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PhD credits and dissertation requirements – standards and regulations Ann Peters Director Research Hasselt University Workshop on PhD programs in accordance.

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1 PhD credits and dissertation requirements – standards and regulations Ann Peters Director Research Hasselt University Workshop on PhD programs in accordance with the Bologna Process 22 February 2013

2 Hasselt University


4 Facts and figures Hasselt University  Established in 1971  Faculties  Business Economics  Medicine & Life Sciences  Sciences  Law  Associated faculties  Arts  Architecture  Engineering Technology  Revalidation Sciences  7,500 students, 900 staff members (417 PhD students)

5 PhDs at Hasselt University Guidance PhD’s: 2 important aspects Doctoral regulations Focus: quality PhD Doctoral education Focus: quality PhD student

6  Early stage (3-6 months PhD)  Promoter  Min. 2 other commission members  PhD title and project plan  Faculty’s consent  Regular meetings doctoral commission Doctoral regulations

7  Progress report (after two years)  Faculty’s consent  Quality indicators  Papers  Conferences  Mobility & networks Doctoral regulations

8  PhD Defence  Quality check doctoral commission  Faculty’s and rector’s consent  Jury formation - Interuniversity - Preferably international  Quality check jury - (Predefence) - Public defence  Diploma award Doctoral regulations

9 PhDs at Hasselt University Guidance PhD’s: 2 important aspects Doctoral regulations Focus: quality PhD Doctoral education Focus: quality PhD student Doctoral Schools

10 Doctoral Schools: Why?  Why?

11 Doctoral Schools in Flanders  Flemish Universities: 1-5 doctoral schools  structured PhD education  recruitment of excellent national and international students  European funding

12 Doctoral Schools: financing  Subsidy from the Flemish Government  for all young researchers (not only PhD students)  regulations for the use of the subsidy: - development of training (e.g. transferable skills, discipline specific skills, interdisciplinary activities,…) - career development and improvement of career perspectives (e.g. individual coaching, intersectoral collaborations, …) - increase the international orientation (e.g. stimulation of international mobility, organization of international recruitment,…) - interuniversity collaborations

13 Doctoral Schools at Hasselt University  3 Doctoral Schools  Doctoral School for Medicine & Life Sciences  Doctoral School for Sciences & Technology  Doctoral School for Behavioral Sciences & Humanities  Goal:  Framework during PhD - Quality label  Support Young Researchers - Transferable skills - Discipline specific skills - Career Development  Interuniversity collaboration  International mobility

14 Doctoral Schools: How?  Within each Doctoral School: Program developed in consultation with:  PhD students (PhD survey)  Postdoctoral researchers  Promotors  Companies and research institutes  Alumni

15 Doctoral School for Medicine & Life Sciences  Established in January 2011  Three possible degrees:  doctor in medical sciences  doctor in biomedical sciences  doctor in revalidation science en physical therapy

16  Five objectives 1. Supervision and quality monitoring - participation in international conferences - publications & patents - minimal requirements 2. Organization of a curriculum for PhD students - transferable skills - scientific / technical skills - business skills 3. Support Career Development of PhD students 4. Improvement of communication towards PhD students 5. Interuniversity collaboration & international mobility Doctoral School for Medicine & Life Sciences

17 Minimal requirements for obtaining a PhD set by the Doctoral school for Medicine & Life Sciences RequirementsComments Poster/ oral presentation 3 abstracts as first author on national or international conferences/meetings - oral presentation or poster count equally - cumulative, can be published all in one year Grant proposals Participation in writing a submitted grant proposal (FWO, IWT, EU …) - writing/submission counts but NOT success - supervisor signs standard form to confirm participation Scientific skills 3 obligatory courses: lab book taking, good scientific conduct, lab safety 3 compulsory elective technical/methods courses: select from: neuroanatomy of mice/rats, FELASA, Imaging, basic statistics... - Pragmatic calculation: 1 course = ~8h - Certificate of attendance with date and duration must be presented or organizer signs standard form to confirm participation (e.g. in case of organizing a conference) Soft skillsorganization of one BIOMED PhD symposium (or other scientific meeting) is obligatory 3 compulsory elective (verplichte keuzevakken) courses/activities: select from: presentation skills, time management, lab management, business development, IP, biomedical ethics … Teaching or organization of courses (at least 8h/semester) - Pragmatic calculation: 1 course = ~8h - Approval of the activities via doctoral school - Certificate of attendance with date and duration must be presented or organizer signs standard form to confirm participation (e.g. in case of organizing a conference) Doctoral School for Medicine & Life Sciences

18 Publications and patents One first author paper in the top 50% of the domain (requirement to be fulfilled in combination with cumulative impact factor - see field below) - according to ISI Web of Science Cumulative impact factor (IF) > 5Original papers: - first/last author (equally contributing counts) = full IF counts - middle author = IF/2 counts - in case of new journals without an impact factor special approval by doctoral school necessary Review (only one counts): - first/last author (equally contributing counts) = IF/2 - middle author = IF/4 counts Patent - counts as up to 2 impact points dependent on contribution - cannot compensate for first/last author paper)

19 Doctoral School for Sciences & Technology  established in January 2013  8 possible degrees  doctor of Science  doctor of Science: Biology  doctor of Science: Chemistry  doctor of Science: Physics  doctor of Science: Information technology  doctor of Science: Statistics  doctor of Science: Mathematics  doctor of Industrial Science

20 Doctoral School for Sciences & Technology  Ten themes 1. Publications & Patents 2. Posters & Oral Presentations 3. Scientific & Generic Communication 4. Teaching skills 5. Internationalisation & Global citizenship 6. Research management 7. IP & Valorisation 8. Seminars & Advanced courses 9. Ethics & Research Integrity 10. Personal & Career Development

21 Doctoral School for Sciences & Technology

22 Doctoral School for Behavioral Sciences & Humanties  In formation  4 possible degrees  doctor of architecture  doctor of audiovisual and visual art  doctor of law  doctor of applied economic science

23 Contact  Ann Peters  Nele Nivelle for PhD policy and PhD finance related questions  Stefanie Kerkhofs for doctoral school related questions Questions?

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