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“A Georgia Charter System” Floyd County Schools Reduction In Force Process The Superintendent’s FY14 Plan Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent.

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1 “A Georgia Charter System” Floyd County Schools Reduction In Force Process The Superintendent’s FY14 Plan Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

2 “A Georgia Charter System”

3 The primary factor driving for implementing the FY14 RIF plan is: d. a loss in funding due to a reduction in state funds, reduction in local funds, or other funds that make necessary a reduction in spending. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent In Summary

4 “A Georgia Charter System” Budget Challenges Budget has been reduced as costs rise 2009 General Fund Budget Expenditures - $98,582,214 2013 General Fund Budget Expenditures - $94,526,867 Budgeted Revenue for FY14 is $86,072,000 Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

5 “A Georgia Charter System” Budget Challenges Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

6 “A Georgia Charter System” Budget Challenges Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent FY 2007 & 200887%13% FY 200987%13% FY 201089%11% FY 201189%11% FY 201289%11% FY 201390%10%

7 “A Georgia Charter System” FCS compared to 180 school districts in GA Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

8 Function Expense Reductions 1000 Instruction$4,176,343 2100 Pupil Services$ 700,989 2400 General Administration $ 494,876 2300 School Administration$1,222,049 2500 Business Services$ 91,997 2600 Maintenance$ 298,511 2800 Transportation$ 95,989 Total: $7,080,754 Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent Projected FY14 Reduction Savings through RIF

9 “A Georgia Charter System” This RIF policy shall apply to all certificated personnel and to any other administrators, supervisors and classified persons employed by the Floyd County Board of Education. Nothing in this policy, however, shall be construed to extend to such personnel any expectation of re-employment or due process rights greater than are available to the specific employees under applicable state law; nor is this policy to be construed to mandate the promotion of an employee to a position of higher rank, authority, or compensation, even though the employee who is to be terminated may be qualified or certified for a higher position. Policy Continued Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

10 “A Georgia Charter System” When the Superintendent of the Floyd County School System determines that the application of this reduction in force policy is necessary, it shall be his or her primary responsibility to prepare for presentation to the Board of Education a plan for reduction in force (RIF) in the affected program area(s). In developing a RIF plan, the Superintendent shall ensure that a reduction in force does not reduce the quality of programs in the school district. In making recommendations for termination or downgrading of employee positions, the Superintendent may consider any position or employee of the Floyd County Board of Education. Factors to be considered by the Superintendent in devising a RIF plan shall include, first and foremost, the professional expertise, effectiveness and performance of individual employees as reflected in annual evaluations and other evaluations as well as administrator’s observations and knowledge. Only where demonstrated competence and expertise are equal among employees shall other factors such as tenure status, level of certification, and length of continuous service with the Floyd County Board of Education be considered in order to make recommendations for the termination or downgrading of an employee’s position.. Policy Continued: RIF PROCEDURE

11 “A Georgia Charter System” Plan for the Floyd County Schools Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria Order of 2013-14 Staffing Events Reduction in Force (RIF) Process Reassignment Process Certified Teacher/ Support Personnel (P-12) Plan for the Floyd County Schools Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria Order of 2013-14 Staffing Events Reduction in Force (RIF) Process Reassignment Process Certified Teacher/ Support Personnel (P-12) The following are elements in rank order of how the district will execute a Reduction in Force (RIF) of all certified teacher positions and support personnel using a criteria primarily based on performance of the individual employee. This RIF plan is also designed to provide sufficient flexibility for the Superintendent to ensure that the qualify of the district’s programs are not compromised and the needs of the district are met. Naturally, if all personnel in a grade-level/program/non-essential functions school are eliminated, an assessment of individual performance and/or seniority may not be applicable. The RIF will be conducted systemwide and not by an individual school or department. For example, with the element of seniority, the district will take all employees in the district within a particular impacted area and list them from most senior to least senior.

12 “A Georgia Charter System” FIRST – PERFORMANCE ON ANNUAL EVALUATION : In the first level, all employees who received an “unsatisfactory” in their 2011-2012 Annual Evaluation (e.g., measuring competency and expertise) on any instrument will be Rif’d. Each of the three remaining levels will be reached only if the previous level did not result in a sufficient reduction in the number of employees in the district needed to meet the budget concerns giving rise to this RIF. SECOND – REPEATED PERFORMANCE CONCERNS: In the second level, all employees with repeated performance concerns as documented by: (a) receipt of a “basic” on two of their last three Annual Evaluations, or (b) a current PDP reflecting the same, or similar, expectations as a previous PDP imposed upon the employee will be Rif’d. THIRD – MANTAINING THE QUALITY OF ALL DISTRICT PROGRAMS: If not Rif’d upon evaluation of the first and second levels of performance evaluations, the third level becomes applicable. In the third level, all remaining employees are divided into three sub- groups: (a) tenured employees, (b) non-tenured employees, and (c) classified employees. The sub-groups are treated as follows: Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria

13 “A Georgia Charter System” (a) TENURED EMPLOYEES: All tenured employees will be sub-divided into groups based on their current employment position (“Tenured Categories”) and evaluated within their Tenured Category. Some examples of Tenured Categories include: principals, assistant principals, teachers, counselors, media specialists, transitional academy employees, social workers, etc.. For each Tenured Category, the Superintendent, or his designees, shall determine how many employees can be retained for each category in light of the needs of the district and the funding budget for such Tenured Category (“Allocated Positions”). The Allocated Positions shall be filled by the employees within each Tenured Category based on seniority as determined by the length of continuous employment with the district since the employee’s most recent hire date in a certified position. After the Allocated Positions have been filled, any remaining employees in each Tenured Category that have the necessary certifications and qualifications to fill a teaching position (“Highly Qualified Tenured Employees”) will be placed in a Teaching Position, as defined below. When filling the available Teaching Positions as defined below, the Highly Qualified Tenured Employees shall take precedence over any non- tenured employees. All other remaining tenured employees in each Tenured Category will be Rif’d. Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria

14 “A Georgia Charter System” (b) NON-TENURED EMPLOYEES: The Superintendent, or his designees, shall determine how many non-tenured employees can be retained in light of the district’s needs in each certification area and the district’s budgeted funding for such positions (“Teaching Positions”). After placement of any Highly Qualified Tenured Employees, as set forth above, any remaining Teaching Positions shall be filled by the Superintendent based on his observations so as to best ensure the quality of all programs offered in the district and in light of the district’s needs. In making such determination, the Superintendent, or his designee, may consider the following factors: i. all performance related concerns of the employees (including but not limited to behavior, attendance, overall job performance); ii. the number and types of certifications and qualifications held by the employee; iii. experience and education of the employee; iv. needs and special needs of the district, its programs, and its students; v. the employee’s participation in extra-curricular programs; vi. current and projected student enrollment in the district’s programs; and vii. whether the employee is currently engaged in a program, or has specialized credentials required for participation in a program, that is mandated by federal or state law. Once the Teaching Positions are filled, all remaining non-tenured employees will be Rif’d. Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria

15 “A Georgia Charter System” (c) CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES: The Superintendent, or his designees, shall determine how many classified employees can be retained in light of the district’s needs and the budgeted funding (“Classified Positions”). The available Classified Positions shall be filled by the Superintendent based on his observations so as to best ensure the quality of all programs offered in the district and in light of the district’s needs. In making such determination, the Superintendent, or his designee, may consider the following factors i. all performance related concerns of the employees (including but not limited to behavior, attendance, overall job performance); ii. the number and types of certifications and qualifications held by the employee; iii. experience and education of the employee; iv. needs and special needs of the district, its programs, and its students; v. the employee’s participation in extra-curricular programs; vi. current and projected student enrollment in the district’s programs; vii. whether the employee is currently engaged in a program, or has specialized credentials required for participation in a program, that is mandated by federal or state law; and viii. seniority as determined by the length of continuous employment with the district since the employee’s most recent hire date in a certified position. Once all of the Classified Positions have been fillled, any remaining classified employees shall be Rif’d. Employee Performance-Based Reduction in Force (RIF) Criteria

16 “A Georgia Charter System” 3 rd Level A) Seniority- length of continuous employment with FCS since most recent hire date in a certified position. b) Reassignment of Highly Qualified Tenured Employees within the system for those with requisite teaching certifications and qualifications. 3 rd Level A) Seniority- length of continuous employment with FCS since most recent hire date in a certified position. b) Reassignment of Highly Qualified Tenured Employees within the system for those with requisite teaching certifications and qualifications. 2 nd Level Overall Basic Annual Evaluation on two of the last 3 annual evaluations Or Current PDP reflecting same expectations as a previous PDP 2 nd Level Overall Basic Annual Evaluation on two of the last 3 annual evaluations Or Current PDP reflecting same expectations as a previous PDP 1 st Level Overall Unsatisfactory 2011-12 Annual Evaluation on any instrument 1 st Level Overall Unsatisfactory 2011-12 Annual Evaluation on any instrument 3 rd Level Superintendent’s observation to ensure quality and protect the integrity of ALL programs FACTORS: Performance Experience Additional certfications and qualifications Needs of District and students Extra-curricular 3 rd Level Superintendent’s observation to ensure quality and protect the integrity of ALL programs FACTORS: Performance Experience Additional certfications and qualifications Needs of District and students Extra-curricular 3 rd Level Superintendent’s observation to ensure quality and protect the integrity of ALL programs FACTORS: Performance Experience Additional certifications and qualifications Needs of District and its students Extra-curricular 3 rd Level Superintendent’s observation to ensure quality and protect the integrity of ALL programs FACTORS: Performance Experience Additional certifications and qualifications Needs of District and its students Extra-curricular

17 “A Georgia Charter System” The Superintendent may consult with any and all school district personnel to prepare and/or implement the Reduction in Force (RIF) plan. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

18 “A Georgia Charter System” This process will have two distinct facets: (1) RIF (2) Reassignment The Superintendent will follow the Reduction in Force (RIF) criteria to determine the specific employees who will be RIF’d District-wide. Due to the complexity and legality of the RIF plan, Principals will not identify or have input in identifying those employees to be RIF or reassigned. ALL FY14 salaries will be based on the position held in FY14. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent RIF PROCESS

19 “A Georgia Charter System” Notifications for RIF’d Employees Once the list of employees impacted by the RIF is determined: The Superintendent will notify Principals (and other administrative personnel as needed). Notification checklists will be provided for each Principal. The principal will notify the employees in their building. A letter will be sent to each RIF’d employee by the Superintendent. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

20 “A Georgia Charter System” IMPORTANT Reassignments and/or transfers cannot be made at this time. All reassignments for the FY 14 school year will be made by the Superintendent. Following the RIF, all remaining employees may be subjected to reassignment. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

21 “A Georgia Charter System” The Superintendent will examine the lists of current employees to insure that the names of known retirees, known resigning employees, and employees with performance issues have been removed from the employee lists prior to Level 3. The Superintendent will review the list of remaining employees regarding areas of certification. Additional reassignments will be needed to meet needs of FCS. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

22 “A Georgia Charter System” Once the Superintendent has identified the specific employees to be RIF’d, the Principals of those employees will be notified by the Superintendent. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

23 “A Georgia Charter System” IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND It is possible that there may be a situation where a school may not be losing a position and it may appear that the current staff will remain in tact. However, when district-wide seniority is determined, a teacher in a particular subject area at that school, in fact, may be identified as having the least district-wide seniority and may be RIF’d. The vacant position at the school will then be filled by an appropriately certified teacher, who has seniority, reassigned from another school by the Superintendent. Dr. Jeff McDaniel, Superintendent

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