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Potatoes came to Lithuania relatively recently, in the eighteenth century and soon became popular. Now every farm grows potatoes. Potatoes have become.

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Presentation on theme: "Potatoes came to Lithuania relatively recently, in the eighteenth century and soon became popular. Now every farm grows potatoes. Potatoes have become."— Presentation transcript:


2 Potatoes came to Lithuania relatively recently, in the eighteenth century and soon became popular. Now every farm grows potatoes. Potatoes have become Lithuania’s second bread, an essential starch staple and are eaten throughout the year. Many delicious, tasty dishes are made with potatoes. They are eaten alone or as an accompaniment to a main course of soup, meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs and dairy products. The most popular potato dishes are “zeppelins”, potato casserole and pancakes. Lithuanian recipes reflect the diversity of potatoes.

3 1 k potatoes, peeled 300 g bacon finely chopped 2 eggs, beaten 2 onions, grated salt and pepper to taste

4 Grate potatoes and remove most of the juice (see previous recipe). Fry bacon and add to potatoes. Mix well. The hot bacon fat helps disperse potato starch. Add onions, eggs and salt and pepper, mix well. Pour potato gratings into a greased, 4 finger deep, baking dish, bake in preheated oven at 180 C, for about 2 hours.

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