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11 Social Worker Training Contract Bidder Briefing Event Date: 23 May 2013 Time: 2.00 to 4.00pm Location: Room 6.02 Sanctuary Buildings 20 Great Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Social Worker Training Contract Bidder Briefing Event Date: 23 May 2013 Time: 2.00 to 4.00pm Location: Room 6.02 Sanctuary Buildings 20 Great Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Social Worker Training Contract Bidder Briefing Event Date: 23 May 2013 Time: 2.00 to 4.00pm Location: Room 6.02 Sanctuary Buildings 20 Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BT

2 2 Agenda TimeContent Lead 2.00 - 2.10pmRegistration and refreshmentsVas Patel DfE 2.10 – 2.20pmWelcome and IntroductionsNicola Doyle, DfE 2.20 - 2.40pmBackground to the requirement Nicola Doyle Lorraine Reid, DfE Vas Patel 2.40 - 2.50pm Information on the procurement Janet Fletcher DfE, processPrincipal Commercial Manager 2.50 - 3.30pmQ & A sessionAll 3.30pm Close Nicola Doyle 3.30 - 4.00pm Networking opportunity

3 3 Nicola Doyle Department for Education Fostering Team Care and Adoption Group Head of Fostering Policy

4 Independent Visitors CAMHS Other Connected People Health Services School and VSH Contact Worker Birth Family Foster Carer & Foster Family Foster Child Supervising Social Worker Children’s Social Worker IRO Effective leadership, management grip and review Multi-agency intensive wrap-around support Sufficient foster carers with right skills to meet the needs of local looked after children Highly effective, skilled core team, clarity of role, decision making and responsibility, with effective management and supervision Team around the Looked After Child Effective information sharing Clear recruitment, retention and commissioning strategies

5 Improving Fostering Services Programme  Recruitment and retention of foster carers;  Commissioning of fostering services;  Assessment and approval of foster carers;  Delegation of authority to foster carers;  Long term foster placements;  Return home; and  Training and support for foster carers and social workers.

6 Training and Support Ambition: Foster carers have access to the right training and support to enable them to fulfil their role; and social workers have the training and development they need to enable them to work effectively alongside the foster carer as part of the core team around the child  Published a national aide memoire to support local delivery of training for foster carers focused on supporting the education of looked after children developed in partnership with Virtual School Heads and the fostering sector  Piloting a foster carer development tool with Research in Practice  Fostering Information Exchange  Tendering for the development of training materials on fostering and adoption for Children’s Social Workers, Supervising Social Workers, team managers and IROs

7 7 Lorraine Reid Department for Education Adoption Division Care and Adoption Group Adoption Policy

8 The Adoption Reforms to date A programme of policy development over the course of 2012 and into 2013, with high ministerial and PM priority: 2012  February: Government response to the Family Justice Review  March: An Action Plan for Adoption: Tackling Delay – this makes specific reference to the importance of Social Worker training  May: Publication of adoption scorecards  July: early permanence proposals  July: call for views on contact and sibling placements  September: Consultation on regulatory change  November: Publication of adoption scorecards (round 2)  December: Announcement of adoption support package proposals

9 The Adoption Reforms to date- continued 2013  January: Launched the First4Adoption information line  January: Publication of Further Action on Adoption: Finding More Loving Homes  February: Introduction of legislation  April: Launched the First4Adoption website  May: Launched the Adoption Passport  May: publication of The Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 (that come into effect on 1/7/13)  May: Publication on the adopter assessment statutory guidance (valid from 1/7/13)

10 10 Vas Patel Department for Education Fostering Team Care and Adoption Group Social Worker Training - Contract Manager

11 11 Services to be procured The successful bidder would be required to:  produce materials setting out the knowledge and core competences required of social workers working across fostering and adoption;  design and produce a trainer’s pack for social worker trainers  deliver nine regional ‘train the trainer’ seminars; and  manage and administer a Steering Group which will quality assure the products above.

12 Guiding principles  Practical products that support Social Worker Continuing Professional Development  Compatible with the curriculum guide and professional capabilities statements for adoption and fostering currently being developed with the College of Social Work which are likely to be available in October 2013  Congruent with the College CPD endorsement facility to ensure trainers and users of the materials could be endorsed in the future  Non-mandatory but wish the products to be seen as valuable and used by the sector  We are looking for innovative and creative proposals which have a long shelf life 12

13 Training Materials  Tender specification sets out the key knowledge and core competences and role specific skills to be included in the materials  The number, format and design of materials is for you to determine 13

14 Trainers Pack As a minimum, the pack will need to include slide presentations, trainer’s notes, scheme of work, lesson plans, reading materials and links to any other resources You need to set out in detail how these materials will be developed, as well as the content of those materials 14

15 Trainer Events  Minimum of nine regional events for social work training providers to deliver the materials produced.  Locations to be agreed between the Department and successful bidder.  Use of cost effective venues such as Departmental office locations, voluntary sector provision, local authority provision, other potential ‘in kind’ support from the sector  Show how you will target attendees and evaluate the effectiveness of the events  We will not cover the cost of delegates attending the events  Delivery of events before the end of the contract (from late 2013 to February 2014) 15

16 Steering Group  Involvement of strategic partners and practitioners including foster carers and adopters  Its role will be to quality assure the products  Your bid should set out: –the composition of the Steering Group –the frequency of meetings –how the Steering Group will carry out its functions –how you will recruit members –how you will manage the Steering Group i.e. chairing, taking minutes and other secretariat functions  The Steering Group must include Departmental representation 16

17 17 Information on the procurement process  Ensure you adhere to the timelines and tender instructions  DfE will be open, fair, and transparent in the conduct of the procurement process e.g. attendees recorded, discussions recorded (subject to commercial confidentialities not being breached)  If there is anything in the tender that is unclear – register your query/clarification a.s.a.p. (and by noon on 21 June 2013 at the latest) via the mailbox (see final slide)  Clarification questions and answers raised here will be shared with all and published via FAQs on website (as appropriate)  Clarification interviews will only be held if absolutely necessary. If held they are for clarification purposes only – not an opportunity to submit additional information  Commercial confidentiality will be respected  Feedback can be provided after announcement of award of contract on request and we will invite feedback on your view of the tender process at this stage to inform future tender exercises  Evaluation of bids will be strictly controlled. Tenders opened at same time, independently evaluated, by individuals separately. Evaluators will then come together to compare and agree scores. Process will be subject to senior management scrutiny and sign-off

18 18 Q & A

19 19 Close - Indicative Procurement Timetable reminder ActionDate Contracts Finder publication30 April 2013 OJEU notice publication10 May 2013 Deadline for any clarification questions21 June 2013 12.00 noon Closing date for receipt of tenders5 July 2013 12.00 noon Clarification meetings (if required)22 July - 26 July 2013 Inform all bidders of resultsw/c 6 August 2013 Commencement of contractsw/c 2 September 2013

20 20 Further information InformationLink Website including FAQs Contracts Finder mon/View%20Notice.aspx?site=1000&lang=en&Notic eId=941748 Questions Tender Responses

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