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Employee Training Initiatives Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training Human Resources Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Training Initiatives Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training Human Resources Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Training Initiatives Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training Human Resources Department

2 Background May 1, 2006: EEO/Diversity transferred to the Human Resources Department One FTE was transferred with the function

3 Background cont. Last citywide training initiative was conducted in 1998 ( Sexual Harassment only ) No record of a Citywide Diversity training initiative The most recent EEO/Diversity plan was completed in 2003

4 Internal EEO Complaints Filed by Fiscal Year Decline in complaints filed between FY 05 and 06 Decline in complaints filed between FY 07 and FY 08

5 Internal EEO Complaints Filed Leading Category by Percent of Claims filed Sexual harassment lead all complaint categories Race discrimination complaints are the second leading category

6 First Year Goals Increase staffing Establish administrative and investigatory protocols Bring stability to the division

7 2 nd /3 rd Year Goals Implement universal anti-discrimination policy Implement citywide employee training initiative on anti-discrimination & diversity Complete EEO Plan

8 Selection Process Established 8-member committee comprised of HR, Law, Aviation, Water Services, Public Works, OMB, & IT Vendors evaluated on four criteria  Project knowledge/experience  Curriculum  On-line training component  Project approach/timelines

9 Selection Process (cont.) Received 13 responses for each RFP Four vendors for each RFP invited to present to selection committee Anderson-Davis IncECCO SelectCommittee selected Anderson-Davis Inc. and ECCO Select

10 Range of Cost Proposals Discrimination $144,000 - $401,000 *Anderson-Davis Inc. $270,000 Avg. cost per employee:$70 Diversity $155,000 - $528,000 *ECCO Select $196,724 Avg. cost per employee:$51

11 UNIVERSAL TRAINING METHODOLOGY Two-Fold Approach: 1.Utilize traditional classroom instruction with interactive video discussions, materials and assessment of learning 2.Utilize web-based training tool to include interactive scenarios and an assessment of learning

12 Anti-Discrimination Training Unique classes settings for management and supervisors v non-management employees Includes web-based training component for new employees & a refresher training tool for existing employees

13 Anti-Discrimination Training 3800 employees trained on the City’s discrimination policy and city, state and federal discrimination laws Training includes video & role play vignettes depicting common workplace scenarios

14 Anti-Discrimination Training Learning objectives for non-management employees:  Recognize subtle & blatant illegal discrimination & harassment  Recognize & comprehend key terminology, laws and Supreme Court expectations  Recognize & understand the impacts of harassment on the workplace  Identify root causes of why harassment occurs

15 Anti-Discrimination Training Learning objectives for management employees:  Recognize subtle & blatant examples of illegal discrimination and harassment  Recognize & understand key terminology, laws and Supreme Court expectations  Impacts of discrimination and harassment  Identify reasons that discrimination and harassment occurs  Handling complaints of discrimination and harassment

16 Diversity Initiative Prior to delivery, conduct a diversity assessment, which: Provides a “safe” way to explore diversity’s complex & powerful issues Assists in bridging the gap to understanding & appreciation Identifies attitudes & behaviors that are barriers to effective teamwork

17 Diversity Initiative Diversity Assessment will include: Data analysis  Response rate  Demographics  Individual and aggregate survey response Comprehensive final written report identifying goals for customized training

18 Diversity Initiative Classroom training objectives: Increase awareness of workforce diversity Assess behaviors toward people who are different from themselves Understand importance of changing negative attitudes into appreciation and cooperation

19 Training Evaluation Both training programs will be evaluated using the following tools: Pre/post behavior assessment of training by participants Participant survey questionnaire (3-4 months after training is completed)

20 Training Timelines Anti-discrimination Scheduled to begin in June 2008 and completed by August 2008 Each class session will be 4 hours Two class sessions will run concurrently for a total of four sessions per day Diversity Process to begin developing the diversity assessment is scheduled to begin in June 2008 Training tentatively scheduled to begin in September 2008

21 Post Training  All new employees to the City will be required to complete the on-line training within six months of hire  Existing employees may be required to take the on-line training as a refresher course

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