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Effective Progress Monitoring March 04, 2016 CASD Special Education.

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1 Effective Progress Monitoring March 04, 2016 CASD Special Education

2 Learning Target Refine our goal writing and progress monitoring skills to better meet the needs of our students

3 Allergic to progress monitoring???

4 Starting point….  Consider the goal….  Is it based on a true skill deficit?  Is it specific?  Is it written in the terms that make sense for you to measure?

5 Choosing the right goal(s)  Where are the child’s true skill deficits?  Look at ER or RR  Curriculum Based Assessments  Progress on previous goals

6 Educational Benefit  EB Review is part of district compliance monitoring  Progress monitoring is the best evidence of how we are achieving educational benefit.  Include Educational Benefit in the present ed levels of the IEP NEW

7 Writing Measurable Goals…  Goals must contain… - Condition- “Given statements” - Student Name - Behavior – “Will calculate, will read, etc.” -Performance Criteria – “90% accuracy on 4/5 consecutive trials over a 9 week period”

8 Is this a good goal???  Given grade level instructional materials, Dylan will earn a B or better in reading class.  Given an assignment agenda, Jake will turn in all assignments with less than 2 reminders from the teacher over a 9 week period.  Given instruction across the curriculum, Maurice will read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently with 85% accuracy on 8/10 trials across a 9 week period.

9 englishlanguage-arts/ Goal Bank Websites %20Bank.pdf

10 Measurable Annual Goals at a Glance ConditionName Clearly Defined Behavior Performance Criteria Describe the situation (materials, settings, accommodation s) in/with which the student will perform the behavior. Describe behavior (what will she/he actually DO) in measurable, observable terms using stems from standards. The level (how well?) the student must demonstrate for mastery: Number of times needed to demonstrate mastery. Evaluation Schedule (how often) and method, (measured how) Given…, he she will do this, this well, this many days/times, as measured this often using this. Student’s Name

11 What Are Performance Criteria How often does the student need to do to reach mastery???  words/digits/ per minute  % of time  # times/#times  with # or % of accuracy  with no more than # words  words/digits/ per minute  with “x” movement on a prompting hierarchy  with 3 or fewer prompts  independently  “x” or better on a rubric  with no more than “x” occurrences of…  with an “x” or better on “x” rating scale  with “x/x” points on an assessment checklist

12 Collecting the Data  Decide how often the data needs to be collected:  Daily  Weekly  Bi-weekly *Develop a data collection system that makes sense for you.

13 Reporting the data  It is an IEP team decision how often the data will be reported to the parent  While the general rule of thumb is “quarterly”, an IEP can reflect progress reporting more often.

14 Progress Reports…  Therese is earning a B in Reading.  Lisa needs to apply herself if she wants to reach this goal.  Julie met this goal last year.  Jill is making adequate progress toward this goal.

15 Strategy Sharing….

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