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Local Government and NRM ‘ Building the Partnership' ’ Presentation to the Northern & Yorke Natural Resource Management Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government and NRM ‘ Building the Partnership' ’ Presentation to the Northern & Yorke Natural Resource Management Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government and NRM ‘ Building the Partnership' ’ Presentation to the Northern & Yorke Natural Resource Management Board

2 What is Local Government ? The term "Local Government" refers to the system in which 68 local Councils operate in South Australia. A creation of the State Government Operates under the Constitution Act 1934 (SA), the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), and the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 (SA)

3 Functions of a Council Planning for the development and future requirements of the area Provide services and facilities that benefit its area, ratepayers, residents, visitors Provide for welfare, wellbeing and interests of individuals and groups Take measures to protect and mitigate from natural and other hazards Manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment in an ecologically sustainable manner and to improve amenity Provide infrastructure for its community and for development within its area Promote its area and provide an attractive climate and locations for the development of business, commerce, industry and tourism Establish or support organisations or programs of benefit people in its area or local government generally Manage and develop public areas vested in or occupied by the council Manage, improve and develop resources available to the council

4 Other Responsibilities Community Titles Act 1996 Development Act 1993 and Development Act Regulations 1993 Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 Environment Protection Act 1993, Environment Protection (burning) policy 1994 and Environment Protection (waste management) policy 1994 Expiation of Offences Act 1996 Fences Act 1975 Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and Fire and Emergency Services Regulations 2005 Food Act 2001 Freedom of Information Act 1991 Housing Improvement Act 1940 Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Natural Resource Management Act 2004 and Regulations Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 Public and Environmental Health Act 1987 and Regulations 1995 Roads (opening and closing) Act 1991 Road Traffic Act 1961 (SA) and Regulations 1999 Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992


6 Expanding Roles Council roles have steadily expanded due to - community standards and expectations growing along with economic growth greater demand for local services reductions in the size of both Federal and State public services and greater legal requirements now done by Councils

7 Councils are under pressure – too much to do, not enough resources or time to do it ➔ Inquiry into Cost Shifting commissioned by the Federal Government in 2002/03 ➔ LGA commissioned report into the Financial Sustainability of Councils in SA

8 Making the Connection Strategies for NRM Boards and Officers to better connect with local government Aim for: ➔ Understanding ➔ Participation ➔ Integration

9 Making the Connection… Respect that they are busy, competing interests with tight resources Understand the pressures, be sympathetic keep information short and relevant Walk in their Shoes

10 Making the Connection….. NRM is not a neatly defined functional area for Councils Talk their language – fit NRM into their functional areas and align with their strategic plans Know Your Audience

11 Local Council Engineering and Works Roadside veg Stormwater Culvert placemt (salinity) Economic Development walking trails Tourism (nature-based) Parks and Gardens Amenity and specific reveg Water cons. & re use Environmental Health STEDS – Wastewater Reuse, pollution Mosquito control -wetland sp. Dust Corporate NRM levy Public enquiries newsletter Building & Planning Zoning Coastal mgmt Native veg Water cons energy efficiency stormwater mgmt

12 Making the Connection… Fit with what they are doing and when Be aware of budget cycles consultation and reporting requirements planning cycles agenda and newsletter preparation cycles Fit With The Cycles

13 Making the Connection… Aim to be there for the long term – don’t be a blow in Build the relationship Recognise behavioural change doesn’t happen quickly Maintain regular contact, be a constant Be Genuine and Committed

14 Making the Connection… Understand how Council is structured and how decisions are made: Elected body (Councillors) Senior Officers General or Specialist Workforce Connect at all levels – multi-pronged approach Set up regular briefing sessions with relevant staff Attend council meetings as an observer Work towards a regular, concise and relevant report to each or regular council meetings Attack From All Sides

15 Making the Connection… Provide good and relevant support – be an extra pair of hands Don’t add to the workload Be someone they can rely on Keep offering assistance (and then deliver!) Technical resources Provide Support, Not More Work

16 Why Bother?

17 Central contact point for community enquiries – can sell NRM on your behalf and connect people Value adding to NRM funding through negotiation of newsletter/promotional space, office space, administration support, position hosting Ability to enforce good NRM practice eg zoning, planning, building controls Additional avenues for funding (eg Community Water Grants – host organisation)

18 Action and Support Vegetation Management Water and Catchment Management Coastal Management Pest Plant and Animal Control Salinity Management Tourism and Recreation Climate Change Planning and Legislative Review NRM Communications and Promotions

19 Summary – Take Home Messages 1. Understanding - walk in their shoes 2. Remember NRM is your core business, not theirs 3. Provide relevant and useful support 4. Develop trust 5. Work on the long term and be consistent 6. Build relationships on all levels

20 Success Stories Coorong – LAP Program Coastal Councils – Eyre Peninsula Barossa Council – NRM Port Augusta City Council – Thr Species Avon Catchment in WA More and more councils employing ‘environmental officers’ Some Councils restructuring to consolidate NRM functions within a single area

21 It is the same environment and the same community we strive to improve. Thank You !

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