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Don Juan By: Lord Byron Reciprocal Teaching. Biographical Information Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age 10. Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age.

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Presentation on theme: "Don Juan By: Lord Byron Reciprocal Teaching. Biographical Information Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age 10. Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don Juan By: Lord Byron Reciprocal Teaching

2 Biographical Information Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age 10. Became Baron Byron of Rochdale at age 10. Literary career began in 1807 – gained celebrity in 1812 w/ publication of “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” Literary career began in 1807 – gained celebrity in 1812 w/ publication of “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” Got harsh reviews = wrote satirical response = seen as rebellious mocker of established conventions. Got harsh reviews = wrote satirical response = seen as rebellious mocker of established conventions.

3 Biographical Information Cont. Became legendary due to crazy life Became legendary due to crazy life –Scandalous affairs – ½ sister Augusta –Separation from wife –Radical pro-French views –Left England in 1816 never to return Met Percy Shelley & Mary in Switzerland Met Percy Shelley & Mary in Switzerland Brought about a period of great literary productivity Brought about a period of great literary productivity Inspired by the wit and precision of neoclassical writers Inspired by the wit and precision of neoclassical writers

4 Background Longest satirical poem in English Literature Longest satirical poem in English Literature Unfinished Unfinished Popular and scandalous Popular and scandalous –Byron’s erotic exploits lay behind it Form Form –Ottava rima: English form = 8 lines of iambic pentameter rhyming (abababcc)

5 Background Continued Don Juan is a notorious seducer of women Don Juan is a notorious seducer of women Don Juan (joo un) is innocent and becomes involved only because he is so handsome (victim) Don Juan (joo un) is innocent and becomes involved only because he is so handsome (victim) Narrator = not so innocent - where the satire comes in Narrator = not so innocent - where the satire comes in

6 Clarify?sPredict Summary Four Metacognitive* Processes *students’ awareness of what they know

7 Lines 1-8 Clarification: Don Juan has just been shipwrecked on a Greek Island. This is a description of the island. Clarification: Don Juan has just been shipwrecked on a Greek Island. This is a description of the island. Question: What is tempest tost? Question: What is tempest tost? Prediction: There has to be a beautiful woman to go along with the beautiful scene. Prediction: There has to be a beautiful woman to go along with the beautiful scene.

8 Lines 8-24 Clarify: “They” in line 17 refers to Don Juan and Haidee (the pirate’s daughter). Haidee’s father is gone on an expedition. Clarify: “They” in line 17 refers to Don Juan and Haidee (the pirate’s daughter). Haidee’s father is gone on an expedition. Question: Is he trying to be funny in line 24? The line stands out from the other more serious lines. Question: Is he trying to be funny in line 24? The line stands out from the other more serious lines. Prediction: It sounds like trouble may be coming since the two are alone. Prediction: It sounds like trouble may be coming since the two are alone.

9 Lines 25-40 Clarify: Byron is using exaggeration to satirize Romantics on nature. Point out some of the exaggeration. Clarify: Byron is using exaggeration to satirize Romantics on nature. Point out some of the exaggeration. Question: What is being described in lines 37-38? Question: What is being described in lines 37-38? Prediction: It sounds like Byron is setting up a kiss. Prediction: It sounds like Byron is setting up a kiss.

10 Lines 41-64 Clarify: They enjoy one long kiss. Clarify: They enjoy one long kiss. Question: What is the purpose of lines 55-60? What effect is Byron trying to create? Question: What is the purpose of lines 55-60? What effect is Byron trying to create? Prediction: The love they share is going to have a rocky end just like the rocky shore being described. Prediction: The love they share is going to have a rocky end just like the rocky shore being described. Summary: Summarize lines 41-64. Don Juan is stranded on a deserted island with Haidee and they share a passionate moment.

11 Your Turn! With a partner: # 1’s – read –Lines 65-80 –Lines 97-112 –Lines 129-144 #2’s – record the c/q/p for the above lines #2’s – record the c/q/p for the above lines #2’s – read #2’s – read –Lines 81-96 (pay careful attention – who is being satirized in these lines?) –Lines 113-128 –Lines 145-160 #1’s – record the c/q/p for the above lines #1’s – record the c/q/p for the above lines Individually, write a summary for lines 65-160.

12 Lines 161 - 193 Let’s do these together: Clarify: Line 168 is an allusion to the novel written by Lady Caroline Lamb about her scandalous affair with Byron where she included the letter Byron wrote to her to break off the relationship. Clarify: Line 168 is an allusion to the novel written by Lady Caroline Lamb about her scandalous affair with Byron where she included the letter Byron wrote to her to break off the relationship. Question: What is being satirized in lines 177- 193? What do you think Byron’s attitude on women and the relationship between the sexes is? Question: What is being satirized in lines 177- 193? What do you think Byron’s attitude on women and the relationship between the sexes is? Predict: What do you think will be the future of Don Juan and Haidee? How will she treat him, and he her? (answer these questions in your notes) Predict: What do you think will be the future of Don Juan and Haidee? How will she treat him, and he her? (answer these questions in your notes) Summary - Summary -

13 Quiz True / False: The rhyme scheme for ottava rima is ab ab ab cc. The rhyme scheme for ottava rima is ab ab ab cc. Ottava rima is an eight line iambic pentameter stanza. Ottava rima is an eight line iambic pentameter stanza. Haidee’s attitude toward Don Juan is one of suspicion. Haidee’s attitude toward Don Juan is one of suspicion. Haidee can best be characterized as inexperienced. Haidee can best be characterized as inexperienced. Short Answer: Who or what are the targets of Byron’s satire in Don Juan? Who or what are the targets of Byron’s satire in Don Juan? What barbs are directed at the whole Romantic tradition, as exemplified by Wordsworth and Coleridge? What barbs are directed at the whole Romantic tradition, as exemplified by Wordsworth and Coleridge?

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