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Freshman Parent/Guardian Night Fall 2015. Principal, Dr. Steven Scraggs Contact information:  402-557-3210

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman Parent/Guardian Night Fall 2015. Principal, Dr. Steven Scraggs Contact information:  402-557-3210"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman Parent/Guardian Night Fall 2015

2 Principal, Dr. Steven Scraggs Contact information:  402-557-3210  Secretary, Lucille Greer 402-557-3205

3 Administrative Team  Mrs. Gaye Lannan, Academic Director  Mr. Kyle Rohrig, Athletic Director  Mrs. Emili Brosnan, 9 th grade Dean  Mr. Jason Williams, Student Services Director  Mr. Andrew Karmazin, School Support Liaison

4 Let’s meet your student’s counselor  Mrs. Smejkal, School Counseling Director   402-557-3220  Assigned letter = D

5  Mrs. Kros, School Counselor   402-557-3276  Assigned letters A, I, V, W  Special focus = Careers  Mr. McCormick, School Counselor   402-557-3225  Assigned letters C, N, O, U  Special focus = Social/Emotional

6  Mrs. Pass, School Counselor   402-557-3222  Assigned letters H, T  Special focus = College, NCAA/NAIA, Records  Ms. Moriarty, School Counselor   402-557-3228  Assigned letters E, K, R  Special focus = Careers

7  Mrs. Richards, School Counselor   402-557-3223  Assigned letters J, S  Special focus = College  Mrs. Stichler, School Counselor   402-557-3224  Assigned letters B, P, X  Special focus = College

8  Mrs. Stover, School Counselor   402-557-3221  Assigned letters M, Q, Y, Z  Special focus = Records/Credit Translation  Mrs. Vander Vorst, School Counselor   Assigned letters F, G, L  Special focus = College

9 Three components of Counselor’s Role to support your student 1. Curriculum Instruction 2. Yearly Registration meetings 3. Respond **Daily-Counselor of the Day (COD)

10 9 th Grade Curriculum 15-16  Freshman First Day – Orientation with Counselors & Student Ambassadors -- August  Freshman Small Group Meetings with Counselor – through FACTS class -- August  Freshman Explorer Career Inventory – through FACTS class – September *Current career interests identified *Explorer Post career opportunities – letter mailed home  Freshman Lesson – Career Focus – through FACTS class – Fall & Spring *Career exploration – helps with elective focus in high school  Orientations for registration – through FACTS class – Jan/Feb  Registration with assigned counselor

11 How does your student contact us? Green slip, email or phone or stop in before school, during lunch or after school – no pass needed

12 Student places Green slip in Counselor mailbox-we then send pass for student

13 How to keep track of happenings Items of interest:  Calendar  Daily Bulletin  Parent Portal access – Check grades & attendance Application online or call 402-557-3204  Staff contact information  Newsletter (email blast)  And more…

14 Pointers  Stay informed  Check in with your student often  Encourage their exploration of opportunities at Burke & in Community, ie: clubs/activities/sports/volunteerism  Encourage student to pursue academic rigor, ie: career paths, Honors and AP courses  Reach out for support when needed - first point of contact teacher, school counselor, administrator  Cell phone/electronic device use - before school, at lunch, during passing period and after school All items on internet are there forever  Snacks/water – before school, passing periods, after school

15 Resources  Tutoring, Tuesday-Thursday, 3:15-4:55, Burke Cafeteria *Margaret Pass, Coordinator (Counselor)  Programs ie: Teen Center, Upward Bound, Urban League  Clubs/Activities/Sports  Social Worker-Community Resource liaison and support Anne Beacom – 402-557-3208  Community Counselor-Licensed Therapist on Burke Campus & St. Luke Church Shelly Taylor – 402-557-3285 or 402-333-8962  Student Assistance Team, SAT, Coordinator Kristi Bryant – 402-557-3200  Special Education – Co-taught classes, Resource room Joy Kusler – 402-557-3275 Information table in the cafeteria

16 Absence from school Steps to report absence  Call attendance at 402-557-3230 or 402-557-3231 to report absence  If absence is not reported an automatic caller will go home at 9:30 and 3:30 Steps to call student out of class  Call attendance at 402-557-3230 or 402-557-3231 to indicate time student is leaving  Attendance personnel will send pass to your student with the time listed to exit their classroom  Student stops at Attendance window (windows facing the Auditorium) to check out  If student returns that same day, the student stops at Attendance window to sign in *A Doctor/dentist note can be returned if absence is medical Homework request if absent three or more days  Call Mrs. Ross at 402-557-3236 - will collect work in Counseling Center  or email teachers directly

17 Credits/Grade Point Average-GPA  1 semester class = 1 credit  Full load = 8 classes each semester  Accrual & Recovery classes offered in summer school Accrual is commonly PE, Econ, Geography  GPA is determined the following way: Grade Points Grade Academic Level / Honors/AP Level A........ 4.0......... 5.0 B........ 3.0......... 4.0 C........ 2.0......... 3.0 D........ 1.0......... 2.0 F........ 0.0......... 0.0

18 Common course load each year On track indicators  9 th grade = 14 credits minimum to earn by end of 9 th grade 7 classes each semester = 14 credits for the year 8 classes each semester = 16 credits for the year  10 th grade = 28 credits minimum to earn by end of 10 th grade  11 th grade = 42 credits minimum to earn by end of 11 th grade  12 th grade = 49 credits minimum needed to graduate

19 Academic Awards & Recognition Academic Recognition Ceremony-spring each year  Academic letter award = three semesters of 3.5  Academic pin award = five semesters of 3.5  Gold Cord award = seven semesters of 3.5 Gold cord worn at Commencement National Honor Society-Requirements *Juniors & Seniors *3.5 overall GPA *30 hours of community service *Three leadership experiences *Character

20 BAC-Burke Awareness Council  President Jane King 402-699-0921  Dr. Steven Scragss - Principal  Mrs. Emili Brosnan – Dean  Guest Panel

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