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الاسبوع الحادي والعشرون تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application.

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Presentation on theme: "الاسبوع الحادي والعشرون تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application."— Presentation transcript:


2 الاسبوع الحادي والعشرون تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application تطبيقات المبدلات Inverter Application



5 Study the following :  Inverter application.  Emergency power supply  Single phase motor speed control Study the following :  Inverter application.  Emergency power supply  Single phase motor speed control


7 Comparator Amp. Trigger cct. M TGTG Feed back loop IfIf Potential



10 1-Uninterruptible power supplies


12 Switch ON or OFF Switch ON or OFF Loads Main feeder converter invertor Battery

13 Static UPS system are two types : 1.short-break UPS. Fig ( 2 ) Batteries Rectifier ac-dc Inverter dc-ac Filter Main ac supply Critical load Static transfer switch Normally off Power flow Normally “OFF” Normally “ON”

14 2-No-break UPS Fig (3 ) Batteries Rectifier ac-dc Inverter dc-ac Filter Main ac supply Critical load Static transfer switch Normally on Power flow Normally “ON” Normally “OFF”

15 3-rotating – type UPS system based on dc motor /alternator set. Fig 4: rotating – type UPS system based on dc motor /alternator set. DC M UPS to critical loads Alternator Diesel engine Flywheel Rectifier 3-phase supply mains Battery Bank


17 Variable speed motor drives * DC drives ▹ Power supply for DC motor ▹ Usually controlled rectifier to convert constant AC to variable DC *AC drives ▹ Power supply for AC motor ▹ Mostly for induction motors, but can be used with synchronous motors ▹ Fixed AC →DC (fixed or variable) →Variable frequency and voltage AC 2- Electrical Drive

18 M IfIf Ia V

19 ComparatorAmp. Trigger cct. M TGTG Feed back loop IfIf Potential

20 Variable Speed AC Drive  VVVF control of induction motor 3-phase rectifier 415V 3- phase rectifier 600V DC Link AC motor

21 Three-phase inverter for speed control (by using PWM METHODS )

22 Three phase inverter

23 Waveforms of voltages


25 Key answer Switch ON or OFF Switch ON or OFF Loads Main feeder converter invertor Battery


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