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RYLA 2015 December 4 – 6 The Inn at Virginia Tech.

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1 RYLA 2015 December 4 – 6 The Inn at Virginia Tech

2 District 7570 Rotary District 7570 sponsors the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Seminar (RYLA) each December. The seminar is held at Va Tech and brings together over 150 high school juniors and seniors from throughout the district for a weekend of fun and an opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills. Participants have the opportunity to hear outstanding speakers, participate in team activities, practice leadership skills and grow personally by sharing ideas and experiences with their peers.

3 District 7570

4 SPEECH CONTEST Purpose is to help teens address ethical issues that they face and develop the skills and responses to inform others of the choices in ethical issues and to relate those to the Rotary Four Way Test. Topics may include personal experiences, knowledge of ethical behavior, decision making, peer pressure, bullying, substance abuse prevention or other experiences. Students give a six minute presentation and the RYLA participants choose the winner.


6 District 7570

7 Winner receives $700 and comes to The District Conference at The Homestead to present 2 nd Place - $500 3 rd Place - $300 Last year 35 students participated

8 District 7570 2016 WINNER Tara Karnes – Skyline High School

9 District 7570 What is RYLA all about?

10 District 7570 CHALLENGING the MIND OPENING NEW AVENUES WIDENING the WORLD And having FUN at the same time

11 District 7570

12 SPEAKERS Bob Meadows - Discovering Your True Colors VT Cadets – Preparing for Leadership Kathleen Harshberger–Confidence & Self Image Alexis Ehrhardt – Servant Leadership Doug Reavis – Kindness and Compassion

13 District 7570 TRUE COLORS

14 District 7570


16 Va Tech Corps of Cadets

17 District 7570 Confidence & Self Image

18 District 7570

19 Serve First Servant Leadership

20 District 7570 Kindness & Compassion

21 District 7570 SERVICE PROJECT RYLA 2015 packaged 20,000 meals for SHN

22 District 7570 SERVICE PROJECT

23 District 7570

24 FUN !!!

25 District 7570


27 Va Tech Rotaract

28 District 7570 Why Should Clubs Send Students ? - Puts your club in your community and schools - Introduces Rotary to a new generation - Plants seeds of leadership in your community

29 District 7570 RYLA Participants should be: Be a high school junior or senior- Recommend students who have not previously attended Have a record of accomplishment in school Exhibit leadership qualities and a wish to improve leadership skills Be willing to participate in group activities

30 District 7570 RYLA COSTS (Program is completely self funded) Students - $275 Speech Contest - $50 Chaperones - $200

31 District 7570 What did you enjoy most? We learned about more than leadership Meeting new people, giving back, motivational speakers I really enjoyed Stop Hunger Now. I enjoyed learning more about myself and how to improve myself, not only as a person but also as a leader.

32 District 7570 “RYLA is one of the best things we do.“ Alex Wilkins, District Governor 2015-16

33 RYLA 2016 December 2 - 4 The Inn at Virginia Tech

34 District 7570


36 Youth Protection Policy

37 District 7570 Primary Goals of Youth Protection Policy Ensure all youth in district sponsored programs are protected from abuse and harassment Ensure all Rotarians working with youth are properly screened and certified Ensure all Rotarians working with youth are oriented with youth protection policies/procedures Ensure all Rotarians working with youth have an understanding of abuse and harassment, and are familiar with reporting procedures

38 District 7570 Points of Interest Certification Process – Page 4 Photographs/Media Release – Page 4 One-On-One Contact – Page 5 Training Requirements – Page 6 Prevention Methods – Page 9 Reporting Procedures – Page 10

39 District 7570 Volunteer Screening and Certification Screening must be conducted on all volunteers who have a supervisory role or significant interaction with youth (Youth advisors, chaperones and drivers) All district officials, committee chairs, club or district officers who may have a supervisory role or significant interaction with youth must be certified

40 District 7570 To Become Certified, a Volunteer Must: Complete and submit to a Background Check Meet Rotary International/District eligibility requirements for working with youth Participate in District or Club Youth Protection orientation or training and read Youth Protection Policies. It is recommended that each club have a designated youth coordinator to ensure all youth protection policies are achieved and carried out.

41 District 7570 Youth Protection Policy Compliance Affidavit Please sign and pass to the end of your row.

42 District 7570










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