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Poland is one of the best performers in EU regarding early school leaving, with a rate of 5.4% in 2010, against an EU average of 14.1%. Poland tends to.

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Presentation on theme: "Poland is one of the best performers in EU regarding early school leaving, with a rate of 5.4% in 2010, against an EU average of 14.1%. Poland tends to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Poland is one of the best performers in EU regarding early school leaving, with a rate of 5.4% in 2010, against an EU average of 14.1%. Poland tends to reduce this rate to 4.5% by 2020.

3 PolandEU averageEU benchmarks 200020102000201020002010 Participation in early childchood education (4 years old – year before start of comp. primary) 58,3%70,9%85,2%91,7%-95,5% Low achievers (15 year olds; PISA study results) Reading23,2%15,0%21,3%20,0%17,0%15% Mathematics19,8%20,5%24,0%22,2%-15% Science17,0%13,1%20,2%17,7%-15% Early leavers from education and training (age 18-24) 7,4%5,4%17,6%14,1%10% Tertiary education attainment (age 30-34) 12,5%35,3%22,4%33,6%-40% Adult participation in lifelong learning (age 35-64; 4 week period) 5,0%5,3%8,5%9,1%12,5%15%

4 education is compulsory till 18 years old. This is a duty as well as the right of every citizen school duty – attending primary school and junior high-school, they can be public or private school

5 influences student personality development should help a student in vital moments in life (while education!) should support a student emotionally and financially Sometimes it happens that family proper functioning is shattered: lack of money alcoholism divorce neglecting a student etc. ‘Early school leaving is strongly linked to social disadvantage and low education backgrounds’

6 poverty lack of family support (parents supervision, lack of books, school uniform etc.) help in supporting a family insufficient access to education the wrong choice of school (faculty/specialization) very low marks/results in school negative attitude to learning situation on labor market being independent

7 overloaded curriculum inadequate books too big classes (more than 30 students) inexperienced teachers students attitude to learning (laziness, law attendance at school etc.)

8 choosing the wrong faculty (two students of first grade class) socio-economical (difficult financial situation in a family made students look for work) moving out (one student moved out with his family to other town) Last year we analized the reasons of dropping out in our school. Six students left school. The main reasons were:

9 observe students in the beginning of the school year talk to a student, motivate him and praise talk to parents about learning problems carry out individualization of learning process think twice before failing a student ??? offer extra classes for students and peer help What can I do as a teacher?... ‘a process rather than a one – off event…’

10 Marianna Figat. Przyczyny niepowodzeń szkolnych. 2007. [on- line:] Jolanta Rybska-Klapa. Trudności w uczeniu się- diagnoza i terapia [In:] Struktury pedagogiczne w katechezie. 2001, Kraków. European Comission. Analysis of the implementation of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020) - Country analysis. 2011, Brussels: EC.

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