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Omaha Public Schools Strategic Plan Board Presentation March 17, 2014.

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2 Omaha Public Schools Strategic Plan Board Presentation March 17, 2014

3 Omaha Public Schools has a lot of great things going for it. Talented Students and Successful Alumni Wonderful and Committed Educators Engaged Community Pockets of Academic Excellence Vast Array of Opportunities for Students

4 What will it take for OPS to be a great system of schools?

5 A strategic plan drafted by Omahans, for Omaha Public Schools, to ensure the success of our children.

6 Overview Introductions Methodology Framework of the Plan Proposed Vision, Mission, Outcomes, and Guiding Principles of the Plan Implementation SchoolStat

7 Introductions Cross & Joftus and UPD Consulting Principals and Teacher Presenters

8 Methodology Needs Assessment (September – December, 2013) Strategic Planning (January – March, 2014) Steering Committee Workgroups Executive Council Meetings Meetings with Individual Staff and Research Team MindMixer


10 Proposed Vision for OPS

11 Proposed Mission for OPS

12 Proposed Outcomes for OPS

13 Increased percentage of students graduating from high school in four years and in five years Decrease percentage of students dropping out of school each year (drop out percent). Increase percentage of students “on track” to graduate at the end of each high school year.

14 Proposed Outcomes for OPS Increased percentage of students graduating with one or more of the following: Industry certification College credit for at least one course A score of 3 or higher on at least two Advanced Placement exams A score of 5 or higher on at least two International Baccalaureate exams Increased percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary education, enlisted in military, or employed six months after graduation.

15 Proposed Outcomes for OPS Increased student proficiency every year across all grades and subjects on state accountability tests and ACT. Decreased achievement gap among all student sub- groups on state accountability tests. Increased percentage of students meeting college benchmark on the ETS Early High School Aspire test. Increased percentage of students taking the ACT by the end of 12th grade.

16 Proposed Outcomes for OPS Increase the percentage of students who exhibit high engagement and high commitment to learning. Decrease the percentage of students who are absent 10 or more days. Decrease the percentage of students who are suspended or expelled from school. Increased percentage of students residing within OPS boundaries attending OPS schools.

17 Proposed Guiding Principles for OPS

18 Guiding Principle 1

19 Engaged students lead to successful students and observers found lack of consistent engagement throughout district School safety was the number 1 priority identified by community-forum participants OPS serves large numbers of needy students Need for Principle 1

20 1)Empower students to be active participants in their owneducational success. 1) Empower students to be active participants in their own educational success. 2)Ensure that all schools cultivate a welcoming andsupportive environment conducive to learning. 2) Ensure that all schools cultivate a welcoming and supportive environment conducive to learning. 3)Ensure that all students have access to comprehensivephysical and mental health services. 3) Ensure that all students have access to comprehensive physical and mental health services. 4) Ensure that all school buildings and campuses are safe and secure. Objectives to Achieve Principle 1

21 Guiding Principle 2

22 The district has an outstanding instructional framework, but critical success factors are not in place The quality of teaching and learning in classrooms is inconsistent. OPS has the fewest number of instructional hours in surrounding and comparable districts. There is a need for: systemic supports for struggling students, universal early childhood education, plan for alternative pathways to graduation Need for Principle 2

23 1) Provide access to high-quality inclusive early childhood education to all students. 2) Provide a rigorous, guaranteed, differentiated, and viable curriculum for all students. 3) Implement all components of the Academic Action Plan with fidelity. 4) Provide culturally appropriate targeted interventions and resources to students to ensure their academic and behavioral success. Objectives to Achieve Principle 2

24 5) Utilize data, including formative and summative assessments and student work, to give students, educators, and other stakeholders’ timely and actionable feedback to improve instruction and student outcomes. 6) Identify and implement best instructional practices that exist in OPS and other districts. 7) Develop and implement a pre-K to college and career framework that ensures student success. Objectives to Achieve Principle 2

25 Guiding Principle 3

26 OPS human capital effectively completes transactional work but needs to be more strategic. Principal support and supervision More effective use of PD under Master Agreement Alignment and quality of teacher evaluation Strategic recruitment and deployment of staff Need for Principle 3

27 1) Ensure that there is a highly effective teacher in every classroom and a highly effective principal in every school. 2) Provide all administrators, teachers, and instructional staff highly effective professional development and feedback for continuous growth. 3) Ensure that non-instructional staff are highly skilled, engaged, and equipped to support the work of teachers and principals. 4) Ensure all OPS staff have the necessary training and support in the effective use of essential tools necessary for job performance. Objectives to Achieve Principle 3

28 Guiding Principle 4

29 The district manages funds in silos rather than holistically. Principals have little actual budget flexibility to address building and student needs. Shifting Title I funding caused major disruptions for many elementary schools. Several areas are placing pressure on OPS budget. The current approach to funding schools does not appear to be strategic and has led to inequities. Need for Principle 4

30 1) Enhance efficiency and equity by administering a transparent and effective resource-allocation system (facilities, staff, and resources). 2) Create and maintain coherence during implementation of the strategic plan through alignment and inter-departmental collaboration. 3) Ensure that the central office provides schools and other stakeholders with outstanding customer service. 4) Redesign school-choice policies and processes to ensure clarity, efficiency, and quality. Objectives to Achieve Principle 4

31 Guiding Principle 5

32 Family engagement received the third most votes by community forum participants of any other priority. Families are engaged inconsistently and insufficiently throughout the district. However, there is optimism due to new leadership and the collaborative strategic planning process. Need for Principle 5

33 1) Respect all students’ and families’ diverse perspectives, values, abilities, and beliefs. 2) Develop mutually trusting relationships between parents and school/district staff members. 3) Increase the level of parent engagement at home, school and the district to support children’s learning. Objectives to Achieve Principle 5

34 Guiding Principle 6

35 The district lacks a framework for strategic community partnerships. Potential partners in business, nonprofit, civic, and university sectors stand ready to help the district Need for Principle 6

36 1) Develop an aligned network of governmental agencies, non-profit providers, philanthropic supporters, faith- based organizations, and colleges and universities that work strategically to support students and families. 2) Work closely with the business community to maximize resources, political advocacy, and opportunities for students. Objectives to Achieve Principle 6

37 Guiding Principle 7

38 Bilingual communication (with the community) can be a challenge for the district Isolation between departments—i.e., “working in silos” There’s room for improvement re: using technology to communicate with parents Inconsistent communication between schools and parents Lack of overall transparency between district and community Need for Principle 7

39 1) Improve both internal and external district communication with all stakeholders. 2) Provide clarity of district and school finances by employing transparent communication and documentation. Objectives to Achieve Principle 7

40 Moving from Strategy to Action Our Next Steps: 1. Prioritize objectives (where do we start?) 2. Organize ourselves to do the work efficiently and effectively 3. Develop action plans (identify the specific who, what and when) 4. Implement performance management structures to keep us on track

41 Performance Management

42 Examples of Stat in Different Places

43 The Four Tenets of Stat Accurate and Timely Intelligence Shared by All Effective Tactics and Strategies Rapid Deployment of Resources Relentless Follow-up and Assessment

44 How Does SchoolStat Work? Verify Metrics Collect Quality Data Analyze Data Performance Improvement Dialogue Develop Hypothesis Take ActionRe-measure Set Goals Create Metrics Follow Up Stat Prep Stat Session Follow Up

45 Call to Action

46 Special thanks to the following for the financial support to develop this plan: The Citizens of Omaha Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce Peter Kiewit Foundation The Sherwood Foundation


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