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Outline of Presentation  Introduction  What is research?  Why research is so important nowadays?  Characteristics of Research  Social Science research.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline of Presentation  Introduction  What is research?  Why research is so important nowadays?  Characteristics of Research  Social Science research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline of Presentation  Introduction  What is research?  Why research is so important nowadays?  Characteristics of Research  Social Science research  Importance of research in Economics  Type and Methods of Research (Classification of research)  References

2 INTRODUCTION Curiosity to know something new may be: – our environment, –living style of different people, –functioning of institutions, –Planets and other planets, –the universe  Arises several questions in our mind: Why the income of some people is higher? Why some people do not have access to basic needs of life? Why the health of some people is better? What are the parameters of sound health? How do problems of health arise? What remedial measures are required? What is in the other planets? Why poverty has come down significantly?

3 What is research? Research in a common parlance refers to search for “knowledge or truth” Research is defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic It is defined as careful investigation or inquiry especially through “search” for new facts in any branch of knowledge Research is a systematic and logical study of an issue/problem/phenomenon through scientific method; it is a systematic search for an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. It is a purposive investigation/an organized inquiry aimed at finding explanations to unexplained phenomenon through scientific methods.

4 Research simply refers to search for facts, answer to questions and solution to problems. Systematic search for an answer to a question or a solution to a problem is known research It is a purposive investigation; it is an organized enquiry; it seeks to find explanation to unexplained phenomenon or to clarify the existing proposition or to correct the misconceived propositions or the belief Thus, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research The term “research”, in academic field, refers to the systematic method- Stating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts/data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusions, either in the form of solution (s) towards the concerned problem or generalization of some theoretical formulations

5 Definitions Emory, C. W (1976): Research is an organized inquiry designed and carried out to provide information for solving Black and Champion (1976): Scientific research consists of obtaining information through empirical observation that can be useful for the systematic development of logically related propositions attempting to establish casual relations among variables Redman and Mory (1923): define research as a “systematized effort to gain new knowledge.” Clifford Woody: research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deduction and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

6 Why is the research so important? –Advancement in knowledge and discovering theories/models –Formulation of developmental policies –Helps in understanding the functioning of the society/economy or individual household or person –Evaluating social problems, their effects on society and finding out possible solution –Exploring social reality and explain social life –Understanding the casual relationship between variables

7 Characteristics of Scientific Research Scientific methods: Adopts organized and systamatised procedure for investigation Verifiable or observable evidence. Factual observations can see and check Purposive investigation: It is not merely a compilation of the information but a purposive investigation or search for a solution to a problem Accuracy. Describing what really exist. Truth or correctness of a statement or describing things exactly as they are Scientific Precision. Making it as exact as necessary. It avoids colorful literature and vague meanings. It requires to apply some tools of data analysis Systematization. Attempting to collect all the relevant data or collecting data in a systematic and organized way so that the conclusion drawn are reliable, generalisation of theories or models Finding answer: It aims at finding answer to a question or soluation to a problem

8 Objectivity. Being free from all biases and vested interests. Observation is unaffected by the observer’s values, belief ro preference Recording. Noting down complete details as quickly as possible Since human memory is weak, all data collected are recorded Controlling Condition. Controlling all variables except one and attempting to examine what happens when that variable is changed. It provides clear answers to why some thing happens, what causes some event or under what condition an event occurs Training Investigators. Imparting necessary knowledge to investigators to make them to understand what to collect how to interpret it and avoid inaccurate data collection.

9 Research in Social Sciences Sciences are broadly classified into physical science and social sciences Social Science includes several disciplines such as Anthropology, Commerce, Demography, Economics, Political science, Sociology, History, Law, Psychology, Social Work, etc., Social Science mainly deal with human life, human behaviour, social groups, and institutions Social sciences are not like physical sciences, as they deal with human beings. Human nature and man’s environment are so complex that it is too difficulty to comprehend and predict human behaviour than physical science. Behaviour of a person is not consistent from one movement to another movement from one place to another place.

10 Behavior of human being is largely influenced by many : –biological, psychological, socio-economic and cultural, temporal and environmental factors. It is too complex to analyze the situation and arrive at the concrete solution to a problem or answer to a question What is social science research? Social science research is a systematic method of exploring, analyzing and conceptualizing “human life” in order to extend, correct or verify knowledge of human behaviour or social life. Social science research seeks to find explanation to unexplained social phenomenon, to clarify the doubtful facts or correct the misconceived facts of social life. Research in Economics Contemporary issue…

11 Method of Research  Pure Research  Applied Research  Exploratory/ Formulative Research  Descriptive Research  Diagnostic Study  Evaluation Study  Action Research  Experimental Research  Analystical Study or Statistical method  Historical Research  Survey Method  Case Study  Field Study

12 Pure or Theoretical Research It is generally undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention to apply it in practice (basic or fundamental research) It is conducted out of intellectual curiosity or inquisitiveness It is not necessarily problem oriented; its basic aim is the extension of knowledge It leads to either discovery of new theory/model or refinement of existing theory It lays foundation of applied research and improves the store of knowledge The findings of pure research formed the basis for several scientific and technological innovations like steam engine (Pascal’s law of pressure), automobile (Newton's laws of motion), electronic data processing, telecommunication, etc.,

13 Applied Research Applied research is carried out to find some solution to a real-life problem advocating an action plan or policy intervention It is problem oriented and action oriented Research to identify social, economic, or political trends that may affect a particular institution or marketing research or evaluation research are the examples of applied research Applied research is largely used in fields like technology, management, commerce, economics and other social science. Multiple problems are cropped up in these areas. They need applied research to seek solution to a problem

14 Exploratory Research Exploratory research is preliminary study of an unfamiliar or unknown problem about which the research has little knowledge or no knowledge It is like initial investigation of a patient suffering from unfamiliar or not known diseases or illness to get some clue for identification of a real illness by the doctor It is like a pilot study; it is not fully structured and fucuss less on pre-determined objectives The objective of the research are to: –Generate new ideas –Increase the researcher’s familiarity with the problem –Make precise formulation of research objectives –Gather information to clarify the concepts or –Check whether the study is feasible

15 Descriptive Research Descriptive study is a fact finding investigation with adequate interpretation of a situation or phenomenon It focuses on particular aspect or dimension of the problem. It is more specific than exploratory study It attempts to collect descriptive information and provides information for preparing more sophisticated studies The objective of the research are to: –Indentify various characteristics of a community or institutions or problem under study (Siddi community) –It attempts to indentify relevant variable and establish potential relationship between variables but It does aim at testing hypothesis –It aims to explain, predict and create awareness of a particular issue or phenomenon

16 Diagnostic Study This is similar to descriptive study but with a different focus. The study directed towards discovering what is happening, why is it happening and what can be done It attempts to indentify the causes of a problem, consequences and possible solutions (casual relationship of the variables) It addresses the issue like: –Why and how does the Dengu fever occurs? –What remedial measure can be offered –What are the caused of malnutrition? –What measure can be offered?

17 Evaluation Study It is also a type of applied research It assess the effectiveness of social or economic programmes (Direct cash transfer scheme) or examines the impact of development projects on the development of the area (Ie., MGNAREGA). The object of the research is to: –Assess the quality and quantity of an activity and its performance – Specify its attributes and conditions required for its success Three Types of Evaluation  Concurrent Evaluation (continuous)  Periodic evaluation (mid-term/interim)  Terminal evaluation

18 Action Research Action research is a type of evaluation study It is a concurrent evaluation study of an action programme launched for solving a problem or for improving an existing situation In order to achieve specific goals and promote welfare of the people, GO line department, NGOs, any other organisations undertake action research and come out with some action. The research issues addressed (MGNAREGA) –What is the impact of the programme? –How much it has impacted? –How quickly it has changed? –What were the conditions before and after the changes –What factors contributed to change?

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