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NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Overview of DDN Agricultural Monitoring and Earth Observation Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Overview of DDN Agricultural Monitoring and Earth Observation Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Overview of DDN Agricultural Monitoring and Earth Observation Activities & Pakistan Agriculture Information System John Latham Senior Land and Water (Geospatial) Officer Workshop on Geospatial Technologies for Improved Agricultural Monitoring Wednesday, 13th January 2016 Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)

2 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)  Changes in the market place - the need for improved monitoring:  opportunities, challenges and downstream applications  General Overview DDN Geospatial Programme  Specific Examples  Pakistan Agriculture Information System project  (Time Dependent) – Global Agro Ecological Zones – Data Portal Overview

3 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Organizational Chart (2016) AGL DDN Deputy Director-General (Natural Resources) Geo-Spatial

4 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Main objectives 1.Review the current systems and evaluate the potential approaches for the integral utilization of Geospatial Information including Remotely Sensed Data and GIS as part of an improved agricultural monitoring system for all major/ strategic crops. (Improved Agricultural monitoring is required to be more timely, accurate and comprehensive in coverage than current systems). 2.Review the current systems and evaluate the potential use of Remotely Sensed Data for Early Warning and Assessment of exogenous shocks. Improved Agricultural monitoring system should be based on improved agricultural statistics. 3.All variables should be based on more timely and more accurate data/information. 4.The main purpose of an improved Agricultural Monitoring System based on the integral use of geospatial information is to support evidence-based policy making, particularly to inform policy makers on the potential area/yield gaps as well as accurately report on current year/season crop statistics (i) help prepare for, and cope with domestic market shifts and international price volatility, (ii) help set support prices and subsidies for farm products and inputs, and (iii) eventually allow to gauge the efficiency of current agricultural policies. And to evaluate water us efficiency and to effectively report and track indicators of the SDG’s

5 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Moving to a Multi-sectoral Perspective… Most development challenges and solutions need to be examined in a spatial context…co benefits of Geospatial Monitoring Agriculture Irrigation Forest and Range Rural Water Supply Urban Water Supply Energy Livestock Industry Fisheries Environment Transport Tourism Groundwater Surface Water Ocean /CZM National and Trans-boundary Water

6 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) The Vision…

7 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Many new Innovations Innovative Hardware (e.g. Tablets) Google Earth/Similar Products Interactive Documents Online Portals

8 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Sentinel 1,2,3

9 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)

10 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) ALOS (2.5m) CARTOSAT-1 (2.5m) SPOT-5 (2.5m-5m) RapidEye (5m) Sentinel-2A (10m) LANDSAT 8 (15m) LANDSAT 7 ETM+ (15m) ASTER (15m) CBERS-2 (20m) Satellite Sensors (0.31m - 2m) Earth Observation Satellite Sensors  Worldview-3 (0.31m)  GeoEye-2 / WorldView-4 (2016)  GeoEye-1 (0.41m)  WorldView-2 (0.46m)  WorldView-1 (0.46m)  Pleiades-1A (0.5m)  Pleiades-1B (0.5m)  QuickBird (0.61m)  IKONOS (0.82m)  SPOT-7 (1.5m)  SPOT-6 (1.5m)  TerraSAR-X  SkySat-2 (0.9m)  SkySat-1 (0.9m)  FORMOSAT-2 (2m)  KOMPSAT-3A (55cm)  KOMPSAT-3 (0.7m) Satellite Sensors (2.5m - 20m)

11 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)

12 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) OrbView Landsat 7 ETM 185 by 170 km 30-m ms, 15-m pan India Remote Sensing 145 by 145 km 25-m ms 70 by 70 km 5-m pan SPOT 60 by 60 km 20-m ms, 10-m pan 8 by 8 km 8-m ms, 1-m pan EarthWatch QuickBird 27 by 27 km 4-m ms, 1-m pan Space Imaging Ikonos 11 by 11 km 4-m ms, 1-m pan EarthWatch EarlyBird Footprint of Images: Selected Satellites 6 by 6 km 15-m ms, 3-m pan

13 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Building on public-domain datasets… GAEZ GOOGLE Partnership

14 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) …and many modern “Bottom-up” Monitoring tools – farmer observatory

15 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)  Public Domain Datasets/Products  Innovative Visualizations  Hardcopy and Interactive Atlases  State of Reports : e.g. SOLAW  Interactive Collaborative Portal/Website  Mobile “Apps”  Bulletins/Newsletters  … Integrated they provide a variety of new Knowledge Products

16 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Supporting improved public-domain data access Datasets from Regional and Local Institutions Improved Local Agric. Monit Services Global Spatial Datasets (e.g. topography, historical climate, hydrology, climate change projections, land cover, snow, population, administrative areas, gridded GDP, and a range of other social, environmental, and economic indicators) Earth Observation Data Mobile Applications

17 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Challenges  Big Data  Data Integration  Data flows  Multi-sensor  Validations The latest technology such as cloud computing and distributed systems together with the latest software analysis approaches allow us to leverage all types of data to gain insights and add value Sensor Data Value Chain – Farmer Requirement PLANET OS, November 2014

18 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Challenges  Big Data  Data Integration  Data flows  Multi-sensor  Validations Explore, visualize, monitor and build datasets

19 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)  Coordination of FAO Geospatial Activities  Coordination Satellite Data Acquisition : LTA  Coordinate Standards development for Geospatial Information Management (with CIO)  Assessment and Monitoring of Agric.& Nat. Resources: Field Programme  Land Cover Standards, Methodology and Tools: Land Cover Classification System; Land Cover Tool Box  Land Cover/Use mapping and assessment National/Regional/Global mapping (Nat. examples: Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.., Africover, FDHs, ECO-NET, GLC-Share) Change detection and quantification (e.g. Afghanistan, Pakistan Kenya, Senegal, Malawi, etc..)  Land Cover Data Applications Area Frame Sampling support for crop acreage estimation & forecasting (Pakistan, Ethiopia,) Woody biomass assessment and wood energy analysis (Tanzania, Sudan) Urban Changes / Vulnerable Ecosystems Change (deltas, mangroves) Modeling: Soil Carbon Gap assessment (global) Summary DDN : Main Geospatial Activities

20 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Modelling framework for Crop Potentials, Nat. Resources Monitoring Strategy  GAEZ, National : NAEZ  Data Dissemination Systems  Built on ISO/OGC standards : 19115/19139 :Data catalogue: FAO GeoNetwork  Active Fires: FAO Global Fire Monitoring (GFIMS)  Data/Information Portals: e.g.. Pakistan (Crop Stats, Market Information, Fertilizer use etc.)  Poverty Mapping / Emergencies support  GIS databases in support of poverty, food insecurity, and rurality studies (FGDD)  Stunting / vulnerability mapping (x FIVIMS)  Emergency preparedness support (Pakistan, Haiti, Lao, Afghanistan etc..)  Partnership in International Programmes  FAO/UNEP  GLCN (Global Land Cover Network): alliance for standard multi-purpose land cover data production Summary DDN: Main Geospatial Activities F

21 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) LCCS / LCML - Land Cover Meta Language  LCCS allows the description, characterization, classification and comparison of most land cover features  Developed over the last 15 years  Suited for any scale, dates and sources  Recently became ISO standard (v3, LCML)  FAO is implementing and assisting with technical advice the production of standardized and harmonized land cover baseline.  Applied worldwide  Land Cover standards, methodology and tools  Land Cover mapping and change  Land Cover data applications  Crop monitoring  Land resources management and planning  Disaster Risk Reduction, Early warning Land Cover standards, methodology and tools

22 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) FAO Land Cover Toolbox Land Cover standards, methodology and tools

23 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Global mapping: GLC-SHARE  Global land cover database;  Methodology and datasets published in 2014;  11 major thematic land cover layers (FAO SEEA LCML legend);  Resulted by a combination of “best available” high resolution national, regional and/or sub-national land cover databases;  Produced with a resolution of 30 arc-second (~1x1 km). Land Cover mapping

24 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Iran Land Cover Map (GLCShare) TOTAL Area: 1.648.195,0 km² Artificial Surfaces5,1130.3 Crop Land139,5758.3 Grassland53,6773.2 Tree Covered Area74,2194.4 Shrubs Covered Area631,22637.6 Herbaceous vegetation, aquatic or regularly flooded27,2581.6 Mangroves5720.0 Sparse vegetation101,5006.0 BareSoil578,04034.4 Snow and glaciers1,5010.1 Waterbodies63,4233.8 LC Class km 2 %

25 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Crop monitoring  Land Cover mapping and change  Land Cover standards, methodology and tools  Land Cover data applications  Crop monitoring  Land resources management and planning  Disaster Risk Reduction, Early warning  FAO continues provide support to enhance national capacities for improved crop forecasts and production crop area/yield estimates using RS and field data.  DDN is engaged in projects and programmes concerning: National crop area estimates National crop yield forecasts Global programmes for improving crop estimates through remote sensing Crop monitoring

26 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) National Agriculture Monitoring  EOs provide direct information on, or indicators of, production (cultivated area and yield).  Agricultural parameters such as soil moisture, soil type, crop stage, crop vigor, crop type are vital for effective agricultural monitoring.  Crop masks can be derived from multi-temporal images. Crop masking is a fundamental requirement in satellite remote sensing for crop forecasting /estimation.  Spatial and spectral resolution is improving now max public domain 0.3 m. Free data 10m from 2016

27 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Pakistan Agriculture Information System Building Provincial Capacity for Crop Forecasting and Estimation  Overall objective: Improve the capacity of provincial governments to collect, analyze and timely report on agricultural information  Focus on: Enhancing the integral use of remotely sensed satellite data into existing data collection and analysis D eveloping complementary systems to improve crop area estimates and yield forecasts, as well as crop status monitoring and assessment  Main Target: Crop Reporting Services +

28 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Main Areas of Activities  Develop methods and tools to improve quality of agricultural statistics based on the integral use of geospatial information  Implement operational units and provide support to CRSs and Universities  Build human and technical capacity in integral use of remote sensing, GIS and statistics  Create knowledge base for scaling methods, tools, and capacities to other Pakistan entities and universities Capacity Building Crop Information Portal

29 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Results Area frame sampling  Increased knowledge for the design and implementation of more efficient operational agriculture survey  Increased accuracy and decreased costs of field measurements and data collection  Produced high resolution land cover databases and derived masks for major Rabi and Kharif crops from multi-temporal high res images  Continuous monitoring of major crops through remotely sensed data

30 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) LC and Area Frame sampling for Crop Area Estimates  The Area frame approach is used for crop acreage and yield estimation with field validation and crop cuts.  Good quality land cover data improves stratification, reduces sample size and allocation, and produces more accurate estimates.  DDN/NRL is collaborating with SUPARCO in developing a National LCCS based LC database based on 5m data and applying the AF methodology in Pakistan at the provincial Crop Reporting Services of Punjab and Sindh Sampling unit Punjab South Zone broken down into sampling units (red) Area frame system

31 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Land resources management and planning  The Agro‐Ecological Zones (AEZ) process is the main system for assessing agricultural resources and potential  Can be applied at global, regional and national levels for better planning, management and monitoring of land resources  FAO involved in methodology development since 1978  Land Cover mapping and change  Land Cover standards, methodology and tools  Land Cover data applications  Crop monitoring  Land resources management and planning  Disaster Risk Reduction, Early warning Land resources management and planning

32 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Global AEZ (GAEZ) Portal  In 2012, FAO and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) launched the Global Agro-Ecological Zoning Data portal  It provides terabytes of geospatial and tabular information and reporting on agricultural resources and potential  Global, regional, national and sub-national  Brief summary of content: 5 thematic areas > 300,000 global datasets at mainly 5 arc- minutes (order of tenth terabytes) yield and production gap analysis Historical 1961-2010, 30 year average (1961- 1990) and Future (2030s, 2050s, 2080s) Land resources management and planning

33 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) 1961-90 2020 2050 2080 Agro-climatically attainable yield for high input level of irrigated wheat, averaged on scenarios CSIRO MK A2, B1, B2

34 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) National Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ)  The AEZ framework for crop potential assessment can be applied at national scale through the Land Resources Information Management System (LRIMS)  Tool helping  conduct the assessment of land suitability, potential attainable yields and potential crop production, and  model land responses to agricultural policies at national scale according to the AEZ methodology. Specified management assumptions and input levels, both for rain- fed and irrigated conditions are evaluated  It employs detailed spatial biophysical and socio-economic datasets. Land resources management and planning

35 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Main recommendations (1) 1.Based on the preliminary findings of this mission, there is a need to prepare a full needs assessment that includes all necessary options and the associated costs of the use of RS at a variety of resolutions and in different farming systems and landscapes. 2.This means to build the system in a modular way, scale up from individual satellite assessments and selected technological options towards a fully fledged systems, eventually covering the entire agricultural system. 3.This can be catalyzed through a pilot project, which could be based on FAO TCP funding. Based on the experience during the pilot project, prepare scalable proposals for a fully fledged market monitoring system. This could be accommodated by a UTF. 4.Current data collection systems should be critically reviewed and new mobile phone technologizes fully exploited. 5.Detailed experimentation with area and multiple frames using RS for stratification and sample allocation should be undertaken to improve efficiency and reduce variance.

36 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Main recommendations (2)  The integral use of RS and other geospatial products can be efficiently and effectively used for the generation of timely and reliable agricultural statistics on crop areas at various levels and scales.  MOAJ should adopt international ISO and FAO standards for land cover classification: LCCS/LCML and ISO 19144 as a basis for land cover mapping  RS should not be used to map land use which refers to the inputs to land inc. land tenure, irrigation, mechanization etc.  Which have to be derived from the use of  RS and GIS can be also be used effectively and have significant impact on: Crop production watch and forecasting/insurance risk Agricultural landscape indicators Food systems monitoring Land cover mapping and planning Natural Resources management Renewal and environmental monitoring, management and protection 7.Set up data collection systems for all missing variables (stocks). Consider an integrated approach for all other variables of a market monitoring system, ideally also covering inputs such as labour, machinery, implements, water and other natural resources. The FAO AGRIS system for surveys provides such an option for integrated data collection. 8.Establish advanced modelling and forecasting capabilities for all elements of the balances. 9.Establish a complete metadata system in line with international standards. For surveys this would be DDI; for macro data and elements of the market balances we would recommendation SDMX. 10.Adopt international compatible definitions and classifications (CPC, HS, ISIC, M49 for other countries) 11.Provide improved imputation methods and outlier detection mechanism. 12.Place short-term market monitoring into the framework of a medium-term outlook for the country’s agricultural sector.

37 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN)  Encourage all institutions to share key data for free on open data formats  Encourage use of data to make customized applications that improve awareness and support informed decision making  Encourage networking and collaboration Partnerships (knowledge networks) Documentation Capacity development (incl. distance learning, internships, competitions) Conclusions

38 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Overview of DDN Agricultural Monitoring and EOs Activities John Latham Senior Land and Water (Geospatial) Officer Workshop on Geospatial Technologies for Improved Agricultural Monitoring Wednesday, 13th January 2016 DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL (Natural resources)

39 NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT (NR) Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources (DDN) Links to selected geospatial datasets at FAO  GIS and remote sensing datasets (FAO GeoNetwork):  Agriculture potential and suitability (GAEZ):  Global Spatial Database of Agricultural Land-use Statistics (Agro-MAPS):  Land cover and land cover change (GLCN):  Global water information system (AQUASTAT):  Global Fire Information Management System (GFIMS)   State of World’s Land and Water Resources (SOLAW):  Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA):

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