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Davis Drive Middle School 4/27/16. Parent Workshop Keeping Teenagers Emotionally and Physically Safe in Today’s World.

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Presentation on theme: "Davis Drive Middle School 4/27/16. Parent Workshop Keeping Teenagers Emotionally and Physically Safe in Today’s World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Davis Drive Middle School 4/27/16

2 Parent Workshop Keeping Teenagers Emotionally and Physically Safe in Today’s World

3 Presenters Davis Drive Administration Dept. Davis Drive Student Services Dept. Kelly Lister WCPSS Crisis Intervention Specialist

4 Why are we Here? Goals for this workshop:  Understand the risks our kids face  Help our children navigate through good and bad times (increase resiliency and coping skills)  Work as a team (home and school) to help our children become balanced in life

5 Davis Drive Middle School Student Survey Results: 2014/2015 Fall: Worried About Grades: 50.6% Stress: 43.2% Fear of Making Mistakes: 33.4% Organization: 24.7% Spring: Worried About Grades: 65.6% Stress: 53.9% Fear of Making Mistakes: 32.9% Organization: 32.1% 2015/2016 Fall: Worried About Grades: 47.5% Stress: 41.5% Fear of Making Mistakes: 32.3% Organization: 29.2% Spring: Worried About Grades: 61.6% Stress: 50.5% Fear of Making Mistakes: 30.6% Organization: 29.2%

6 Data Driven Interventions Schoolwide Interventions: Video Series (Study Skills, Organization, and Stress Mgmt) Organization Camp Reflection on grading practices, incorporating a Growth Mindset Targeted Interventions: Individual and small groups focused on managing Stress & Anxiety Mind Up pilot program with 6 th grade students

7 Parent Responsibilities… Know your child’s:  Passwords  Social media sites/apps  Friends  Whereabouts  Grades  Social Activities

8 Tips for Parents O Talk to your child/have family time O Keep child’s cell phone/tablet overnight O Get the phone app locator O Periodically review their phone, social media sites/apps, and grades

9 Tips for Parents O Set limits to keep safe O Be a parent, not a friend O Understand your child can be at-risk O Get your child drug tested

10 Talk to Your Child How to start a conversation with your child… about stress about failure and resiliency about balance (healthy living)

11 Reducing Stress Stress is contagious…but modeling coping strategies is too! Ask “how can I help” or “how would you like for me to help” Use other emotions (uneasy, worried, anxious) instead of “stressed” Facilitate a positive relationship Spend time together Do an activity together instead of a direct approach to talking Avoid overscheduling

12 Reducing Stress Make time for down-time/unpressured play Make sleep a priority Practice time management and project management skills Celebrate the small victories! Provide a structured consistent environment at home Encourage your child to volunteer and help others Celebrate effort instead of achievement

13 Building Resiliency Nurture a positive self-view & look for opportunities for self-discovery Accept child for who they are helping them to set realistic goals/ expectations Teach children to be problem solvers and decision makers – swap “Why” for “How” questions

14 Experiencing Failure Allow children to experience failure Help them recognize that mistakes are experiences from which to learn Share your own experiences with overcoming failure

15 Instilling a Growth Mindset Recognize your own mindset Praise the process – debunk the talent myth Model learning from failure and praise perseverance

16 Creating Balance O Establish consistent routines: -Free Time -Homework -Dinner/Family Time -Bedtime O Extracurricular Activities

17 Helpful Websites O WCPSS Suicide Prevention - O DDMS Student Services Website - O American Association of Suicidology - O American Psychological Association – O Resilience Breakthrough -

18 Workbooks O The Anxiety Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Deal with Anxiety and Worry by Lisa M. Schab, LCSW O The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress by Gina Biegel

19 Books/Literature O Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings by Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, FAAP O Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, PhD O Resilience Breakthrough by Christian Moore, MSW, LCSW O The Blessing of a B Minus: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Resilient Teenagers by Wendy Mogel, PhD

20 Videos O Race to Nowhere (Documentary, 2009) O Famous Failures -


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