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Business Model Generation© Business Model Canvas: 9 Building Blocks (c)

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1 Business Model Generation© Business Model Canvas: 9 Building Blocks (c)

2 Business Model Describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value. (c)

3 Business Canvas A shared language for describing, visualising, assessing and changing business models. (c)

4 Breaking Tradition… A Tool box to reinvent your BM and spot the fundamental strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from the structure of each of our unique businesses. Understanding Structure of your business model and move towards developing existing to further revenue streams that enable your business to become self-sustainable. (c)


6 “You can fill in the canvas on a whiteboard; Osterwalder’s book with Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation, explains how. Or you canplay with it interactively using the Business Model ToolBoxapp fo the iPad.” In the netherlands the Business Model Canvas has been used by several healthcare organisations to move from budget-driven organisations at a time of cuts to a more entrepreneurial model. In Brazil one group used it in a participatory way generating 15,000 post-its to design an organisational structure for a global manufacturing company. A small non-profit organisation in the USA ised it simplyto designa new social action programme and align the leadership team’s priorities and strategies. In Spain an international NGO redesigning its language service used the tool to show the links between people’s day to day needs and a service that was perceived as too specialised and disconnected

7 (c)

8 1. Customer Segments For Whom are we creating Values Who are our most important customers? Other Social Enterprises? Young people? Women? Classify! Quantify! (c)

9 2. Value Propositios What value do we deliver to customers? Newness? Feel Good factor? Enjoyment? OR: Which ones of our customer problems are we hoping to RESOLVE? *Repeat for each customer segment (c)

10 3. Channels (Distribution) Through which channels do our customer segments want or prefer to be reached? Define a channel for each segment Channels include: Sales force, web sales, own stores, partner stores, whole seller (c)

11 3. Channels Cont. How are we reaching the customer segments now? How are our customer segments integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-effective? How are we integrating our channels with customer routines? (c)

12 4. Customer Relationships Types of relationship a company establishes with a specific customer segment What type of relationship does each of our customer segment expect us to establish and maintain with them? (For Each- state automated, etc) Which are already established? How costly are they? (c)

13 4. Customer relationships contd. How are they integrated with the rest of the business model? (for example: a personalised relationship with each customer does not match well with an automated youth service) (c)

14 5.Revenue Streams For what value are our customers really willing to pay? Can be more than one offering For what do they currentl pay for? (if anything?) How would they prefer to pay? How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenues? (c)

15 6. Key Resources What Key resources do our value proposition require? What Key resource does our DISTRIBUTION channel requires? What Key resource do customer relationships and Revenue Steams require? (c)

16 7. Key Activities What Key Activities does fulfilling our Value Proposition require? (Marketing? Procurement contracting?) What Key Activities does our DISTRIBUTIN channel requires? What Key Activities do Customer relationships and Revenue Streams require? (c)

17 Key Partnerships Who are our Key Partners? Who are our Key suppliers? Which Key resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key activities do partners perform? (Delivery?, Marketing?) (c)

18 9. Cost Structure What are the most important costs inherent in our Business Model? Resources? Marketing? IT? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most Expensive? (c)

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