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How do Muslims make the community a better place? Learning Outcomes To understand what the Five Pillars of Islam are and to be able to explain their importance.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Muslims make the community a better place? Learning Outcomes To understand what the Five Pillars of Islam are and to be able to explain their importance."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Muslims make the community a better place? Learning Outcomes To understand what the Five Pillars of Islam are and to be able to explain their importance for the Muslim community Wednesday 6 th July Starter In your teams, discuss how each of you would answer the questions. Make BRIEF notes (you’ll need them later) What do you have to do on a daily basis? What is important thing to you? Is there one place that you would definitely like to visit in your life? Do you make any sacrifices? Do you do anything to show that you think about others?

2 All students will be bale to describe the Five Pillars of Islam and be able to give a simple description (Level 4) Most students will be able describe the Five Pillars of Islam, using the correct vocabulary and consider their impact on the community (Level 4-5) Some students will be able to explain the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam for the Muslim community (Level 5-6) and some will be able to consider the challenges of following the Five Pillars of Islam in a modern day society (Level 6-7) Learning Outcomes

3 1.What do we mean by a pillar? 2.What does a pillar do? 3.So why might Muslims carry out these ‘pillars’?

4 Research Task You are going to be split into groups of 5. You will each be given one pillar in your groups. 1 person in your group is going to be given the role of an ‘expert’ who will act as a teacher and will stay at your station. The other 4 will be runners, who try to find out about each of the pillars. You will then bring all of your findings back to your original group and present them on an A3 sheet. Once you have all of your information, present them back onto the piece of paper provided. As a group, decide which Pillar you think is the most important and why.

5 MounirSzymon JoherHamza Red means you’re the expert! YacquubJesseAmerDaniel RyanShannonHananTommy ChelseyAnaTaleeyaKyron LouiseJessicaTiannaAdam

6 1. Shahadah Which pillar is the most important and why? 2. Salah 3. Zakah 4. Sawm5. Hajj What is the most important thing to you? What do you have to do on a daily basis? Do you do anything to show that you think about others? Do you make any sacrifices? Is there one place that you would definitely like to visit in your life?

7 Born 1986 in Bolton Manchester and is a devout Muslim He is a very successful boxer who is currently WBA World Super lightweight champion How easy would it be for a devout Muslim such as Amir Khan to observe all of the five pillars?

8 What impact do the Five Pillars have on the Community? PillarImpact on the community Shahadah This is the belief that there is only one God—Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger. Salah Praying five times a day. Zakah Giving 2.5% of a person’s annual wealth to charity. Sawm This is fasting (going without food and drink). Hajj Pilgrimage (holy journey) to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

9 What do you think is the most important Pillar of Islam for the community? Give two reasons for your point of view. Think about: How does a Muslim benefit from it? Is it easy to do? How does the Community benefit? How is it demonstrated and what is it’s impact? Extension: Do you think it is important for Muslims to try and follow all the pillars? Why? Community Sense of belonging God Reminder Empathy Understanding Sharing Brotherhood Equality Spiritual

10 Write your own ‘Five Pillars’ for your community which would help people live well and make the world a better place. Homework Explain the impact your ‘Five Pillars’ would have on your community. Plenary

11 All students will know the names of the Five Pillars of Islam and be able to give a simple description (Level 4) Most students will be able describe the Five Pillars of Islam (using the correct vocabulary) (Level 4-5) Some students will be able to explain the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam for the Muslim community (Level 5-6) and some will be able to consider the challenges of following the Five Pillars of Islam in a modern day society (Level 6-7) Learning Outcomes

12 In your groups, try and answer the questions What is important thing to you? What do you have to do on a daily basis? Do you do anything to show that you think about others? Do you make any sacrifices? Is there one place that you would definitely like to visit in your life?


14 What impact do the Five Pillars have on the Community? PillarImpact on the community Shahadah This is the belief that there is only one God—Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger. Salah Praying five times a day. Zakah Giving 2.5% of a person’s annual wealth to charity. Sawm This is fasting (going without food and drink). Hajj Pilgrimage (holy journey) to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

15 What do you think is the most important Pillar of Islam for the community? Give two reasons for your point of view. I think the most important Pillar of Islam is … What this means is … I think this is important for the community because … Secondly, I also think it is important because Community Sense of belonging God Reminder Empathy Understanding Sharing Brotherhood Equality Spiritual

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