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Three inch PMTs. Manufacturers ETEL 72 mm photocathode tube ready Passes all specifications (has higher than wished afterpulse rate: this is being fixed.

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1 Three inch PMTs

2 Manufacturers ETEL 72 mm photocathode tube ready Passes all specifications (has higher than wished afterpulse rate: this is being fixed  different shuttering) High QE  30%; QE (470 nm)  20 %; Collection efficiency close to 100 % (measured) Tested as concave-convex tube will become convex parallel window (easier  cheaper manufacture) Development of 80 mm PC “bulb type” tube for even cheaper large scale manufacture and significant increase in PC area (with lens up to almost 100 mm diameter)

3 Manufacturers Hamamatsu First produced 60 mm PC tube with poor timing for us ( THIS IS NOT THE TUBE WE ARE GOING TO GET; IT WAS A QUICK AND DIRTY FIRST TRY ) Has first prototype of 72 mm PC tube with much better timing (4 ns FWHM ie similar to ETEL) Highest QE  26%; QE(470 nm)  22% (main QE being improved; had concentrated mainly on 470nm) Collection efficiency to be improved from 91 to >95%  improved focussing 200 prototypes ordered to allow for development  delivery in six months (dec)

4 Manufacturers Zhiang Zhan Photonics New factory on Hunan Island starting up Meeting next week to discuss production of prototypes Should be able to manufacture Photonis tubes rapidly Photonis engineers are part of the deal MELZ Has produced a prototype Quite different type (linear focus dynode) Should have very good timing As yet no delivery

5 Factory visits ETEL – Uxbridge ETEL development lab and small scale production. Produced the tubes so far. Excellent cooperation. Direct contact with the design staff. LM Inc (ETEL –Sweetwater Texas) Large scale production lab (ADIT). Has capacity for the first stage production. Part of a larger factory including: LM Medical systems, West Texas Moulding, Eljen Technology (scintillator  Fermi and Jefferson Lab) Interested in production of base and also lens

6 Factory visits Hamamatsu Excellent, organised, squeaky clean production Large facilities Tubes from 0.5 – 20 inch. Communication with technical staff more complicated because of language and culture. However several excellent go-betweens. Have capacity for first stage.

7 Factory visits MELZ Visited factory in Moscow last year. New factory Seem very competent, have made tube for a long time Communication with technical staff difficult for me not for Oleg. More handwork and more employees (graduates) Claim to have the capacity for the first stage. Did not like the concave-convex tube showed the extra glass grinding that was necessary

8 Factory visits Zhiang Zhan Photonics Hopefully soon

9 General comments All factories make their money with – Night vision – Radiation monitors – Neutron counters – i.e. Homeland security Phototubes are needed in the above Next best thing  PET scanners Next on the number of tubes  KM3NeT

10 Measurements-ETEL

11 measurements Typical timing scan across the face In total for uniform illumination  = 2.0 ns Can be improved with higher D1-D2 HV TTS FWHM sigma #245 1150V 3.64ns 1.62ns #335 850V 4.33ns 1.92ns

12 Measurements Hamamatsu TTS FWHM sigma #1 1150V 4.15ns 1.86 ns #2 1150V 4.40ns 1.97 ns #3 1150V 4.50ns 2.00 ns

13 Orders Agreed with both manufactures – Each delivers half of the phase 1 tubes – Earlier discussions 25000 each. – They have been notified of the changed situation. So now of the order of 10000 pc each. Price indication for both looks promising Negotiations in full swing Order for ETEL tubes will be placed for start delivery in March 2013 (quotation being prepared now) Order for Hamamatsu tubes will follow delivery of the 200 prototypes. So delivery starting summer 2013.

14 Orders At the time of ETEL order  RFQ for lens and bases to fit ETEL tubes at several companies (LMI has expressed interest in both) At the time of Hamamtsu order  RFQ for lens and bases to fit Hamamatsu tubes at several companies

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