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Resume Writing Why this step of your job search is so critical… 1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Resume Writing Why this step of your job search is so critical… 1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist."— Presentation transcript:


2 Resume Writing Why this step of your job search is so critical… 1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos- Language Arts Specialist

3 What is a Resume? A 1 page outlined summary of your -Education Background -Work Experiences -Affiliations & Awards -Personal & Professional Skills 2 Sample on page 15!

4 What is the point? To attract enough attention to get you an INTERVIEW! 3

5 What Do Employers Look For? First Impression – hard to change Professional, Organized, BALANCED Avoid Personal Pronouns Quantify your experiences Questionable Subjects? Recent Dates First Document consistently updated Be positive!!!! Sell Yourself!!! 4

6 Interests and Hobbies (is it relevant?) Irrelevant details Outdated information Paper Choice Font Choice, Color, & Size Appropriate Email Addresses Your Voicemail Message Facebook/My Space/You Tube/Twitter Your Online Identity Matters!!!! 5

7 Lying/Over Exaggerating Don’t risk it! Companies do extensive background checks May do checks years after you’ve been hired M.I.T. Dean FIRED! Chef on Food Network FIRED! 6

8 7

9 Significance of Word Choice You have Limited Space Resume Reveals your Written Communication Skills!!! Add Keywords (NEW company resume software weed out bad applicants) Look at Job Descriptions or KUDER Navigator website for keyword help 8

10 Transferrable Skills/Qualities Top 10 Personal Qualities Employers Seek 1) Communication SkillsCommunication Skills 2)Honesty/Integrity 3)Teamwork Skills 4)Strong Work Ethics 5)Analytical Skills 6)Flexibility/Analytical 7)Interpersonal Skills 8) Motivation/Initiative 9)Computer Skills 10) Detail-oriented 9 Turn to Page 12 in your packets!!!! CLICK

11 Integrating Action Verbs Use Verbs for Work Experience descriptions Use a VARIETY of them (no repeats) Appropriate Tenses !!!! Be CONSISTANT!!! The thesaurus helps! Example: Communicate fluently in Italian and Greek Example: Managed budget records accordingly 10 Verb List on page 11&26!

12 EXAMPLE- Which Verb Fits Best? Skill you possess?  Organized Sample statement = ____________ organizational skills a)Provide b)Display c)Encourage d)Possess e)Ensure f)Initiate g)Maintain h)Manifest i)Apply j)Assure

13 Only PERFECTION is acceptable.. One mistake and your resume will be having coffee with the trash can  Errors = You are careless Which Means = You will be careless on the job It is hard to change first impressions! 12

14 Want to Prevent that Coffee Meeting? 3 Step PLAN of Attack 1) Spell Check 2) Reread OUT LOUD to yourself 3) Have someone else proofread it 13

15 General Headings in a Resume Objective Education Work Experience Activities/Affiliations Skills Awards/Honors References 14

16 Many Styles 15 You can switch the position of your name and contact information!

17 Many Styles 16 You can add shading to your columns!

18 Many Styles 17 What do you think is wrong with this resume? What is the only part of this resume that I’d probably focus on?

19 Many Styles 18 What is wrong with this resume? Is it acceptable?

20 Many Styles 19 What is wrong with this resume?

21 Many Styles 20 Is this resume consistent & balanced?

22 Many Styles 21 Wow! I like his shirt! He’s hired!!! What is wrong with this resume? Is it acceptable?

23 What are References? Individuals that have supervised you and know of your skills and qualities No family members, friends, g/f, b/f Ask for PERMISSION Will be updated just like resume info. A typed separate document Heading same as resume Only give if requested Rest assured employer WILL call references 22 Sample Document on page 17!

24 KUDER Navigator Website Save username and password !!!!! Access forever Great resource for: -Scholarships & Financial Aide -Colleges & Choosing Majors -Job Search & Career Options -Resumes -Interviewing -Business Writing etc… Up to 10 different resumes saved MUST copy and paste to MS Word (not printing directly from website!) 23

25 Economy/Competition 24

26 “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas A. Edison Read more at 25

27 Excellent Work Today! Homework: 1)Please complete Homework Packet (page 22- 25 Resume & References) 2) Know your Usernames and Passwords for 26 See you in a week!

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