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Forty Years of Public Opinion on Standardized Testing (c) Richard P. Phelps (c) 2003, by Richard P. Phelps.

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Presentation on theme: "Forty Years of Public Opinion on Standardized Testing (c) Richard P. Phelps (c) 2003, by Richard P. Phelps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forty Years of Public Opinion on Standardized Testing (c) Richard P. Phelps (c) 2003, by Richard P. Phelps

2 The vagaries of opinion poll data for use in research Polling is episodic Polls are often implemented quickly while a topic is in the news, leaving little time to pretest and edit items Pollsters are often unfamiliar with a topic and, as a result, can pose questions based on naïve or inaccurate assumptions There are two types of sampling error and pollsters often tell you about only one of them

3 Possible indicators that a poll is of low quality Poll does not publish its response or cooperation rate Data collection lasted only a few days (better polls will use at least a week) The pollsters can often be seen as pundits on television news talk shows

4 Respondent groups in public opinion polls and research surveys


6 Pollsters pay more attention to testing when there's a national testing proposal under consideration ● George H. W. Bush's national testing plan (1990-92) ● Bill Clinton's “Voluntary National Tests” (1997-99) ● George W. Bush's “No Child Left Behind” testing requirements (2000-02) ➔ (6 polls) +52 pp avg ➔ (6 polls) +48 pp avg ➔ (14 polls) +57 pp avg.

7 What should tests measure? Should they be required? Favor or oppose requiring standardized national tests to measure... ●...the academic achievement of students+60 pp ●...knowledge in 5 core subjects+80 pp ●...problem-solving skills+74 pp ●...ability to write a clear composition +75 pp Favor or oppose making these tests optional for districts?+37 pp i.e., +23 pp prefer required over optional tests

8 How should tests be used? Do you think tests should be used to... (PDK '97) ●...identify areas in which student need help +76 pp ● rank the local public schools +39 pp ● determine if a student advances to the next grade+28 pp ● determine the level of funding school receives -18 pp ● determine how much teachers should be paid -14 pp

9 Steadfast in support of graduation exams Should students be required to pass tests to graduate? +90 pp (MOR '85) ●...if your child failed the first time? +86 pp ●...if your child did not receive a diploma?+68 pp ●...if 20% of low income students did not receive a diploma?+55 pp

10 Summary of public opinion on high- stakes requirements


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