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Euduction for Sustainable Development, ESD The Baltic University Programme.

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1 Euduction for Sustainable Development, ESD The Baltic University Programme

2 December 2002United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development(2005-2014)In December 2002 the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly UNESCOUNESCO: lead agency for the promotion of the Decade.

3 Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Baltic Sea region 17-18 March 2005, Vilnius Lithuania DESD conference The DESD conference was a high level meeting with ministers of education and environment organized jointly with the UN ECE, and chaired by the Swedish minister of environment.

4 4 Education for Sustainable Development Cooperation with the Ministries of Education in the BSR Baltic 21 Education Sector Portal for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) 5 teachers conferences (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008) on ESD organised together with Åbo Academy Strategic partner on ESD at CBSS Midterm DESD conference in March 2009

5 What is special about ESD? Part of it is traditional (learning about SD). In addition There is a cognitive part – understanding limits, systems thinking; it is very interdisciplinary. There is an ethical part – concern for other humans (future and present), for other forms of life (nature). There is an action-oriented part – competence to work in projects, to get things done politically, and to work with others.

6 Skills needed for the teachers Not only teaching, rather organise learning (and create a rich learning environment) Not only teaching, but facilitating Not only talking but doing, e.g. games, exercises Not only in school but also outside school (study visits and recruiting people from outside to the class)

7 How students can be active Towards families Towards the political bodies – GREEN, Global Rivers Environmental Education Network Towards business

8 The EduChange project Disseminates the EduC handbook as a resource through the BUP network Creates a university course for ESD (may include other (BUP) material in addition to the EduC handbook) Supports university-school cooperation

9 Small educational activities to foster change for SD 1.Games (BUP student games, role plays). 2. Small physical games (Linda Sweeney and Dennis Meadows). 3. Computer games (original Dennis Meadows fish bank and the Poznan BUP group). 4. Project Based Learning, PBL (various BUP experiences)

10 Solving problems and playing roles The Baltic University Programme

11 Role playing in the BUP The island – peace and conflict game, 1994 Riga Building cities, Borki 1999, 2000 Building cities along rivers – city cooperation, Borki 2001.

12 Students was divided into 13 teams. Each team prepared guide tour fellow students through the model of their country Nature Culture Societies Environment

13 General experiences from role playing The situations should be described in some detail and based on real cases. Students represent different roles (disciplines, cultures) and thus illustrates how to deal with the intercultural communication challenge in practice. In the games the students needs methods how to work with the problems.

14 Problem based learning - Case 2 Situation: At your university the costs for energy (heating and electricity) is going up and less money is spent by the Rectorat on education. Quality of education goes down. Problem: The question is how to decrease costs of energy use. Your department offers to set up a system for that. The agreement with the Rectorat is that of future savings 50 % will go to your department for its use for education. But how to carry out this programme? Roles: The head of department, researchers, teachers and students.

15 Management of National Park Educational game Computer games for ESD Drs Arnold Bernaciak & Tomasz Branka Poznan, Poland

16 Old logicNew Logic Things Newtonian Org. as machine Hierarchies Teaching Capital growth Human resources Market share Separate from nature Ideas, knowledge Quantum Org. as communities Networks Learning People growth Human relations Mind share In harmony with nature

17 Who are the actors ? Actor/ActionReso urces Poli- cies Legal rules Pro- jects Produ ction Practi- calities Life styles global x region x x nation x x municipality x x company x x family x individual x

18 ”EMS at Home” 1. Energy, reduce and save especially if fossil Turn off lamps in empty rooms, use low energy bulbs, do not leave machines in stand-by if not needed, check windows and doors for leakage, adjust temperature, use if possible green energy 2. Water to be used sparingly, especially hot water Check toilets for leakage, use regulated faucets 3. Waste to be sorted in fractions and if possible recycled Paper, burnable, organic (compostable), glass, metal, recycling of cans etc

19 ”EMS at Home” 4. Transport (in, and to & from work) Use public transport if possible, shared car use, use bike when possible, use green vehicles when possible 5. Procurement Check origin of office material (paper etc), buy CSR and/or green marked foodstuff, use detergents without phosphorus 6. Information Be sure your environmental management is visible; include basic understanding of EM in all courses

20 The BUP website consists of several sub-sites

21 Thank you for your attention

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