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E te Atua Āwhinatia ahau ki te āta noho I tēnei rā Kia mārie, kia ngāwari noa Kia whakawhirinaki ahau Ki tōu kaha nui I runga i te whakapono, i te whakaaio.

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Presentation on theme: "E te Atua Āwhinatia ahau ki te āta noho I tēnei rā Kia mārie, kia ngāwari noa Kia whakawhirinaki ahau Ki tōu kaha nui I runga i te whakapono, i te whakaaio."— Presentation transcript:


2 E te Atua Āwhinatia ahau ki te āta noho I tēnei rā Kia mārie, kia ngāwari noa Kia whakawhirinaki ahau Ki tōu kaha nui I runga i te whakapono, i te whakaaio Ki te whanga, ki te whakakite i tāu e pai ai I te mārie, i te māhurutanga Ki te tūtaki i ētahi atu I runga i te rangimārie, i te ngākau hari Ki te anga atu ki āpōpō Ki runga i te manawatanga, i te māiatanga Ko Ihu Karaiti tōku Ariki Āmine

3 Tama ngākau mārie Tama a te Atua Tēnei tonu mātou Arohaina mai Murua rā ngā hara Wetekina mai Ēnei here kino Whakararu nei

4 Karakia Himene Mihimihi Full School Information Kura Tuatahi Information Kura Tuarua Information THH Gala – Whare Meetings Karakia Whakamutunga

5  Character Passports  Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Honesty & Truthfulness, Consideration, Compassion, Obedience, Duty  Breakfast Club  From 8am every morning  Weetbix & Fruit  Whare points awarded for each person who has breakfast  Environment Group  Year 7 to 13 students  Supported by Ma D’Cunha & Ta Rawiri

6  Report Evenings  Kura Tuatahi (Year 1 to 8) on Tuesday 24 th March  Kura Tuarua (Year 9 to 13) on Thursday 26 th March  Both evenings will go from 4pm until 7pm  Te Reo Classes  if you would like to join Papa Kepa’s Reo Classes on a Tuesday evening from 6pm – 7pm please sign-up with Ma Barbarich. They will begin next week if there is enough interest

7 BREAKDOWN OF FEES Year Groups:YEAR 1 – 6YEAR 7 – 10YEAR 9 – 10YEAR 11YEAR 12 - 13 Covers the cost of: End of Year Activities End of Year 3-Day Camp End of Year 5-Day Camp Extra-Curricular Fee Leadership Camp 1 x Prize Giving Ticket *NCEA Fees Cost per Student: $50.00$150.00 $262.00 Any Subsidies: If you have 3 children in Years 1 – 10 you are eligible for a 20% subsidy on the total amount. If you have 4+ children in Years 1 – 10 you are eligible for a 35% subsidy on the total amount. *NCEA Fees are $76.70 per student but if you qualify for Financial Assistance then a refund will be given to you upon confirmation from NZQA. Please note that the Utungahau Fees are due to be paid by Friday 3 rd July (last day of Term 2). We welcome gradual payments either in cash at the office or by automatic payment/direct credit. Bank account details and automatic payment forms can be requested from the office.


9  Whare Ako  During the initial implementation stages of the differentiated learning in 2014 teachers noticed students were learning with others who shared similar learning styles and interests.  Students were mixing across classrooms to complete tasks.  They took opportunities to lead others by modelling what was expected.  They also worked with teachers who shared the same learning style preferences.  Age and year level became irrelevant.  As a result we decided to mix the ages in the classrooms for 2015.

10  Classroom Names  The Kura Tuatahi classrooms are now known as Whare Ako (learning houses) 1-8. We are preparing to shift into Modern Learning Environments and in order to truly imbed a mind set that age and year levels are irrelevant. Through differentiated learning it is important that our class spaces reflect this. We have mixed the students as follows across the Whare Ako:  Whare Ako 1 = NE Y1&2  Whare Ako 2 = Y1 & 2  Whare Ako 3 = Y3 & 4  Whare Ako 4 = Y3 & 4  Whare Ako 5 = Y5 & 6  Whare Ako 6 = Y5 & 6  Whare Ako 7 = Y7  Whare Ako 8 = Y8

11  Uniform  All students must be in sandals not jandals or closed shoes  Everyone needs a hat before they can go outside to play  Netball  We are in need to netball coaches and managers for our teams  Please see Ma Teariki-Veiao if you are able to help  Duffy Books  If you have 1 to 4 year old children at home they qualify to receive Duffy Books in Home.  Please see Ma Papalii to register your child/ren

12  Ahurea  There is a compulsory Kapa Haka practice every Tuesday afternoon for all Year 9 to 13 students  We are hosting Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga 2015 on the 16 th & 17 th October  Scientific Calculator  Every child from Year 9 to 13 requires a Scientific Calculator for use in Maths & Science  If your child doesn’t have one then the school will purchase them at $20 each and these will be billed back to you.  Enrolment Bus Stop  Incubating/transience  Scholarship or referee requirements

13  Internships  Year 12 & 13’s have an opportunity to learn more about possible career pathways through work experience  Community Service  As you may know we have been taking part in the ‘Pay It Forward – South Auckland Families’ group on Facebook. We pick up goods and deliver them on Wednesdays  Your contributions to the ‘Food Bank’ have been great and we have been able to donate at least 2 boxes of food each week  We are also supporting kaumatua from Te Puea Marae by taking them to do their shopping etc every Wednesday

14 DateEventTime Monday 16 th MarchBoard of Trustees Meeting5:30pm Tuesday 24 th MarchKura Tuatahi Report Evening4pm – 7pm Thursday 26 th MarchKura Tuarua Report Evening4pm – 7pm Saturday 28 th MarchGala Day9am – 3pm Thursday 2 nd AprilTerm 1 Concludes3:00pm Thurs 9 th to Sun 12 th AprilKi o Rahi Nationals in GisborneAll Day Mon 13 th – Tues 14 th AprilNgā Kura ā Iwi Wānanga at MauaoAll Day Monday 20 th AprilTerm 2 Begins8:30am Monday 27 th AprilANZAC Day Observed – School ClosedAll Day Monday 11 th May NCEA Checkpoint Meeting6:00pm Whanau Hui7:00pm Friday 15 th May50% Payment due for Hawaii9:00am Correct as at 9 th March but subject to change

15  9am – 3pm Saturday 28 th March  Need full school whanau support  A list of items still needed will be provided to you this evening  We will split up into whare to organise rosters and preparation schedules  Please see your Whare Coordinators with any questions you may have  If you know of a business that would like to sponsor our Gala with products or financial support please see Piki Ngawhare for a ‘Sponsorship Request Letter’


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