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Comprehensive Teacher Evaluation System TED 2012-2013 Robin Hecht, AFT Site Coordinator 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Teacher Evaluation System TED 2012-2013 Robin Hecht, AFT Site Coordinator 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Teacher Evaluation System TED 2012-2013 Robin Hecht, AFT Site Coordinator 1

2 2 Six local Design Teams Piloted the New Teacher Evaluation System Albany Hempstead North Syracuse Marlboro Poughkeepsie Plattsburgh

3 A New Vision for the Teacher Evaluation Comprehensive Teacher Evaluation System (CTES) Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) PAR Teaching Standards (PARTS) Process: Year 1 – Plan, Design, Develop Year 2 – Pilot, Implement, Evaluate Year 3 - Implement, Evaluate 3

4 Because of the RTTT we needed to do the following : Adoption of Common Core Learning Standards for College and Career Readiness Create New Teacher Evaluation System using rating categories and include the use of student growth scores Build data systems that measure student growth and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction : DDI and SLOs 4

5 Common Core Standards for Students Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Learning 21 st Century Skills 5 NYS Teaching Standards for Teachers Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Teaching 21 st Century Skills Evaluation of Student Learning (multiple measures of growth/achievement) Evaluation of Teacher Practice (multiple measures of practice; observation; artifacts, etc ).... As quantified through assessments aligned with Common Core

6 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Research Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Research Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered Moment in time Local or Purchase: STAR Some Variables Considered 6 SLO

7 I. Knowledge of Students and Student Learning II. Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning III. Instructional Practice IV. Learning Environment V. Assessment for Student Learning VI. Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration VII. Professional Growth 7 Aligned to the Components of teacher rubric and the SLOs and the Common Core

8 8 I ndicators Observable and measurable aspects of teaching practice “how” Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Element 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels. A) Describes developmental characteristics of students Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Element 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels. A) Describes developmental characteristics of students Standards What teachers need to know and be able to do Elements Desired knowledge, skills, actions & behaviors “what”

9 StandardsMultiple Measures Process Standard 1 and 2, 5Analyze Teaching Artifacts Pre-Conference Standard 3 and 4, 5Observation Standard 5Examining Student Work, Reflection Post-Conference Standard 6 and 7Goal-Setting and Teacher Learning Plan Summative Conference 9

10 ISSUES Current SystemsNew Systems PURPOSEPurpose is determination of evaluative rating Growth; Purpose is a career long focus on the improvement of teaching and learning –all teachers are effective teachers OUTCOMESCompliance; rarely provided feedback to drive change Accountability; Increase teacher effectiveness; improve practice; increase student achievement CRITERIAUnclear or subjective criteria Teaching Standards; evidence based FORMATIVE/ SUMMATIVE Classroom observation- based (Summative) Professional development based (Formative and Summative) PROCESSSingle snapshot of instruction Multiple Measures; Showcases all aspects related to teaching standards WHO’s RESONSIBLEEvaluator-centeredTeacher-centered Evaluator supportive of teacher learning TIMINGIntermittentRegular 10 A New Vision For Teacher Evaluation:

11 11

12 Pre-conference Teacher Role is to be the artifact (evidence) preparer Evaluator Role is as listener, discussant, collaborator, and evidence collector Estimated time 20-30 minutes During Observation Teacher Role is to teach the lesson and collect student evidence (work) Evaluator Role is to collect observable evidence with focus from pre- conference Estimated time 40-60 minutes Post-Conference Teacher Role is to present student work and reflect on lesson Evaluator Role is as listener, evidence collector, and presenter of evidence collected Estimated time 45-60 minutes 12

13 13 Meeting with Administrator Introduction (5 min.) Presentation (10 min.) Focus Question Context of Work Samples of Work Goals/Assignment Examination of artifacts/evidence (10 min.) Clarifying questions (5 min.) Participants write feedback responses (2-3 min.) Participants give warm and cool feedback (10 min.) Response and reflection by presenter (5 min.) Debriefing (5 min.)  (See MYLEARNINGPLAN Documents)

14 This is not a gotcha moment It is a tool to use to improve practice and having professional dialogue to drive collaborative teacher growth 14

15 Evidence can come from: Lesson plan design Recorded Data that demonstrates growth over time Assessments that show growth, exit surveys, anticipatory sets Materials: journals, notebooks, projects, writings, math problems Manipulatives: show scaffolding, new techniques/strategies, sprints, Media/Technology in all content areas Instructional Strategies that are 21 st century, developmental appropriate, student engaging and promote independence Student grouping: flexible, students applying skills to group task Instructional design and decision makings Student talk and conversations, projects initiated by students 15

16 16 Linking Teacher Evaluation Results and Professional Support : 2 paths Evaluation results inform Learning Plans or Teacher Improvements Plans The same description of teaching practices for evaluation are used to guide professional growth plan. (Reflection is KEY: what can you do to develop your skills in a specific area? ) The Summative Evaluation and Goal-setting ties together what is being evaluated, what the rating is, and how to move forward for the rest of the year and the next year. When evaluation and professional learning are linked, powerful and practical connections can be made between individual, building and district goals and result in greater coherence across the system. Professional Learning Plans Effective Highly Effective Teacher Improvement Plans Developing Ineffective Supportive Facilitative

17 DataLessonCCLSSTARSLO Assessm ents Teacher Standards Observa tion/evi dence Teacher Rubric Professi onal conversa tion Student/Teacher/School/ Parents 17

18 18 Keep humor in the forefront - Change presents many challenges Talk To Colleagues Share ideas and Strategies Stay Informed Ask Questions

19 Reflections, Questions & Answers 19

20  Copy of NYS Teaching Standards  Copy of August 2012 Teacher Rubrics  Data from the STAR and your SLO pretest  A plan to address your findings with your data analysis  Goals that are specific, measurable and realistic  Clear idea of the districts initiatives and priorities  Awareness of changes that will the how and what of your teaching: Common Core Standards 20

21 21 Plan/Files/10298/Placemat_New_York_State Plan/Files/10298/Placemat_New_York_State _Teaching_Standards.pdf New York State Teaching Standards

22 22 https://www.mylearning MyFiles.asp?I=72183& M=V Teacher Rubrics

23  lan/MyFiles.asp?I=72188&M=V lan/MyFiles.asp?I=72188&M=V  Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, realistic, and timely.  Goals should describe the end result of implementation of strategies and practices  The impact or outcome of the goals should be aligned with the districts initiatives or the buildings priorities. 23

24 24  What data is available to me to inform my goals?  Based on the data, what are my students’ needs?  What impact on student learning should drive my goal setting?  In addition to my results from my last years evaluation, what data is available to inform my goals?  How do the schools goals and improvement plan impact my goals ?  What skills and knowledge do I want to gain  How can I improve and strengthen my practice  How can I integrate PD startegies I recently learned into my instructional practices? What else can I think about?

25 25 Actions, steps, timelines, resources

26  Goals answer the question: What do I want to have happen?  Objectives answer the question: How do I get there.  Learning targets : after choosing objectives, translate the objectives into manageable, assessable, student friendly learning targets that students can talk about  Learning targets are derived from CCLS  i.e.. Instead of W5.2 write informative text to examine a topic – I can use important details from a persons life to support my idea 26

27  Objectives – learning targets - CCLS  Content aligned to grade specific standards  Research based strategies/ lesson delivery/pacing  All Students engagement with content/materials  All Students interacting appropriately  The use of instructional groups to support diversification of skill sets  Differentiation in lesson delivery, guided practice, grouping, assessment  Evidence of students know how to obtain mastery of lesson skill  Students taking part in making decisions in their learning 27

28  Offer to have a lesson video taped and to have the lesson critiqued to use for PD  Meet with colleagues to become familiar with the Teacher Practice Rubric as it will be used as a common reference throughout the evaluation process.  Share links  Share ideas  Share articles and resources 28

29    360 webinars including “Common Core 101: Why What and How?  Educreations : global tool to personalize instruction and involve students in creatively demonstrating learning  Android APP: Common Core : free  TED: free discussions from education mavericks  Apps 4 Kids: education, e-books, reading and games – Free  The Middle School Brain written by Richard Marshal  Teaching Smarter with the Brain In Focus written by Sarah Armstrong 29

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