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Volcanoes Learning Centre Blog Research Activities Videos.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes Learning Centre Blog Research Activities Videos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes Learning Centre Blog Research Activities Videos

2 Research Encyclopedia Britannica Volcano World Mountain of Fire Enchanted Learning Mangere Mountain Volcanoes of Auckland Mt Tarawera Eruption Tangiwai Disaster

3 Activities Volcano Quiz Thinkers Keys Create a wordfind or crossword

4 Thinkers Keys The Question The Alternative The AlphabetThe Commonality

5 The answer is LAVA. Write 5 questions for which the only answer is lava.

6 List 6 ways to get to the top of a volcano without using your feet.

7 What do a volcano and a tree have in common?

8 Compile a list of things from A-Z that have something to do with: VOLCANOES.

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