (May 2014). “AZIHE Online Survey NAU.” University of Arizona.

4 SexBiological GenderCulturally shaped expression Gender IdentityInternal sense of self Gender Role/ExpressionClothing, posture, behavior TransgenderGender identity does not align with the biological sex CisgenderGender identity does align with the biological sex Select Terminology

5 Biological Sex (Genitals, Chromosomes, Hormones): Male Female Intersex Gender Identity (Sense of Self): Man Gender Queer Woman Gender Expression (Communication of Gender): Masculine Androgynous/Gender Queer Feminine Gender Roles (Social and Behavioral Norms): Masculine FeminineBoth Sexual Orientation (Emotional, Romantic, and Sexual Attraction): MenWomenBisexual


7 Heterosexual & Cisgender Privilege Cisgender A person whose gender identity and expression matches the gender typically associated with their biological sex. For example: a female who identifies as a woman. Heterosexism The belief that heterosexuality is better than other sexualities. It refers to the active promotion of heterosexuality as the only desirable way of life. It also refers to the subtle, yet pervasive way in which heterosexuality is assumed in this society.

8 Homophobia: Thoughts, feelings, or actions based on fear, dislike, judgment, or hatred of lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Homophobia has roots in sexism and can include prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and acts of violence. Sometimes you may see bi-phobia within lesbian and gay community as well. Effects of Homophobia…(GLSEN National School Climate Survey, 2011) 84.9% of LGBT students heard “gay” used in a negative way, 71.3% heard homophobic remarks, such as "faggot" or "dyke," frequently or often at school. 81.9% of LGBT students reported being verbally harassed of their sexual orientation and 63.9% for their gender expression 18.3% reported being physically assaulted at school for their sexual orientation and 12.4% for their gender expression 52.9% of LGBT students were harassed or threatened by their peers via electronic mediums, often known as cyber-bullying. 60.4% of students who were harassed or assaulted in school did not report the incident to school staff Kosciw, J. G., Greytak, E. A., Bartkiewicz, M. J., Boesen, M. J., & Palmer, N. A. (2012). The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth in our nation’s schools. New York: GLSEN. Homophobia

9 Transphobia: The fear or hatred of transgender people or gender non- conforming behavior. Like biphobia, transphobia can also exist among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as well as among heterosexual people. Effects of Transphobia…. (National Transgender Discrimination Survey, 2011) 41% of transgender identified respondents reported attempting suicide 19% were refused an apartment or home, 11% were evicted for being transgender. 90% experience mistreatment, discrimination, harassment at work. 55% lost a job due to bias, 51% were harassed/bullied in school 61% victim of physical assault 64% victim of sexual assault Trans people of color fared far worse in results Grant, Jaime M., Lisa A. Mottet, Justin Tanis, Jack Harrison, Jody L. Herman, and Mara Keisling. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Washington: National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 2011. Transphobia

10 LGBTQA & Cultural Inclusion Represent diversity in programming offerings Post fliers for diverse events happening on campus Have symbols of inclusion on your board, door and room Ask for preferred gender pronouns (PGPs) Ask for preferred names instead of going off of roster Have a diverse friend group, learn from each other Common Programming Mistakes Dividing participants up based on gender Having someone else introduce another person Having no diversity programs due to unease with the topic Blood Drives

11 Inclusive Language Suggestions: Limit the usage of “male”, “female”, “men”, and “women” Instead, speak of people using first names and when addressing groups use “Students”, “Everyone”, “Folks”, “People”, etc… Speak of relationships not as “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, but as “partner(s)” or “intimate partner(s)” (there could be more than one partner in the relationship) Instead of “minorities” use “marginalized” or “underrepresented populations” Terms of Avoid: “sexual preference”, “lifestyle”, “choice”, “transgendered”, “his/her”

12 LGBTQA Resources & Support Office: Educational Workshops: SafeZone Program: Gender and Sexuality 101, SpeakOUT panel, SafeZone Workshops, After SafeZone professional development sessions Professional Development for classes, student organizations and departments Programming: Fall & Spring Welcome, Coming Out Week, Trans Awareness Week, World AIDS Day, Sex Week, NAU Pride, Rainbow Convocation and On-going Intersectional Programming Discussion Groups: Q-Chat, Flagstaff Trans Queering Arizona Leadership Conference Referrals, Resources and Advocacy for LGBTQA Students Bi-Monthly Newsletter NAU Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy NAU Bias Reporting Webpage

13 Queer Studies Minor Queer Studies is a program at Northern Arizona University that focuses on the intersecting identities of all people through a queer critical lens to examine the institutionalized and sometimes invisible systems of oppression that particularly affect queer identified people, but includes a very broad examination of society; both within the United states, and beyond its borders. LGBTQIA Commission Works to broaden the university community’s understanding and appreciation of LGBTQIA diversity and to foster respect and appreciation for each member of the Northern Arizona University community. We are open to all current university employees and students who agree with these objectives. Contact: LGBTQA Student Organizations PRISMoSTEMGamma Rho LambdaQueers & Allies

14 LGBTQ Specific On-Campus Housing Options LGBTQIA Living Learning Community The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Inter-sex, Ally (LGBTQIA) Studies Learning Community is, an academic community that: honors the contributions and experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender peoples and heterosexual allies and provides a supportive and safe space for a first-year student Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH) Provides a living environment where students can room with any other student- regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, providing a supportive living space for students to learn, develop and grow. %28GIH%29/

15 Ways to be visible as an Ally Display LGBTQ inclusive photos, brochures, books and other signifiers Attend events with LGBTQ themes Promote LGBTQ groups or organizations Speak up about LGBTQ issues with colleagues, supervisors, & supervisees Speak up for those voices not present Interrupt offensive jokes Join LGBTQ positive groups/organizations Come out as an Ally!

16 SafeZone Workshops 100% of SafeZone participants agreed that attending increased their knowledge of how they can support LGBTQ people. SafeZone 101 Saturday, September 26, 10 am – 12, University Union, Havasupai A/B SafeZone 102 Saturday, September 26, 1 – 3 pm, University Union, Havasupai A/B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SafeZone 101 Tuesday, September 29, 10 am – 12, University Union, Havasupai A/B SafeZone 102 Wednesday, September 29, 1 – 3 pm, University Union, Havasupai A/B --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SafeZone 101 Wednesday, October 14, 10 am – 12, University Union, Havasupai A/B SafeZone 102 Wednesday, October 14, 12 – 2 pm, University Union, Havasupai A/B SafeZone 103 Friday, October 16, 12 – 2 pm, University Union, Havasupai A/B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SafeZone 101 Friday, November 13, 10 am – 12, Dubois, Freemont Room SafeZone 102 Friday, November 13, 1 – 3 pm, Dubois, Freemont Room SafeZone 103 Tuesday, December 1, 12 – 2 pm, University Union, Havasupai A/B For information about upcoming SafeZone workshops and to rsvp to a workshop email:

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