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Global Health Teaching and Mentoring Warren Heffron MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Health Teaching and Mentoring Warren Heffron MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Health Teaching and Mentoring Warren Heffron MD.

2 2 Activity Disclaimer ACTIVITY DISCLAIMER It is the policy of the AAFP that all individuals in a position to control content disclose any relationships with commercial interests upon nomination/invitation of participation. Disclosure documents are reviewed for potential conflicts of interest (COI), and if identified, conflicts are resolved prior to confirmation of participation. Only those participants who had no conflict of interest or who agreed to an identified resolution process prior to their participation were involved in this CME activity. Warren Heffron has indicated they he hasno relevant financial relationships to disclose.

3 Goal Examine the various roles medical teachers / mentors fulfill, and identify ways each participant can provide medical education in their own setting, in a highly professional and positively motivated manner.

4 Objectives At the end of this session the participants will be able to: Incorporate medical teaching into all aspects of our global health work. Incorporate qualities into our work that make doctors good teachers and mentors. Implement strategies of how to incorporate teaching at multiple levels into the participant’s work.

5 Objectives Continued Be proactive in mentoring activities in our relationships with residents and other trainees. Involve aspects of total life growth along side the traditional medical teaching.

6 What, Who is a Teacher? ? 6

7 Learner Centered Teaching vs Teacher Centered What are the learning needs of the students? How do we know their needs? Curricular requirements Learning required by others Teacher Expertise… My electrolytes lecture in Egypt. 7

8 ANN End of a faculty development workshop I want to be the best doctor I can be I want to be the best teacher I can be I want to be the best wife and mother I can be Does a good teacher only teach her medicine?

9 Student Centered Teaching Wife Mother Teacher Other Doctor ANN

10 Individual, Small Group Teaching, Lectures Student Centered Passion for learning Content knowledge Cares about student Open to innovation Continual learning Needs of the student

11 Characteristics of Great Teachers Who was your most effective teacher? What were some of his/her characteristics that you benefitted most from?

12 Characteristics of Best Teachers Attitude. Want to teach Clinically competent Knowledge Enthusiasm Well prepared, scholarly, Oriented to and cares about the student

13 Characteristics Good feedback skills Good communicator Organizational skills Professionalism Non-judgmental Respects learners autonomy Sincerity Listening skills

14 Characteristics Role model Delegates responsibility Stimulates interest Involves learner in the process of learning Lifelong learner Collaborative learning between learner and teacher

15 Who is a Mentor ? 15

16 Mentor in Homer’s Odyssey Wise male guardian and tutor of Ulysses’ son Telemachus. Cared for Telemachus while Ulysses was off fighting the Trojan wars. Mentor taught the boy “not only book learning but the wiles of the World” A comprehensive educator, implied values as well.

17 Mentoring, Duration Short term focused Longer term weeks to months Long term to a lifetime, our parents 17

18 Scenario How Long does Mentoring last? The four generations. Norman Borlang: Nobel Prize winner. Developed hybrid corn that would grow in arid climates. Estimated save 2 billion lives. Henry Wallace, VP, Secy of Agriculture, set up research award George Washington Carver, ISU Moses Carver adopted black slave baby

19 Some Mentor Qualities Honest, transparent, a model for you Deeply committed to you A teacher Believes in your potential Helps you dream and plan fulfillment Successful in your eyes Willing to learn and accept your agenda

20 Qualities (cont) Non-judgmental Maintain confidentiality An active listener Committed to investing time and energy together Empathic Helps to maintain priorities in life

21 Qualities (cont) Non-judgmental Maintain confidentiality An active listener Committed to investing time and energy together Empathic Helps to maintain priorities in life

22 Mentoring Relationships Mutual respect Involvement in multiple aspects of life Mutual questioning and direction Coach in who each needs to be Increase mentee’s responsibility Leave it open for long term 22

23 Global Teaching, Mentoring Community Health Workers AMOS project in Nicaragua 27 communities Health Promoters Community Health Projects, potable water, school educational programs, community health education. Your examples 23

24 Global Teaching, Mentoring Students Where? INMED 35 different sites. Could find thousands. One or Many? How do you meet the needs of students? University of Cincinnati / Shoulder to Shoulder. Villages in Honduras, continuity Your examples? 24

25 Global Teaching, Mentoring Residents In His Image International Hope Partnerships International Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons Hospital Vozandes Daeyang Luke Hospital Your examples? 25

26 Other Examples Kenya, Tenwek, Chogoria, Kijabe India, Emmanuel Hospital Association Nigeria, Jos, Eku, Ogbomosha, Nepal, Patan hospital Nicaragua, started training rural community health promoters, may be future sites for community family medicine residents.

27 In His Image International Family Medicine Residency, Missions oriented teaching starts during the residency 34 graduates currently full time missionaries Consultations to help start new residencies in mission settings Faculty development and other teaching courses for missionaries

28 In His Image International Sending agency Network of family medicine residencies. Hope Partnerships International Disaster relief and teaching

29 IHII Residency Network China Macau, Haikou, Shenyang, Wuhan, Cheng Du. Kazakhstan, Almaty Egypt, Aswan Horn of Africa Afghanistan, Kabul Developing,Malawi, Lilongwe. Nepal

30 PAACS Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons 8 programs 50 residents 25 graduates 100% retention in mission hospitals Goal of 100 graduates by 2020 Cameroon, in conjunction with Med/Peds

31 Global Teaching, Mentoring Faculty Development ECFMG Fellowships STFM international fellow Workshops as part of existing residencies Departmental fellowships to visit US departments Your examples? 31

32 Global Teaching, Mentoring Medical Schools Degrees abroad Faculty positions Hospital administrative, leadership roles Starting new departments, residencies Your examples 32

33 Global Teaching, Mentoring Organizations, Policy World Organization of Family Doctors. (Wonca) World Health Organization, Regions (PAHO) 33

34 34

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