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Bolt Die Stock Holds Bolt Die. Nut Driver Socket permanently attached to a handle for turning small nuts and bolts.

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Presentation on theme: "Bolt Die Stock Holds Bolt Die. Nut Driver Socket permanently attached to a handle for turning small nuts and bolts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bolt Die Stock Holds Bolt Die

2 Nut Driver Socket permanently attached to a handle for turning small nuts and bolts

3 Obstruction Wrench Reaching nuts and bolts around obstructions

4 Open End Wrench Turning square head nuts and bolts

5 Phillips Screwdriver Turning phillips head screws

6 Pin Punch Driving out metal pins

7 Pipe Bushing Reducing pipe size

8 Pipe Cap Closing the end of a pipe by going over the pipe end

9 Pipe Coupling Joining two pieces of pipe

10 45 Pipe Elbow Making a 45 degree turn with a pipe

11 Nailing Gun Rapid nailing using air, gas or electricity

12 Pipe Stop & Waste Turning off water and draining line

13 90 Pipe Elbow Making a 90 degree turn with a pipe

14 Pipe Nipple Adding length to a piece of pipe

15 Pipe Plug Closing the end of a pipe, threads on the outside

16 Pipe Reducer Reducing pipe size

17 Pipe Tee Joining at 90 degree angles

18 Pipe Union Joining two pieces of pipe where neither side can be turned

19 Pipe Wrench Turning and holding metal pipe

20 Piston Ring Compressor Compressing ring for inserting into cylinder

21 Planting Bar Setting out tree seedlings

22 Plumb Bob Vertical plumbing to locate points

23 Portable Circular Saw Sawing wood in construction projects

24 Portable Electric Drill Drilling holes with an external source of power

25 Portable Jig Saw Making irregular cuts

26 Portable Electric Sander Power tool used for smoothing surface

27 Pruning Saw Sawing limbs from shrubbery and trees

28 Putty Knife Applying and smoothing putty

29 PVC Cutter Cutting non-metallic pipe

30 Regular Socket General purpose socket for turning nuts and bolts

31 Reversible Ratchet Reverse rotation of socket turning

32 Roofing Nail Nailing tin, aluminum, fiberglass, or asphalt roofing

33 Roundhead Stove Bolt Fastening wood or metal to metal with a screwdriver or wrench

34 Pruning Shears Cutting and shaping shrubbery

35 Ball Pein Hammer Hammering Metal

36 Bolt Cutters Cuts bolts and steel rods

37 C-Clamp Clamping metal together

38 Common Nail Attaching wood to wood where great holding power is needed

39 Butt Hinge Hinge for narrow fencing

40 Round File Filing inside holes

41 Impulse Sprinkler Overhead irrigation of plants where rotation is water driven

42 Bolt Die Cuts outside threads.

43 Bar Clamp. Clamp large sections of wood together

44 Bent Nose Pliers Reaches around obstructions

45 Brick Jointer Smooth and design masonry joints

46 Combination Square Mark 45 and 90 degree angles

47 Allen Wrench Turns hex head screws.

48 Aviation Snips Cuts Sheet Metal

49 Box End Wrench Turns hex head nuts and bolts.

50 Turn various size nuts and bolts Adjustable Wrench

51 Brick Trowel Place and Spread Mortar

52 Bush Axe Cut undergrowth

53 Castrator Sterilize small animals

54 Center Punch Starting holes in metal

55 Circular Carbide Saw Blade Use in a portable circular saw

56 Bulb Planter Plant and transplant bulbs

57 Chain Saw File File a chain saw chain

58 Chalk Line Reel Marking straight lines

59 Circuit Breaker Protect a circuit from electrical overload

60 Cold Chisel Used for cutting metal

61 Carriage Bolt Bolting wood to wood or wood to metal

62 Combination Oil Stone Sharpening and honing cutting tools

63 Combination Wrench Turns square and hex head nuts and bolts

64 Roundhead Wood Screw Fastening wood to wood

65 Router Making edges or designs in wooden surfaces

66 Rubber Mallet Hammering to avoid marring surface

67 Safety Glasses Protects eyes from the impact of foreign objects

68 Safety Goggles Protects eyes from liquids and vapors

69 Chipping Hammer Remove slag from welds

70 Bolt Tap Cut inside threads.

71 Compass Drawing or marking circles

72 Compass Saw Sawing in hard to reach places

73 Concrete Finishing Trowel Smoothing Concrete

74 Concrete Float Leveling concrete

75 Coping Saw Sawing irregular cuts

76 Cordless Drill Drilling using a battery pack

77 Countersink Flaring top of a hole for recessing

78 Cutting Torch Cutting metal using heat

79 Deep Socket Turns nuts and bolts in depressed areas

80 Dehorner Removes horns from cattle and other livestock

81 Diagonal Cutting Pliers Surface and diagonal wire cutting

82 Drift Punch Aligning holes

83 Drill Press Vice Holds stock while drilling

84 Duplex Receptacle Plug in electrical units

85 Dust Mask Protect respiratory system

86 Emery Dresser Smooth the face of a grinding wheel

87 End Cutting Nippers Cutting ends of wires, nails, and small bolts

88 Electrical Multimeter Various tests on electrical circuits

89 Welding Helmet Protects face and eyes from welding flash

90 Eye Bolt Bolt used to attach wire onto

91 Expansion Shield Anchoring a lag screw into concrete, brick or block

92 Extension Extends reach of socket

93 Fence Pliers Building and repair of wire fences

94 Fence Staple For nailing up fence

95 File Card Cleaning cutting grooves of a file

96 Finishing Nail Nailing boards where heads will not be noticed

97 Flaring Tool Flaring ends of tubing

98 Flat Head Stove Bolt Fastening wood to metal or metal to metal with wrench leaving a flat surface

99 Flat Head Wood Screw Fastening wood to wood where a flat surface is required

100 Framing Square Squaring cut corners and laying out stairs and rafters

101 Fuse Puller Removing cartridge fuses

102 Gate Valve Cutting off water supply on a main line

103 Glass Cutter Cutting glass

104 Grafting Tool Preparing woody parts for grafting

105 Grease Gun Lubricating through grease fitting

106 Groove Joint Pliers Gripping when greater pressure is needed

107 Hack Saw Sawing metal

108 Half Hatchet Cutting and fixing wood

109 Half Round File Curve and flat filing

110 Hammer Drill Power drilling in concrete, brick or block

111 Hand Screw Clamp Clamping wood together

112 Hedge Shears Trimming and shaping hedges

113 Hinge Handle Socket handle to be used when flexibility is needed

114 Hose Bib Valve for attaching a water hose; turning water supply on and off

115 Implant Gun Injects growth hormones into animals

116 Increment Borer Checking growth rate of trees

117 Junction Box Join several electrical wires into a circuit

118 Lag Screw Screw used where great pressure to turn is required

119 Masonry Bit Boring a hole in concrete, block or block

120 Ear Tagger To identify individual animals

121 Level Leveling and plumbing

122 Welding Goggles Protects welders eyes

123 Line Level Leveling between long distance points

124 Long Nose Pliers Reaching into recessed areas

125 Timing Light Timing ignition

126 Soil Auger Boring into soil to get samples

127 Lopping Shears Cutting large branches when pruning shrubery

128 Machine Bolt Fastening metal to metal with a wrench

129 Mason Hammer Chipping and shaping masonry material

130 Mason Level Leveling and plumbing masonry materials

131 Masonry Nail Nailing in concrete, brick or block

132 Mill File Filing metal

133 Miter Box Cutting Angles

134 Nail Set Countersinking nail heads

135 Nail Hammer Driving nails

136 Screw Extractor Removing broken bolts, studs and screws

137 Screwmate Drills and countersinks flat head wood screw holes

138 Sheet Metal Screw Joining two pieces of sheet metal

139 Side Cutting Pliers Holding and/or cutting wire

140 Sledge Hammer Heavy hammering

141 Slotted Screwdriver Turning slotted screws

142 Torque Wrench Measure amount of torque

143 Solderless Wire Nut Joining two or more electrical wires

144 Wrecking Bar Ripping and prying

145 Machinist’s Vise Holding metal firm while working

146 Soil Thermometer Determining soil temperature

147 Soldering Gun Melting solder

148 Spark Plug Gauge Gauge and set spark plug gap

149 Spark Plug Socket Install and remove spark plugs

150 Soil Tube Obtaining soil for testing

151 Speed Bore Bit Wood boring bit for electric drill

152 Wood Rasp Coarse filing of wood

153 Straight Shank Drill Bit Drilling metal

154 Strap Hinge Hinge used where major strength or support is required

155 90 Street Elbow 90 degree turn w/galvanized pipe; threads on inside of one, outside of other

156 Switch Box Used to install toggle switches or duplex receptacles

157 Speed Handle Rapid turning of socket

158 T-hinge Used where strength is required but one facing is narrow

159 Tap Wrench Holding bolt tap

160 Tape Rule Straight or curved measuring

161 Thickness Gauge Determining gaps

162 Slip Joint Pliers Adjusts for holding various size material

163 Tip Cleaners Cleaning welding and cutting tips

164 Wood Chisel Dressing and shaping wood

165 Tire Chuck To inflate tires

166 Tire Gauge Checking tire air pressure

167 Toggle Bolt Anchoring into a hollow space

168 Toggle Switch Turning current on and off

169 Toggle Switch Plate Cover for toggle switch

170 Torch Lighter Light acetylene and propane torches

171 Vise Grip Welding Clamp For extra firm gripping of welding materials

172 Torx Screwdriver Turning torx-head screws and bolts

173 Tree Diameter Tape Measure circumference of a tree and give diameter reading

174 Triangular File Filing Saws

175 Try Square 90 degree squaring

176 Tube Cutter Cutting soft tubing

177 Universal Joint Holding socket for angle turning

178 Wire Scratch Brush Cleaning metal

179 Valve Spring Compressor Compressing valve spring for removal and insertion

180 Vise Grip Pliers For extra firm gripping

181 Water Breaker Reduces the impact of water pressure on soil and plants

182 Welding Gloves Protects welders hands

183 Universal Socket Socket for angle turning

184 Welding Torch Heats and Fuses Metal

185 Wheel Puller Remove wheel from axle

186 Wire Strippers Removing insulation from electric wire

187 Wood Mallet Driving non-metallic objects

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