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RESUME WRITING. RESUMES  Typed, Times or Ariel font on 8.5” x 11” white or resume paper  Know the purpose of your resume  It should serve the purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "RESUME WRITING. RESUMES  Typed, Times or Ariel font on 8.5” x 11” white or resume paper  Know the purpose of your resume  It should serve the purpose."— Presentation transcript:


2 RESUMES  Typed, Times or Ariel font on 8.5” x 11” white or resume paper  Know the purpose of your resume  It should serve the purpose of getting you an interview – not a job!

3 YOUR BASIC INFORMATION  Name (First and last, middle is not necessary)  Address  Phone number (include area code)  Email address

4 YOUR OBJECTIVE  This is a statement where you say your career goals and the position you would like to be considered for.  Use keywords from the job description itself – this will require you to read the position carefully

5 YOUR EDUCATION  List these in REVERSE chronological order  Include the NAME and LOCATION of each school  Include the dates attended, or the graduation month and year  FOR COLLEGE(s):  List your DEGREE(s) (Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate)  Major(s) and Minor(s)  G.P.A. only if ABOVE a 3.0

6 YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE  List these in REVERSE chronological order  Your past 2 or 3 jobs will suffice, not EVERY single job you’ve held  List dates you worked there  Name the position you held there  List 2-3 duties you had when working in this position – use NUMBERS and concrete information – ACTION WORDS!!  List any achievements while in this position – promotions, awards, etc.  Be selective when choosing which previous jobs to include – choose those that highlight things you’ve done that are relevant to the job you’re applying for

7 YOUR VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE  List these in REVERSE chronological order  Name of the organization and dates  Duties you had as a volunteer – again, ACTION words and NUMBERS!!

8 YOUR SKILLS  Computer programs you know  Equipment you are comfortable using  Personal work ethic (Examples: dependable, hard-working, dedicated, etc.)

9 YOUR REFERENCE LIST  List 3 references (former employer, teacher, religious leader, close family friend – someone who can speak on your behalf about your work ethic and abilities)  Their name  Your relation to them and how long you’ve known them  Their position and company  Their phone number and/or email address  Be sure to ask permission of those you’re listing as a reference to make sure they’re willing and so they can be prepared when they receive an email or phone call!!

10 TIPS TO REMEMBER  Do NOT include a picture  Do NOT have a general resume (if avoidable) Tailor them to each position/company you’re applying to.  Action words to use:  USE SPELL CHECK  REREAD your resume – TWICE  Check your grammar!!  Have someone else review your resume for mistakes  Do not use “I”, “me” or “we”


12  15 grammar goofs – this is important!! 15 grammar goofs – this is important!!


14 “a lot” not “alot”




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