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Ethical Issues in Couples and Family Therapy Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning.

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1 Ethical Issues in Couples and Family Therapy Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning

2 Most common reasons for seeking couples therapy: problematic communication & lack of emotional affection. Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning

3  Psychological problems arise from within an individual’s present environment and the intergenerational family system, not just as the individual’s maladjustment and psychosocial development  Dysfunctions are passed along through numerous generations  Demands a major paradigm shift away from the values associated with individualism, autonomy, and independence Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning

4 Although rooted in systems theory, there is no professional agreement on whether it is necessary to see all family members in order for change to take place. However, it is particularly important to involve the family when treating children so the child is not as burdened with being labeled the “problem” and the family can become a source of support as opposed to a negative influence Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning

5 Responsibility to clients – balancing the rights and well-being of the individuals with the family as a whole is challenging; the couple or family system is the client Professional competence and integrity Responsibility to the professions Responsibility to students, employees, and supervisees Fees Advertising Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Issues and Ethics - Chapter 11 (1)

6 Confidentiality- all clients must agree to any waiver Exceptions to confidentiality: ◦ when mandated by law ◦ when it is necessary to protect clients from harm (self or other) ◦ when family therapist is a defendant in a civil, criminal, or disciplinary action arising from therapy ◦ when a waiver has been previously obtained in writing There are differing perspectives on confidentiality with family members (eg. No secrets policy, confidentiality with each member, therapist’s right to judge what is shared) Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Issues and Ethics - Chapter 11 (4)

7 Informed Consent - before therapy begins, the counselor needs to give information to family members about: ◦ purpose of therapy ◦ typical procedures ◦ risks and possible benefits of therapy ◦ the fee structure ◦ limits of confidentiality ◦ rights and responsibilities of clients ◦ the option that a family member can withdraw at any time ◦ what can be expected from the therapist Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Issues and Ethics - Chapter 11 (5)

8 Training Issues: Personal Characteristics of Family Therapists ◦ self-knowledge is critical, especially family-of-origin issues ◦ value system of therapist has crucial influence on formulation and definition of problems Training, Supervision, and Clinical Experience ◦ didactic & experiential methods The role of the therapist is to help family members see more clearly what they are doing, to help them make an honest evaluation of how well their present patterns are working for them, and to encourage them to make the changes they deem necessary Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Issues and Ethics - Chapter 11 (2)

9 Places same demands for change on both women and men Values women’s requests for change, expression of emotion and nurturance in both partners, and women’s work in the family Challenges traditional roles and patterns of male dominance and female subordination Questions gender-specific rules Corey, 8e, ©2011, Brooks/ Cole – Cengage Learning Issues and Ethics - Chapter 11 (3)

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