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Introducing Carolyn Holmes Locality Manager CASC 20.5.15.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Carolyn Holmes Locality Manager CASC 20.5.15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Carolyn Holmes Locality Manager Carolyn.holmes@skillsforcare. CASC 20.5.15

2 Aim of I Care…Ambassadors To present a positive image of social care careers thus supporting recruitment and retention

3 Objectives of I Care…Ambassadors To elevate the image and status of social care and affirm professionalism. To sell the value and rewards of a career in care. To promote career and development opportunities. To improve public awareness and target a diverse range of individuals who may have skills which can enhance the sector. To support innovation in recruitment and retention.

4 Why is recruitment and retention important to social care employers? We will expand the care ambassadors scheme to promote a positive image of the sector, making links with a range of audiences, including schools, colleges, and careers and job services. Government White Paper - Caring for our future: reforming care and support, 2012 Capable, Confident, Skilled: A workforce development strategy for people working, supporting and caring in adult social care, 2011 As the adult social care workforce needs to grow, other sectors are contracting, and there are real opportunities for the social care sector to diversify its workforce and attract people with a range of skills that can enhance the sector. Deliverables to include: promoting and extending the care ambassadors scheme.

5 Why is recruitment and retention important to social care employers? Life expectancy increasing year on year. More people with complex conditions. Expectations changing – Personalisation, choice, independence and control. Innovative, bespoke care services required. Need to attract a diverse workforce with the skills to provide quality services in the future.

6 Mark Kite, Barchester Healthcare “The need for quality adult social care is increasing year on year. Barchester Healthcare recognise that every social care provider has a responsibility to support the sector in the recruitment and development of our carers of the future. The I Care…Ambassador network enables social care providers to support the recruitment of new workers into the sector by providing highly motivated, supportive, well trained I Care…Ambassadors. We believe this is an essential network that promotes social care as a career of choice and to attract the workforce we need for the future.”

7 Social care employers want the best people Need to attract talent, new skills, fresh ideas of the sector have outdated perceptions don't understand what it is or don't consider care as they Some of the best people Cost effective way of reaching attracting people, engaging with communities and showcasing yourself as a quality employer You can tailor your service offer to suit you A way of developing and motivating staff Why get involved? Employer

8 Tool and guidance on preparing, setting up and running an I Care… Ambassador service is available on our website: It provides key information, useful tips, checklists and case studies to support the following: Setting up and running an I Care…Ambassador service

9 work in a social care role which involves direct day to day care and support, or be in a social care support or ancillary role which involves some delivery of day to day care and support to people who use the care service work for and be supported by, a social care employer which is either registered as an I Care…Ambassador service or signed up as part of an I Care…Ambassador partnership Who can be an I Care…Ambassador? I Care…Ambassadors must:

10 Develop new skills and gain access to a wider network to share and learn Raise the profile of care and your organisation Access to resources and development opportunities Supports career progression Help other people to better understand what care is about and change outdated negative perceptions Share enthusiasm for your work

11 Activities Formal presentation Informal talk or discussion Interactive group activity Information stand Supporting a work placement opportunity Guided workplace visits Media/publicity Other specialist services Mentoring people who are new to the sector

12 ServicesWelcome Modules All I Care…Ambassadors will need complete the Welcome Modules before they start delivering activity to familiarise themselves with their role and responsibilities of being an I Care…Ambassador. There are 8 e-learn modules delivering a high-level introduction to the I Care…Ambassador role and to the Principles and Policy for I Care…Ambassadors

13 Key features of the Welcome Modules  Bite sized chunks of learning.  Inbuilt automated assessment at the end of each module.  Progress log which can be saved so learners can track their achievements.  Ambassadors can print a certificate once they have completed all of the modules, they will also receive a badge from Skills for Care.

14 Further development Ambassadors can progress their learning by undertaking the following:  Presentation Skills online Modules  The ‘Meet Joy’ online development resource Associates have access to online learning and can support ambassadors in their development

15 I Care…Associates have experience and insight into the care sector. They assist ambassador recruitment/development and can support ambassadors at events. Ambassador and associates are nominated by their employer to undertake the roles. Ambassador and associate roles

16 Involvement will result in: Benefits to employers

17 Use of nationally recognised I Care…Ambassador brand Wide employer network to share learning Use of an online Search Register to electronically store ambassador records Access to development opportunities to support your service and ambassadors

18 Wider promotion of what you do through the online Search Register Provides a clear, bespoke and recognised ‘offer’of services Access to a range of resources and information to support you in delivering services Benefits to employers

19 A social care employer providing good quality direct care and support to adults in England as a primary function of your business; or Who can register a service? Social care employers and employer partnerships have a lead role in delivering I Care…Ambassadors. To register a service an organisation must be either: A formally constituted partnership of social care employers, each of whom provides good quality direct care and support as a primary function of their business.

20 I Care…Ambassador services will: Provide appropriately skilled ambassadors who can share their passion and experience with those considering career options. Arrange and deliver, tailored activities which inform and engage the audience who may be considering a career in care or those who support individuals making career decisions. Encourage more people to explore care as a career and inspire the right people to join the sector.

21 An I Care…Ambassador partnership is a group of employers who have a collective purpose, to promote social care as a career Social care employers can either register as a single social care employer, or as part of a partnership of social care employers All members must sign up to the Principles and Policy for I Care...Ambassadors I Care…Ambassador employer partnerships


23 Getting Started - Employers Employers and partnerships will need to: Develop a plan and ensure the service is financially sustainable* Guidance on this is in the setting up and running a service document Register the organisation details via the online employer register. Once your account is verified you will be able to add individuals to the system. All Ambassadors and Associates must be nominated by a social care employer. Familiarise the I Care…Ambassador service with the resources and prepare to deliver activity.

24 If the service coordinator provides direct day to day care and support as part of their role and wishes to deliver activity, they can register as an I Care…Ambassador Only organisations and individuals signed up to I Care…Ambassadors will have access to the Resource Bank and be able to use the I Care…Ambassador brand Each I Care…Ambassador will need to have their own unique email address and will have independent access to the Resources Bank and Welcome Modules Getting Started - Employers

25 Services The shape of services The size and scope of the service offer can be tailored to suit the employer or partnership. This includes:  The number of ambassadors offering services  The people you are willing to work with e.g. schools, unemployed.  The type/range of services you will offer. e.g. presentations, information stand.  Whether you will link with other employers and work in partnership.  The geographical area you are willing target.

26 Principles and Policy The Principles and Policy form the framework by which I Care…Ambassador services operate. View the online animation

27 I Care…Ambassador services will: Assist careers and employment advisors to maintain and refresh their knowledge of the sector. Provide up to date, impartial information to help people to understand the range of career and development opportunities, routes into care and working environments, equipping individuals to make informed career decisions. Seek to continually review and improve the service.

28 “The revised principles and policy of the new I Care…Ambassador model gives a Comprehensive understanding of the new service, and I found it a really useful document. I think it states clearly what the service aims to achieve and it outlines what is expected from both ambassadors and employer organisations.” Ben Rosamond, Sunderland City Council Mark Kite, Barchester Healthcare “The need for quality adult social care is increasing year on year. Barchester Healthcare recognise that every social care provider has a responsibility to support the sector in the recruitment and development of our carers of the future. The I Care…Ambassador network enables social care providers to support the recruitment of new workers into the sector by providing highly motivated, supportive, well trained I Care…Ambassadors. We believe this is an essential network that promotes social care as a career of choice and to attract the workforce we need for the future.”

29 Involvement in I Care… Ambassadors will support local authorities to: Why get involved? Local Authority

30 Meet the aims of the social care workforce strategy in attracting a capable, confident and skilled workforce to provide quality care and support now and in the future. Meet the aims of the sector recruitment and retention strategy, enabling strategic alliances to be built with schools, careers and employment services. Why get involved? Local Authority

31 Why get involved? Local authority Support ADASS with their responsibility for the entire social care workforce. Support economic growth, regeneration, tackle work with LEPS. City regions, BIS unemployment and provide greater potential to Aid future planning to attract younger workers and deal with and ageing workforce.

32 Support market shaping and the local authority market position statement. Support your visibility as an organisation, promote the sector and enhance wider engagement. Support the local authority carers strategy. Support engagement with the third sector within the locality Why get involved? Local authority

33 Skills for Care hosts the support the development of the I Care…Ambassadors ‘hub’ which includes the online Search Register and Resources Bank. What is Skills for Care’s role?

34 Skills for Care will advise and support social care employers and partnerships to understand the new model, set up and develop their I Care… Ambassador services Skills for Care supports an employer steering group to uphold and review the Principles and Policy for I Care…Ambassadors

35 Planning Statements 1.Understanding Everybody understands their role, responsibilities and is committed to the I Care…Ambassador model 5.Inspiration Ambassadors will be supported to build and share their story in providing great care, inspiring others to work in care. 2.Talent We can supply and support talented care staff who are willing to showcase the great care and support they provide. 6.Operation We have agreed how our service will work, how it will be coordinated, its structure, systems and processes 3.Ambition We know what we want to achieve, who we will work with and how we will achieve it. 7.Success We know how to assess/evidence that we do a great job in promoting care careers and identify areas for ambassador development 4.Sustainability We have calculated that we can resource the service, we understand our contribution and the benefits that will be returned. 8.Identity People can understand who we are, where to find us and what we do in promoting care careers

36 Sustainability A range of case studies give examples of how others sustain their service Some services build this into the marketing and staff development elements of their organisational budget Option to seek external funding and social enterprise Charge for services – e.g. per hour, event, expenses Payment in kind such as free use of meeting rooms, skill swop, free materials

37 Remember to consider non financial benefits: Effective marketing can increase of status as a quality employer Retention of staff through raised motivation Indirect recruitment of diverse and higher skilled workforce Increased knowledge, skills, competence and confidence of staff undertaking I Care… Ambassador services Sustainability

38 Central Infrastructure Registration System Hosted by Skills for Care search register  Colleges.  Schools.  Training providers.  Organisations supporting unemployed.  Community Groups.  Job Centre Plus.  Universities.  Setting up and running an I Care…Ambassador service.  Delivery of services.  I Care…Ambassador development/CPD (can be accessed by individual I Care… Ambassadors) Resources bank to support Employers & employer partnerships include:  SMEs  Large employers  Local authorities  Individual employers

39 Any Questions? For more information go to

40 Members of the partnership can define membership and entry criteria for the partnership. The coordinating organisation is responsible for registering the partnership must be commissioned to undertake this role by all of the employers within the partnership. This should be supported by a written agreement. Partnership members will need to agree a partnership name and service description. I Care…Ambassador employer partnerships

41 All services have access to an online survey and reporting tool which is used to gather feedback and generate reports on the effectiveness of activity. This can provide evidence to support the development and growth of service Measuring success

42 Services For more information go to

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