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On 13 th Dec a man was stabbed by a suspected terrorist at a tube station. A Muslim security guard who witnessed the event shouted “You ain’t no Muslim,

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2 On 13 th Dec a man was stabbed by a suspected terrorist at a tube station. A Muslim security guard who witnessed the event shouted “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv”, and has denounced extremists as “evil, pure evil”.

3 Leaning Objectives: ■To understand what is meant by the term propaganda and how it is used in society. ■To explain some of the reasons why propaganda is so common today. ■To discuss case studies of propaganda.

4 What does Propaganda mean? ■information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

5 Extremist groups like ISIS use propaganda online to recruit members.

6 HTTP://WWW.BBC.CO.UK/ NEWS/WORLD-MIDDLE- EAST-27912569 Watch the video


8 Screenshot from an Isis video posted on YouTube on 17 June, calling for support for the group

9 However, ISIS are not the only extremist group using propaganda to recruit supporters In the past such extremist groups as: ■KKK (Ku Klux Klan) ■Nazi Party More recently such extremist groups as?: ■EDL (English Defence League) ■Britain First

10 Why would the EDL release this? ■Illustrates the conspiracy theory that graffiti featuring the letters EDL, which has been painted on mosques and Islamic centres since the murder of Lee Rigby, is not the work of EDL supporters themselves but of Muslims wanting to smear the EDL name.

11 …is actually more than three years old and nothing to do with the current crisis This picture was shared widely on Facebook as Syrian refugees waving ISIS flags in Germany …

12 ‘ISIS wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t Islamophobia’: What young British Muslims think about radicalisation

13 How would you spot propaganda and protect yourself online? ■Make sure your security settings are adequate. ■Check the source of the information. ■Report any offensive content to the managers of the website (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) immediately. ■Is the person posting biased in their presentation of information? ■Discuss with an adult (parents, school). ■Have you considered both sides of the argument?

14 Why do people hold extremist views? Ignorance Their family have raised them to think that way. They have never been exposed to an alternative point of view. They don’t know all of the facts to make an informed decision. Manipulated Biased Vulnerable Absolutist Brain washed De-humanize Certain they are right. Unwillingness to compromise Anyone who has opposing views can become expendable.

15 Social Media Summary Tweet it: Summarise the content in less than 140 characters. Include a hashtag Facebook Status: Summarise the content. Tag an emotion, any relevant people and potentially include a picture. Instagram: Draw a picture to summarise the content. What is meant by the term propaganda? How can you protect yourself against it?

16 The Prevent Strategy ■Disrupting Extremists ■Countering extremist narratives and ideology ■Preventing radicalisation ■Encouraging Integration ■Stopping extremism in institutions like schools

17 If you suspect someone is being radicalised you must: ■Inform a teacher immediately

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