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The Great Multiplication Challenge Donald Mills, Music Teacher, Susan Novoa Menendez, 2 nd Grade Teacher,

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2 The Great Multiplication Challenge Donald Mills, Music Teacher, Susan Novoa Menendez, 2 nd Grade Teacher, Florida City Elementary Principal: Mrs Catherine Krtausch Assistant Principal: Mrs.Toddra Bunyan

3 FACE THE COOKIE 1 Minute Challenge

4 Overview of our Presentation 1.Provide Background Information a. Our Context. b. Our Inquiry Question. c. What the research says d How the Cd was created and produced. 2.Implementation, and Data a. Implementation 1 and accompanying data b. Implementation 2 and accompanying data c. Implementation 3 and accompanying data 3.What we have Learned, a. adjustments b. additions 4. Questions, Feedback.

5 Background Information

6 Title I School97% of our students receive free or reduced lunch Received a C grade for the 2009-2010 school year Total Enrollment 824 Great Administration and Staff, dedicated caring professionals who want to see their students grow academically, socially and behaviorally. Demographics 51.2 % African American 46.4 % Hispanic 2.1 % White.3% Other OUR CONTEXT

7 Our Inquiry?? AHHHH! Mrs.Magilicutty, Can I use my fingers?

8 What the Research says Research: Article: Does Rote Learning Have a Place in the Classroom? “Rote Learning Provides Content” by Diane Luby Lane Ms. Lane states that “logical deduction requires framework from which to operate.” She also states that “if you skip this step you miss a critical step in order to own the facts”. To make it an integral part of their memory to be able to use as launch pad for deeper more critical questions. classroom?... “Learning Tables by Rote Is Best Way” by Dr. Sylvia Steel of Holloway College Dr. Sylvia Steel designed a test for 241 students between the ages of seven to twelve years of age in which she found three ways that the children used to calculate. One of the methods they used was retrieval from memory, another was calculation, and the last was counting with fingers or blocks. Dr. Steel found that the fastest and accurate way to arrive at the answers for the multiplication tables was the retrieval from memory method. Dt. Steel said that the “most effective way to mastering number facts is to learn by rote.” Dr. Steel also states that children should also understand what they are doing my recalling multiplication facts using retrieval method from memory.

9 What the Research says “How to Teach the Time Tables Through Multiplication Songs” by Susan Javema Founder of Google Learning This article states that students who don’t know their multiplication tables well fall behind and lose their mathematics’ confidence because they can’t keep up with others, not because they don’t understand concepts. Ms. Javema also states that music is highly motivational, enjoyable, and cool for students and it’s a wonderful tool or avenue to use to promote knowledge of important foundational concepts such as the multiplication tables.>....>FreeLearningResources>Articles

10 Quality and Clarity Hook the students? Built in Challenge CD DESIGN

11 Beginner Level Intermediate Level Professional Level Track 1 Slow speed Track 2 Medium speed Track 3 Fast speed Track 4 Slow speed Track 5 Medium speed Track 6 Fast speed Track 7 Slow Speed Track 8 Medium speed Track 9 Fast speed How The CD Is Set Up In order with answers In order, no answers Random order, no Answers


13 Implementation 1 2 nd Grade Classroom Florida City Elementary 2 nd Grade Classroom Somerset City Arts

14 1.Students were given a challenge to learn their multiplication tables using the CDs in sequential order. 2. Students were told to use their CD at home and listened it to each track per week in class. 3. Fridays, students received a mini quiz with 14 questions according to the time tables we were working on for that week. 4. Students completed the mini quizzes after 10 weeks- started with 1’s through the 10’s. 5. A parent survey was sent home to receive feedback on the CDs and their effectiveness. 2 nd Grade Implementation

15 Parent Questionaire Surveys 26 parent surveys were turned in for all participating classrooms. Questions were answered the following manner; 1.The quality of the recordings on the CD is professional? 25 out of 26 parents said yes. 2. Did your child enjoy listening to the CD? 25 out of 26 parents said yes 3.Was the CD challenging for your child? 21 out of 26 parents said yes 4. How many times did your child listen to the CD per week? Average was 5 times per week 5. Would you recommend this CD to other parents? 25 out of 26 parents said yes. Comments were as follows: Kids loved it!, Enjoyed It!, Pattern was very helpful! Genius! A second grade parent said that her kindergartener would follow along in the car and sing to the tracks, said that her children learn best through music and she didn’t mind listening to CD in the car because it was a learning experience for them. Suggestions: One parent suggested to use something like it for preparing students for spelling bee, using letters and then making the words.. Another parent suggested to use children to sing the multiplication tracks.. One parent said it would be good to use a variety of music. Another parent thought that we should make worksheets to go along with the CD’s.


17 Implementation 2 3-5 Grade Customized

18 Implementation 2. (Customized) 1. 38 students from 3-5 grade chosen randomly 2. Students took a 49 question 2 minute pretest 3. 18 students completed the challenge, 20 students did not finish in the allotted time.



21 One Minute Challenge

22 Implementation 3 2 nd -5 th Grade Multiplication Bee

23 1.Each class received a CD to practice with for 2 weeks. For 2nd grade only the 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 would be tested. For grades 3-5 all of the facts would be fair game. 2. The students in each class from grades 2-5 would take a timed test. The top three students based on accuracy and number of questions completed would advance to the Grade Level Multiplication Bee 3. The students who advance to the Grade Level Multiplication Bee would be given a CD and a week to practice knowing that they would once again take a test, but this time they would have less time 4.The top three students based on accuracy and number of questions completed would be the Grade Level Champions 5.The Grade Level Champions would square off in the finals where we would crown the Multiplication Bee King or Queen. Multiplication Bee!!!!!!






29 What We Learned

30 Adjustments and Additions Adjustments Additions 2 nd Grade Make the weekly cd’s with only one fact per cd. Make randoms for 2 nd Grade slower Install the Cd on to classroom computers so that the students can practice during their computer time. Make PowerPoint visuals to go along with the cd. Customized Install the Cd on to classroom computers so that the students can practice during their computer time. Multiplication Bee Install the Cd on to classroom computers so that the students can practice during their computer time. PowerPoint visuals to go along with the cd for classroom use. Worksheets for reinforcement and repetition. Install the Cd on to classroom computers so that the students can practice during their computer time.

31 Questions and Feedback

32 References Cockerton, T., Moore, S., & Norman, D. (1997). Cognitive test performance and background music. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 85 (3), 1435-1438. Dana, N., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2009).The Reflective educator's guide to classroom research : Learning to teach and teaching to learn through practitioner inquiry (2 nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Jarema, S. (n.d). How to teach times tables through multiplication Songs. Retrieved from teach-the-times-tables-through-multiplication-songs teach-the-times-tables-through-multiplication-songs Luby Lane, D. (2010). Does rote learning have a place in the classroom. Retrieved from learning-have-place-classroom learning-have-place-classroom O’Donnell, L. (1999) Music and Power. Retrieved from Paget, R. (2006) The role of music in learning. Retrieved from Steel, S (2004). Learning tables by rote is the best way. Retrieved from

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