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博弈真人 实验 介 绍 Xiongrui Xu Compleχ Lab 4/4/2015. Haixing Dai Compleχ Lab, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, P.R.C.

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Presentation on theme: "博弈真人 实验 介 绍 Xiongrui Xu Compleχ Lab 4/4/2015. Haixing Dai Compleχ Lab, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, P.R.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 博弈真人 实验 介 绍 Xiongrui Xu Compleχ Lab 4/4/2015

2 Haixing Dai Compleχ Lab, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, P.R.C.

3 Results of our game

4 Prisoner’s Dilemma 李四的选择 合作 (抗拒 警察) 背叛 (坦白 罪行) 张三 的选择 合作 (抗拒 警察) -1,-1-5, 0 背叛 (坦白 罪行) 0,-5-3,-3 Y’s choce CD X’s choice CR, RS, T D T, SP, P C: Cooperation D: Defection R: Reward S: Suck T: Tempation P: Punishment T > R>P>S 2R > T+S

5 Zero-Determinant Strategies Extortion strategies Generosity strategies C Hilbe, T Röhl, M Milinski - Nature communications(2014); Extortion subdues human players but is finally punished in the prisoner's dilemma

6 2x2 Game Model Two-playerTwo strategies Cooperation(C) Defection(D)

7 Models and Methods ZD Strategy (Computer Program) Number of human co-player Strongly Extortionate(ES) 16 Mildly Extortionate(EM) 14 Mildly Generous(GS) 14 Strongly Generous(GM) 16 60 rounds C Hilbe, T Röhl, M Milinski - Nature communications(2014); Extortion subdues human players but is finally punished in the prisoner's dilemma

8 Results C Hilbe, T Röhl, M Milinski - Nature communications(2014); Extortion subdues human players but is finally punished in the prisoner's dilemma

9 Results  Assumption:  The feeling of unfair  Withholding cooperation as a form of costly punishment. C Hilbe, T Röhl, M Milinski - Nature communications(2014); Extortion subdues human players but is finally punished in the prisoner's dilemma

10 Conclusions  Generosity strategy is more effective to promote cooperation than extortion strategy, while the latter ‘win each battle, but at the expense of losing the war’.  It may be the feeling of unfair leads to the low cooperation rate in extortion treatments, which demonstrates that monetary incentive alone are not enough to maintain cooperation in long-term relationship. C Hilbe, T Röhl, M Milinski - Nature communications(2014); Extortion subdues human players but is finally punished in the prisoner's dilemma

11 Thanks Xiongrui Xu Compleχ Lab 4/4/2015

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