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Proprietary and Confidential 1 Summary Introduction.

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1 Proprietary and Confidential 1 Summary Introduction

2 Proprietary and Confidential 2 AC/DC DC/DCAC/AC DC/AC Overview Power Offer discovered the ‘missing quarter’, direct AC-AC conversion Trangulator We call it Trangulator, Transformer + Regulator Standard HW and our proprietary algorithm Replacing traditional analog solutions or the inefficient double conversion technologies, offering better performance and new features Acting in the field of power quality, energy efficiency, energy mixing.

3 Proprietary and Confidential 3 The company

4 Proprietary and Confidential 4 Trangulator The Trangulator An electronic device that converts, regulates and mixes energy from multiple sources (AC and/or DC) into one regulated output, in 1 single stage conversion. AC AC or DC AC

5 Proprietary and Confidential 5 The Trangulator technology in a nutshell Power quality Energy mixing Energy efficiency Power conversion Energy mixing High efficiency Small size Light weight Wide input voltage range All in 1 Capex Size Less converters Better redundancy Opex Better efficiency Better use of batteries Energy router Smart grid UPS Transformer Regulator/ stabilizer Variac Home appliances

6 Proprietary and Confidential 6 Space Trangulator We developed a revolutionary switching single stage AC-AC conversion technology- The Trangulator Trangulator The Trangulator provides better performance and brings new features where AC power is involved. This includes: Power quality- regulation, harmonics, backup Merging AC and renewable energy Energy efficiency Power conversion

7 Proprietary and Confidential 7 Features Our proprietary single conversion technology enables mixing energy from various (AC and/or DC) sources. This grants: Mixing AC with renewable sources Handling all Power Quality issues Highest efficiency Smaller size Lighter weight Wide input voltage range Bi-directional All in 1- conversion + regulation + harmonic filtering

8 Proprietary and Confidential 8 Trangulator The Trangulator is a ‘building block’ that can be embedded to improve existing products and open new venues: Energy router- merging AC with renewable sources. Smart grid- energy mixing, regulation, demand management UPS- higher efficiency@ true protection, smaller footprint, better redundancy, better use of batteries, lower TCO Transformer*- 10-15% size and weight, provides also regulation & harmonic filtering, wide input voltage range, cheaper production cost Home appliance- immunity from PQ problems. Consolidation of production lines, energy saving. * Also acts as Voltage regulator and Variac Applications

9 Proprietary and Confidential 9 Cost- economic benefits The single stage AC-AC conversion grants economic advantages: Capital savings: Trangulator One Trangulator replaces several converters & inverters required by other Smaller footprint Better redundancy- less no. of units Operational savings: Higher efficiency Better use of batteries

10 Proprietary and Confidential 10 “what ever can become digital, will become digital ” B. Landa Quote from VC Vinod KhoslaVinod Khosla "The grid really equals smart power electronics. A 50-year-old transformer made of copper wire wound around a ferrite core can't respond to a signal, so we can't control it," adding, "If we invest in new power electronics devices, things will change radically. The design of existing systems will change based on these new components." "We have to focus on power electronics....... As power generation becomes distributed and intermittent, and as EV loads proliferate, the need for software-based intelligence, frequency and voltage regulation, remote monitoring, control, management, automated actuation, harmonic filtering and other features will be required. Next-generation solid-state transformers, engineered with intelligent power electronics, versus traditional, static coil-based transformers are being developed to provide these features and integrate many disparate grid asset functions, such as voltage regulators” Source: Greentech Media's 2011

11 Proprietary and Confidential 11 APPLICATIONS

12 Proprietary and Confidential 12 Application: UPS Motivation: o UPS market is estimated at 10 billion $ o every server in the world is connected to grid via UPS for backup and voltage regulation (protection) Our value proposition Higher efficiency at true regulation Smaller footprint Better battery use Better flexibility and less units required for redundancy

13 Proprietary and Confidential 13 Power Offer’s UPS² Power Offer’s Trangulator, brings the next generation in UPS topology- On line single conversion Our proprietary technology provides the following advantage: 1.Highest efficiency- 97% at true regulation (no ECO mode) 2.Smallest footprint- 12 kW in 19’’ rack only 2U 3.Wider input voltage range 4.Better use of batteries 5.Better paralleling 6.Highest power density

14 Proprietary and Confidential 14 Application: Smart Grid Motivation: Grid instability increase due to multiple renewable power sources Desire to control (not only monitor) the grid Utilities looking for ways to reduce peak demand Our value proposition Mix and share energy from various AC and DC sources Unmatchable voltage regulation Demand management by mixing and sharing energy sources Energy saving by voltage optimization

15 Proprietary and Confidential 15 Power Offer’s energy router Based on our proprietary Trangulator, Power Offer introduces a Smart grid solution, offering the following: 1.Voltage regulation & harmonic filtering 2.Energy mixing & sharing 3.Demand /response (peak adding or shaving) 4.Voltage optimization (energy saving) 5.Buck/boost trafo. 6.Bi-directional- can receive energy from multiple sources and/or feed the grid 7.Remote controlled trough the web

16 Proprietary and Confidential 16 Power Offer’s energy router AC in DC in AC bidirectional input/output DC bidirectional input/output Energy Router

17 Proprietary and Confidential 17 GO TO MARKET

18 Proprietary and Confidential 18 Go to market strategy Go to Market  “Power Offer inside”  Non exclusive  Cooperate/spin-off Go to Market  Collaboration with utilities  Collaboration with strategic partners

19 Proprietary and Confidential 19 Status We have strong IP on direct AC-AC and energy mixing Trangulator’s We are nearing final stage of development of first UPS product based on specs defined by a UPS distributor. This will showcase the Trangulator’s capabilities. We discovered huge potential for our energy mixing capabilities, relevant for renewable and thee Smart grid arena Expansion into other applications will be based on “Power Offer inside” business model

20 Proprietary and Confidential 20 Technology showcase AC input DC input AC “A picture is worth 1000 words, a prototype is worth 1000 pictures” To showcase our technology, we are introducing a dual input Trangulator. This will present the following: 2 input energy sharing Highest efficiency @ true regulation mode Small footprint Wide input voltage range Paralleling capabilities

21 Proprietary and Confidential 21 Dual input Trangulator 12 kVA/kw 2 inputs (AC and DC) 97% @ true regulation mode 2U in standard 19’’ rack Racable- up to 7 modules

22 Proprietary and Confidential 22 Power Offer is a technology company with a break through game changing solution for digital AC The growing complexity of the electrical grid requires a fit only digital power can achieve Trangulator The Trangulator is the right solution to these challenges and is set to make AC better for everyone Conclusion

23 Proprietary and Confidential 23 Our Team Oren Ahronson – Chairman & CEO: Joined Power Offer in Dec. 2010 after fund raising round from angel investors. 17 years of managerial experience, including President & CEO of Siemens Israel. Education: Electrical engineering and MBA. Siemens General management program, YPO Harvard presidents’ program Ofer Zilberberg – Co-founder and CTO: Cofounded Power Offer in 2007 as part of Mayan Ventures incubator Over 25 years of engineering experience in some of Israel’s leading technological companies, including senior system architecture in TeleData and Atrica. Ofer also owns several patents in the fields of telecom and power electronics. Education: Electrical Engineer Doron Zohar – Co-founder and COO: Cofounded Power Offer in 2007 as part of Mayan Ventures incubator Over 20 years of experience in operations and management in high-tech companies, including Director of supply management at HP/Indigo and Atrica. Education: Business Administration Prof. Eli Flaxer - Chief Scientist Joined Power Offer in 2008. responsible for the Algorithm and SW architecture. Associate Professor at the Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering Holds several publications in the field of power electronics and control PhD in Physics from Tel Aviv University.

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