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The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Agri-Skills progress report March.

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Presentation on theme: "The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Agri-Skills progress report March."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Agri-Skills progress report March 2011 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members

2 Agri-Skills Strategy - Background Agri-Skills forum established in 2008. Objective is to ensure training and skills development is available as and when needed, is easily accessible and meets the needs of business and the individual Key members of the forum created a ‘management group’ to develop a strategy ‘Towards a New Professionalism’ launched in February 2010 – supported by Government Strategy based around theme of professionalism and sustainability. Recognised that a voluntary approach that does not impose additional bureaucratic costs is needed

3 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Progress made on the Agri-Skills strategy Strategy has seen commitment and buy-in to training and skills agenda across the industry Skills agenda increasingly being talked about in the farming industry domain Two working groups established: –CPD working group to look at CPD schemes and how professionalism within agriculture can be recognised –Communications group tasked with promoting the initiative to key target audiences. Initiatives and activity undertaken by forum organisations towards the objectives within the action plan

4 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Recognition of existing skills and skills development activities

5 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Recognition of existing skills and skills development activities CPD and professionalism major part of the strategy Demand in Dairy and Horticulture sectors to develop CPD schemes There is a focus on skills recognition and development at all levels Defra are working with Agri-Skills members to ensure there are discussions with BIS on professionalism within the sector NFU response to Defra Regulation Task Force highlighted opportunities for reducing regulation through demonstration of compliance.

6 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Promotion of skills development as being central to business improvement RDPE funding has been used to develop a farming ambassador programme –Lantra in conjunction with NFU developed this training in North West and East Midlands Communication of benefits of increased professionalism to partners and consumers –Harper Adams developed links with British Poultry Council to encourage poultry businesses to invest in future skills development –Lantra event at House of Commons in partnership with Improve SSC and Skillsmart Retail to promote the importance of food and supply chains to Government Key part of this objective was to develop and promote training opportunities which businesses can easily access –Training and Skills regional events being promoted by NFU –West Midlands TB project –Lantra website now more business focused with CourseFinder and Fundfunder developed

7 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Use skills development opportunities and professionalism to promote the industry as an attractive place to work Wide range of activity undertaken on highlighting importance of new entry routes and career opportunities Lot of the work in this area has reflected the Government commitment to apprenticeships Fresh Start academies have continued – specialist pig academy was also launched in January 2011 Harper Adams and FACE have run programme to develop awareness of agri-food industry and career options with teachers and career advisers Lantra have developed career profiles and progression maps.

8 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members NFU / Agri-Skills Apprenticeship survey Survey on NFU Online throughout February 2011 Aimed to find out the level of knowledge and awareness of apprenticeship schemes within agriculture and the barriers to take-up Promoted throughout NFU communication channels and highlighted on Lantra and AHDB websites and picked up within the trade press Received 150 responses Confidence level of 90% - i.e. 90 out of every 100 farmers would have answered the same way with a margin of error of +/- 7%

9 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members

10 On which aspects would you need further information?

11 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Perceived barriers to uptake

12 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Perceived benefits of taking on an apprentice

13 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Priorities to make it happen (mean scores) High Priority

14 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Apprenticeship survey Perceived benefits of hiring an apprentice include –It brings young people into the organisation –It’s the best way of to train the workforce of the future –It ensures my workforce has the relevant skills needed 68 % of respondents with employees would also consider hiring an apprentice over the next two years Respondents felt it was a high priority to provide employers with more information and support

15 The NFU champions British farming and provides professional representation and services to its farmer and grower members Emerging themes and key issues Recognition of training and development within agriculture Communicating the benefits of training and skills development Ensuring easier access to skills and training through flexible delivery methods Promotion of apprenticeships Government and industry initiatives Growth and Innovation fund

16 The Government’s Skills Agenda Andrew Price 29 March 2011

17 17 Skills contribute to a wide range of desirable outcomes Economic objectives Skills ProductivityEmployment Sustainable Growth Social objectives Personal Well-Being Stronger communities Greater social mobility Greater social inclusion

18 18 But skills are not a competitive strength in the UK 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Canada Japan USA New Zealand Finland Korea Australia Norway Denmark Ireland Switzerland UK Belgium Netherlands Sweden Iceland Spain Luxembourg France Germany Chile Greece Poland Hungary Austria Mexico Slovak Rep. Czech Rep Italy Portugal Turkey OECD average UK comparison with OECD at Level 4+ equivalent 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Czech Rep. Slovak Rep. USA Poland Canada Switzerland Germany Sweden Finland Austria Norway Hungary Korea Denmark Netherlands New Zealand France Australia UK Belgium Ireland Chile Luxembourg Iceland Greece Italy Spain Mexico Turkey Portugal OECD average UK comparison with OECD at Level 2/3+ equivalent We are slightly above the OECD average in terms of the proportion of the population qualified to Level 4 and above But no better than average when it comes to lower levels of qualifications

19 19 And we have some particular challenges around employer training Employee participation in training is around average in the EU But the UK is bottom in the rankings for hours of training per trainee

20 20 Previous policy approach  Top-down, qualification targets  Significant public subsidy for training, routed through statutory entitlements  Strong focus on work-based training - Apprenticeships, plus Train to Gain service  The Adult Advancement and Careers Service and Skills Accounts  Creation of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills This approach attracted some criticisms… Skills are only one driver of productivity – why do we focus so much on skills? Why are we giving money to employers for training they would do anyway? Employers would value investment in short courses and higher level skills more We are overly focussed on up-skilling but re-skilling is just as important Our targets are unaffordable and unrealistic – and drive the wrong behaviours System is overly bureaucratic, complex and difficult to access Too much provider capture and too many intermediaries deciding what the system should deliver Too many skills gaps and shortages Universities aren’t responsive to skills needs of business

21 21 A new Government skills strategy setting out how we will reform the skills system to contribute to: Sustainable Growth The Big Society Social Mobility Social Inclusion The economic crisis created a requirement for reform Four key strands to the strategy: 1.Skills for growth 2.Skills for a fair society 3.A shared responsibility for skills 4.Greater freedoms for colleges and providers

22 22 Summary of key skills policies Skills for growth  Expand and improve the Apprenticeships programme.  Ensure vocational qualifications reflect the changing needs of employers  New Growth and Innovation Fund  Support for enterprise and entrepreneurialism  Reduce the reliance of some sectors of our economy on migration Skills for a fair society  State funding for adult basic literacy and numeracy continues – and made more effective  State funding for targeted training for people on active benefits  Reinvigorate and reform informal adult and community learning to support Big Society  Simplified learner support offer A shared responsibility for skills  FE Loans introduced from 2013/14  Lifelong Learning Accounts  All-age careers service  Reforming the UK Commission for Employer and Skills  High performing workplaces Greater freedoms  Move away from target-driven approach  Streamline organisational landscape  Remove regulations and simplify systems to free colleges and providers to deliver for their local communities  Reformed performance management regime

23 23 Some specific shifts in approach to emphasise… 1. Apprenticeships at the centre: Expansion of programme, including extra £180m in Budget 2011 Increasing focus on Level 3 skills and progression to higher levels Raising the prestige and reputation of an Apprenticeship 2. Greater employer leadership: Government funding to pump prime, rather than pay for ongoing training Support through Growth and Innovation Fund for collective employer action UKCES and SSCs in transformational role in industry sectors 3. New focus on professional standards: Routes to raising skills and productivity; improving reputation and esteem; ensuring health and safety; de-regulating sectors Diversity of models, from formal licence to practise to voluntary standards. Focus is on industry-led approaches

24 24 Questions  How can your sector best take ownership of skills issues and provide leadership in resolving them?  Which skills issues need support from the government to resolve – and which don’t?  What kind of ‘asks’ should government make of employers in your sector?

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