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Webquests presentation…cont Online Learning Activities Link Digital Learning Objects and websites.

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Presentation on theme: "Webquests presentation…cont Online Learning Activities Link Digital Learning Objects and websites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webquests presentation…cont Online Learning Activities Link Digital Learning Objects and websites

2 What makes a webquest different? The main critical attribute of a WebQuest is to facilitate this transformation of information into a newly constructed, assimilated understanding. Team work – roles. Ah ha! Tom March Bernie Dodge Lisa Hayman

3 Webquests and the Education Channel

4 Show me some examples! Search Best Webquests Primary

5 Secondary

6 Apply lessons from global problems to local issues Use their assigned perspectives to predict near-future outcomes of current events Argue why a particular option will succeed best in a given situation So what do the best webquests get kids to do?

7 Do I have to make a webquest?

8 "To the ship without a compass, any port's a destination." Begin with a goal. Learning should be more efficient than wandering around aimlessly and being satisfied when learning just happens to take place. Start with a subject of particular interest.

9 How can I present my webquest or activities? Blog Web and flow Zunal Filamentality m/wired/fil/

10 Filamentality Find out about the formats Start new page Add + describe links Free!

11 Choose your search tool Write a brief Add your links and descriptions Suggestions about format to use 30 day free trial then $30/year Web and Flow

12 Using a blog – use Global Teacher for your own blog, Global Student for your students Use as a container to store your links, planning, videos etc Set student tasks with the possibility of comments Write a post

13 Connect! Communicate! ePals - classrooms ePals - projects Global school net – project registry Oz projects Global Projects – Education Channel

14 Thank you! Time to explore…

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