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The past, the present, the future ! Web Services Eric Wauters (waldo) iFacto Business Solutions NV 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The past, the present, the future ! Web Services Eric Wauters (waldo) iFacto Business Solutions NV 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 the past, the present, the future ! Web Services Eric Wauters (waldo) iFacto Business Solutions NV 1

2 the past, the present, the future ! About the topic Web services: – Remote code execution – Machine-to-machine interaction – Over network (typically Internet) – Endpoints don’t need to be compatible Microsoft Dynamics NAV – ERP is not an island anymore – Outside world need possibility to tap into ERP business processes – NAV through Web services opens to outside world

3 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 3

4 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 4

5 the past, the present, the future ! In the old days Integration Challenges Remote Code Execution How to pull & push data How to connect to business logic from other systems

6 the past, the present, the future ! 2-Tiered Architecture Stores data Stores application logic Presents data Inputs data Executes application logic Automation

7 the past, the present, the future ! C/FRONT

8 the past, the present, the future ! NODBC

9 the past, the present, the future ! Automation

10 the past, the present, the future ! NAV Application Server

11 the past, the present, the future ! Push data to web app

12 the past, the present, the future ! Send Data to NAV

13 the past, the present, the future ! To make it really complicated...

14 the past, the present, the future ! What about consuming a web service? COM XML Document XML HTTP Freddy’s blog: Connecting to NAV Web Services from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 14

15 the past, the present, the future ! In the old days Challenging Design Difficult to make bulletproof No Industry Standard Complex Hard to debug

16 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 16

17 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 17

18 the past, the present, the future ! Do we still KISS? Publishing Data/Business Logic has been simplified by NAV 2009 Web Services Consuming a web service in C/SIDE is now much simpler in by.Net Interop in NAV 2009 R2

19 the past, the present, the future ! Using NAV 2009

20 the past, the present, the future ! (Ab)using NAV 2009

21 the past, the present, the future ! How do we KISS? Demo Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Service Tier SharePoint Services Web Services Client Services Application Meta data provider Class Library SharePoint Display Target Render Data Binder Form Builder Client Tier Microsoft SQL Server Windows Client Rich Client Form Builder Data Binder RoleTailoredClient Browser SharePoint Client Database Tier Web Services

22 the past, the present, the future ! 3-Tiered Architecture Presents data Inputs data Executes application logic Stores data Stores application logic

23 the past, the present, the future ! Consuming a web service.Net Interop NAV 2009 R2 23

24 the past, the present, the future ! Do it! Demo 1: Execute Business Logic – Math Math Consume published Codeunit Data and business Logic? – Post Invoice Post Invoice Consume published page Extend webservice with codeunit Consuming 3rd Party web services – Check VAT Number Check VAT Number Create Proxy Class Use.Net Interop to Consume Web Service

25 the past, the present, the future ! 25 Simplicity No extra development knowledge needed Industry Standard Easy Setup

26 the past, the present, the future ! 26 Is that all ??

27 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 27

28 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 28

29 the past, the present, the future ! NAV Consumes its own Web Service Demo 2: Story: I want to show the external inventory (=sum of the inventory of an item in the other companies) on a factbox in the Item List. 29

30 the past, the present, the future ! Steps: 1.Publish the data with NAV 2009 Web Services 2.Create & deploy a proxy class  build with.Net Framework 3.5 3.Use.Net Interop to get to the data 30

31 the past, the present, the future ! Demo 2 31

32 the past, the present, the future ! Other application of Cannibalism Data sync Items/Customers/... in other companies Generate PDF documents Intercompany Reminders – check Customer Balance in other companies... 32

33 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 33 Limited extra development knowledge needed Create powerful solutions in a simple way Limited extra development knowledge needed Create powerful solutions in a simple way

34 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 34

35 the past, the present, the future ! What about other technologies? Java Javascript C# using Web Reference C# using Service Reference Visual Basic using Web Reference Visual Basic using Service Reference Windows Mobile Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009SP1 PHP Others... 35

36 the past, the present, the future ! Web services authentication Consumers can authenticate: – SPNEGO or Integrated Windows Authentication (default) – NTLM (java, php,...) SSL can be used – Walkthrough: Configuring Web Services to Use SSL (MSDN)Configuring Web Services to Use SSL Standard NAV security applies thereafter

37 the past, the present, the future ! What about other technologies? It’s all about XML Which returns: ASTENA NV CRONOS NV IFACTO NV MORE ICT NV

38 the past, the present, the future ! What about other technologies? Java Javascript C# using Web Reference C# using Service Reference Visual Basic using Web Reference Visual Basic using Service Reference Windows Mobile Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009SP1 Others... PHP 38

39 the past, the present, the future ! Demo 3: javascript 39

40 the past, the present, the future ! Demo 4: – Magento eCommerce Platform built on Open-Source technology – Extra module: NavisionSyncNavisionSync 40

41 the past, the present, the future ! What about other technologies? Java Javascript C# using Web Reference C# using Service Reference Visual Basic using Web Reference Visual Basic using Service Reference Windows Mobile Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009SP1 PHP Others... 41  Freddy’s blog:

42 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 42 Provides a standard way of connecting systems Almost no limit in technologies that will be able to consume NAV 2009 Web Services Increase return on Microsoft Dynamics NAV investment Consistent Integration Method Provides a standard way of connecting systems Almost no limit in technologies that will be able to consume NAV 2009 Web Services Increase return on Microsoft Dynamics NAV investment Consistent Integration Method

43 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 43

44 the past, the present, the future ! Key Takeaways NAV is not an island (anymore) Simplicity Industry Standards Cloud-opener... 44

45 the past, the present, the future ! Integration Possibilities Inventory Update View Product Catalogue Submit Order High-level Summary Credit Check Call Center Connection Shop Floor Location Advanced Shipping Notification Required Replenishment Time Sheet Registration Business Intelligence Get Vendor Data Update Currencies Change Location Mobility RFID Create Project Plan Change Pricing Block Customer Calculate Shipping Cost Warehouse Receipt Approval Pick Put-Away Payroll Mass Edit Account Update

46 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 46

47 the past, the present, the future ! Agenda In the old days In these days Cannibalism Going somewhat beyond Key Takeaways 47

48 the past, the present, the future ! Resources Freddy’s Blog: aspx aspx – Lots of examples – Lots of different technologies – Cloud My Blog: http://www.waldo.be – A few examples – Cannibalism Vjeko’s blog:

49 the past, the present, the future ! Questions? 49

50 the past, the present, the future ! Directions EMEA 2011 10 – 13 May 2011, Berlin The NAV Partner Community The only NAV focus conference !

51 the past, the present, the future ! Why attend Directions EMEA is organized for NAV partners by NAV partners Objectives: – Build a stronger and more engaged EMEA wide NAV channel community. – Enhance the partner relationship with Microsoft. – Get us what we need to be successful. 51

52 the past, the present, the future ! Why attend Partners – Learn from eachother & network – Meet the NAV product management and development team – Get the latest information – Team up with NAV partners worldwide ISV’s – Share your solution with NAV partners worldwide 52

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