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>> The division of labour and cooperation between Danmarks Nationalbank and Statistics Denmark Financial accounts.

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Presentation on theme: ">> The division of labour and cooperation between Danmarks Nationalbank and Statistics Denmark Financial accounts."— Presentation transcript:

1 >> The division of labour and cooperation between Danmarks Nationalbank and Statistics Denmark Financial accounts

2 >> 6/6/2016 2 Quartely and yearly Central Bank of Denmark Quarterly financial account Statistics Denmark Yearly financial accounts S.13 Business – Register S.2 (BoP) MFI Interest flows Sec. Stat.

3 >> Data from the central bank  MFI – monetary financial institutions is used for  Central bank  Other monetary Financial Institutions  Counterpart information for deposits and loans all sectors  Securities statistics with counterpart information both on stocks and transactions  Quoted Shares incl. dividends  Debt securities incl. maturities  Investmentfund shares  S.2 is used as it is, and we use the counterpart information for other sectors. 3

4 >> How the data is collected  MFI is collected by sending a questionaire and the businessregister to the banks and other credit institutions.  Securities statistics is collected by a privat company, which has a depository function for the securities. 4

5 >> MFI-statistics - Assets  CB holdings of monetary gold and SDRs  Coins & notes  Loans – by sector and by maturity  Securities other than shares – by sector and by maturity  Money market funds shares  Shares and other equity – by sector, quoted and unquoted  Investment fund shares – by sector  Financial derivatives  Other assets 5

6 >> MFI-statistics - Liabilities  Coins & notes  Deposits – by sector and by maturity  Securities other than shares – by sector and by maturity  Money market funds shares  Shares and other equity – quoted and unquoted  Financial derivatives  Other liabilities 6

7 >> MFI-statistics  Further Breakdown by:  Currency: DKK, Euro and the rest  Residency of counterpart: Denmark, Euro-area and rest of the world  When maturity then it is the original maturity  In order to compile the MFI-statistics the Central Bank gets a copy of the business register in order to enable the monetary financial institutions to classify their customers more correctly 7

8 >> Interest flows  Split on  deposits and loans  the sectors in ESA95  Currency: DKK, Euro and everything else  Residency: danish, euro-area and the rest of the world 8

9 >> Securities statistics  ISIN-codes (Unique code for each security)  Reference period  Category: Share, bond, investment fund  Face value  Short description  Issuer company number and sector  Holder company number (blank if private person) and sector  Holder country of residence  Holder industry (blank if private person)  Number held  Market value for the stocks  Transactions  Dividends (if shares or investment funds)  First and last paydate (if bonds)  Coupon rate (if bonds) 9

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