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Computer Coding With Mrs. Nelson. Your Teacher Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Coding With Mrs. Nelson. Your Teacher Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Coding With Mrs. Nelson

2 Your Teacher

3 Family

4 The best thing about me

5 Fun & Adventure

6 My Dream Mom & Motivational Speaker

7 My Motto

8 Faith, Family, & Friends

9 Schools Business/Economics, Wheaton College, IL Masters in Business Education, University of MN

10 Classes ~ I ♥ Business & Marketing HIGH SCHOOL Business Management Marketing Economics Personal Finance Careers Yearbook Computer Keyboarding Computer Applications School Store DECA DECA DECA DECA DECA! MIDDLE SCHOOL Computers Coding

11 Mrs. Nelson’s Schedule VMS - Mornings SMS – Afternoons Best way to reach me: ▪

12 Lessons Learned Introductory Coding (Computer Programming) ISD 728 Internet Acceptable Use Policy Cyber Safety & Digital Citizenship Google Docs & Email Other great stuff …

13 Grading Tynker & Digital Citizenship Assignments Assessments: Projects Quiz’s & Tests Participation: Attitude & Effort Late Work = Partial Credit (O after 2 weeks)

14 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Personal & Classroom Materials ∙Bring all materials to class including: Planner Binder (SMS) Writing utensil (non-clicky) Positive attitude! ∙Take care of all materials ∙Put your name on your materials ∙Check Mrs. Nelson’s black cup BEFORE class if you need to borrow a pencil ∙Treat school property appropriately ∙If you borrow something, be sure to put it back ∙Keep your hands to yourself - (including: keyboards, mice, chords, or computers) Pen or Pencil (non-clicky) Folder Paper Planner (no planner=no passes) Signed Internet Acceptable Use Form Internet Access after school hours Good & RESOURCEFUL Attitude

15 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Enter and Exit ∙Arrive on time ∙Sit in your assigned seat ∙Read the board for instructions for the class ∙Quietly login to your computer ∙Write today’s information in your planner ∙Walk in and out of the room in an orderly & quiet fashion ∙Sit only in your assigned seat ∙Use your resources. “What are we doing today?” will be posted on the board & Edmodo ∙Use a quiet voice ∙Keep your hands and feet to yourself ∙Straighten your workstation when leaving including: push in your chair, straighten the mouse, keyboard & monitor ∙Exit only when dismissed

16 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations

17 Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Whole Class Instruction & Asking for Help ∙Actively listen for directions and pay attention the first time ∙Listen for the answer ∙During instructions, when you are confused, ask questions for the good of the class ∙“Ask 3 Before Me” - Ask 3 neighbors quietly before asking the teacher ∙Ask for help at an appropriate time Positively participate Raise your hand to ask a question or respond during whole class instruction Find the teacher if you’ve “Asked 3 Before Me” and need assistance

18 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Homework and Assignments ∙Have work out, and begin right away ∙Actively listen for directions when they are given ∙If you are absent, check Edmodo and/or with classmates for what you missed ∙Use work time wisely, putting in your best effort the first time ∙Stay on task ∙Stay “caught up” & check Edmodo when absent ∙Communicate with Mrs. Nelson over email, Edmodo or in person if there is an issue with homework completion ∙Work silently when asked to work ∙If you need to talk, use a quiet voice ∙If you finish early, read a book, do homework, or go on academically approved websites

19 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Turning in Work ∙ Should be finished and on time (late work will be for partial credit) ∙ Keep track of assignments and stay organized ∙Have your first and last name, and hour on your work and put homework in your hour basket near Mrs. Nelson’s desk ∙Write neatly ∙Only print with permission ∙Neat work matters ∙Remove any fringes or torn paper & staple neatly when turning in assignments ∙Place papers facing the same way

20 Mrs. Nelson’s Expectations Expectations For: ReadyResponsibleRespectful Passes ∙Use the restroom and drinking fountain before class If you need to go during class, go after the instruction time Have the pass filled out before you approach the teacher ∙Wait for an appropriate time (after opening instruction) to ask for a pass ∙Return to class quickly No Planner = No Pass

21 Tips from 1 st Quarter Students Working in Class Keep working It does take some work but, it's still fun! You should try your hardest and not get behind.

22 Tips from 1 st Quarter Students Projects Always stay on task when working on a big project It is a fun class and you will probably have fun with it. You might get frustrated while doing a project.

23 I look forward to sharing this quarter with you. The End


25 Credits My Motto – Created by Tiffany Scherer

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